Oct 06, 2024  
2012-2013 General Catalog 
2012-2013 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University College

Executive Director

Director, Student Support Services

Director, Ronald E. McNair Program

150 Allen Hall  
FAX 225-578-5762
E-MAIL ucinfo@lsu.edu
WEBSITE www.uc.lsu.edu

University College is the portal of entry for most incoming freshmen enrolling at LSU. It also serves many returning students and transfer students who are not yet eligible for admission to a degree-granting senior college on campus. The two enrollment divisions of University College are the Center for Freshman Year and the Center for Advising & Counseling. In addition, a variety of retention-specific programs that focus on particular student populations are a significant part of the role and mission of University College.

Center for Freshman Year enrolls students with fewer than 30 hours of attempted credit and who have not yet been admitted to a senior college. Undecided, pre-nursing, and some allied health majors may remain in UCFY for 45 attempted hours.

Center for Advising & Counseling enrolls students who have attempted 30-plus hours of college credit and who have not yet met the admission requirements for one of the University’s degree-granting senior colleges. Other special populations are included as well. Visiting students, cross-enrolled students from other institutions, and non-matriculating students who are not working toward degrees are examples of these special populations.

Allied Health and Pre-nursing Programs – Many allied health and pre-nursing students begin their academic careers at LSU with the intent of continuing their studies at one of the campuses of the LSU Health Sciences Center or possibly one of several state and private schools offering degrees in these areas. University College provides advising assistance for these students as they prepare for the selective admission process for these professional programs.

Student Support Services is a federally funded TRIO program that serves a select group of undergraduate students experiencing income, first generation, and disability barriers to academic success. The program provides academic, personal, and career enhancement opportunities designed to increase retention and graduation success.

Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program, also a federally funded TRIO program, is a part of University College. Its primary purpose is to increase the graduate school enrollment of students, such as minority race students, first generation students, and females who are underrepresented at the postgraduate level.

Center for Freshman Year

OFFICE 150 Allen Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-6822
FAX 225-578-5762
E-MAIL ucinfo@lsu.edu
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/freshman

Every freshman student has access to the full-time counseling/advising staff. Students may obtain assistance in curriculum selection, career guidance, college study skills, and personal issues that may interfere with academic progress.

Freshmen who have decided on a field of study and who want to graduate in a minimum time should follow the freshman year curriculum suggested by the college offering the degree in their interested field of study. These curricula guides are found in the various senior college sections of this catalog. Advising assistance is available to guide students through the curricula requirements for all majors.

Students who have not decided on a field of study will initially enroll in one of the following three undecided/exploratory categories:

UNAH – Undecided with an interest in the arts or humanities
UNSE – Undecided with an interest in the sciences or engineering
UNSS – Undecided with an interest in the social sciences.

Students enrolled in these exploratory categories are expected to participate in academic and career counseling sessions during their first semester by making an appointment with a Center for Freshman Year counselor. A major should be declared by the end of the freshman year.

Center for Advising & Counseling

OFFICE 150 Himes Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-8281
FAX 225-578-8268
E-MAIL ucac@lsu.edu
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/ucac

The Center for Advising & Counseling serves both traditional and nontraditional students and allows them the opportunity to meet their individual academic goals. Within the framework of university regulations, students may be admitted to the Center for Advising & Counseling according to the following:

  • Students admitted from the Center for Freshman Year must have earned a minimum of 30 credit hours and meet the University’s requirements for continued enrollment. Students exiting the Center for Freshman Year who are in good academic standing, on University Scholastic Warning, or on University Scholastic Probation are admissible.
  • Transfer students, re-entry students, and students from other divisions of the University may be admitted for a limited time in an effort to meet the admissions requirements to a senior college. These students will be considered for enrollment based on their potential for success in a particular degree program.

All admitted students will meet with an academic counselor to develop a plan outlining conditions and duration of enrollment in the Center for Advising & Counseling. Plans may be revised based on student performance, and continued enrollment may be denied if students fail to progress as defined in the individualized enrollment plan. Students are generally allowed a maximum of four regular semesters of enrollment in UCAC. In some instances, it is appropriate to limit enrollment to less than four regular semesters.

Enrollment Options

  • Pre-degree - Students with a declared major that are not eligible for enrollment in the freshman college but do not meet the admission criteria for a senior college.
  • Pre-professional - Allied health or nursing students who are not pursuing an undergraduate degree at LSU and have the potential to pursue one of the pre-professional programs at the LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans or Shreveport.
  • Not Regularly Admitted Students - Students pursuing a degree at another college or university and taking courses at LSU with the intent to transfer all credit to their home institutions.
  • Non-matriculating Students - Students who have completed a degree at a four-year institution and wish to take undergraduate courses with no specific degree path or who are in need of meeting admission requirements to a senior college that will offer a second degree.

International students who are in the U.S. on student visas are not eligible for admission to pursue their studies as non-matriculating or non-degree seeking students in the Center for Advising & Counseling according to the regulations of the Immigration and Nationalization Service.

  • Restricted Admit - Students who have been previously enrolled in a senior college and are petitioning enrollment in UCAC as a condition of College Scholastic Probation or for students who are exiting a senior college to attempt admission to another senior college offering a newly declared major. Enrollment in this category is generally limited to one semester.
  • Southern University Cross Enrollment - Students regularly enrolled at Southern University and taking a course or courses at LSU through the cooperative agreement between the two institutions.

A University College appeals committee will exercise discretion in considering other variables important to the admission decision of students being considered for enrollment in UCAC.

Student Responsibility

Students in University College bear final responsibility for selecting an academic program from one of LSU’s senior college offerings and adhering to all published regulations and degree requirements of that college.

Ronald E. McNair Program

OFFICE 232 Hatcher Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-4321
FAX 225-578-4320
E-MAIL mcnair@lsu.edu
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/mcnair

The Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program promotes a new cohort of scholars that more accurately reflects the emergent diversity in life experiences, cultures, and perspectives represented in academia by preparing for doctoral studies those students who are first generation, low-income, and underrepresented in graduate education.

Student Support Services Program

OFFICE 150 Himes Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-2873
FAX 225-578-8308
E-MAIL sss@lsu.edu
WEBSITE www.sss.lsu.edu

Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally funded program providing services to help participants achieve academic success. The goal of the program is to increase retention and graduation rates of participating students. Students with a need for academic support who meet at least one of the following three criteria are encouraged to apply: first-generation college students, those with income eligibility as defined by the Census Bureau, or students who have a documented disability. The Student Support Services program offers a class, free tutoring, personalized counseling and academic advising, career decision-making assistance, opportunities for cultural enrichment, a computer lab solely for SSS students, and much more. Additional information can be obtained from the Student Support Services office, 150 Himes Hall, or online at sss.lsu.edu.