Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.


Renewable Natural Resources

  • RNR 3034 Field Studies in Dendrology (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 2001 . One week of field practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Review of species studied in RNR 2001 ; 60 to 70 more species of trees, shrubs and woody vines indigenous to the southeastern U.S. studied; herbarium collection required.
  • RNR 3036 Field Studies in Mensuration (2)

    Prereq.: RNR 3103 . Two weeks of field practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Exercises in designing and conducting timber and multipurpose cruises; boundary location and other types of land surveying associated with forest resource management.
  • RNR 3037 Field Studies in Silviculture (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 2001 , RNR 3002  and RNR 3103 . One week of field practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Field tours of a range of forestry practices and field experiences in various silviculture practices.
  • RNR 3038 Field Studies in Timber Harvesting (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 3002  and RNR 3103 . One week of field practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. On-site studies of harvesting systems used in southern forestry; participation in timber harvesting; exercises in time and production.
  • RNR 3039 Field Studies in Wood Utilization (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 2043 RNR 3002  and RNR 3103 . One week of field practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. On-site studies of wood manufacturing facilities; exercises in product/raw material relationships.
  • RNR 3040 Silvicultural Prescriptions (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 3002  and RNR 3103 . One week of field practice. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Practical development of silvicultural prescriptions incorporating elementary economic analysis and silvicultural principles.
  • RNR 3041 Forest Practicum (1-4)

    May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit. 1-4 weeks practicum. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Field exposure to various aspects of forestry practices; intended for off-campus field, lab, workshop or other intensive training in the field of forestry.
  • RNR 3044 Renewable Natural Resources Field Studies (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 3002 , RNR 3103 . One-week field trip. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Insight into management objectives and issues in forested ecosystems not found in the West Gulf Coastal Plain; experience gained through on-site tours and discussions with various natural resource professionals.
  • RNR 3103 Forest Biometrics (2)

    Prereq.: RNR 2102 , EXST 2201  and MATH 1431 . Principles in measuring trees, stands, wood products and other forest resources; sampling and inventory techniques; statistical inference.
  • RNR 3105 Forest Biology (2)

    Prereq.: RNR 2101  or RNR 2070 . This is an 8-week course. The general university drop/add dates do not apply. The instructor will provide students with the drop/add dates established by the Office of the University Registrar. Topics include: tree anatomy, tree growth, tree physiology, forest genetics and ecological principles specific to the understanding of forest ecosystems and sustainable management of forests.
  • RNR 3106 Timber Harvesting (2)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. This is an 8-week course, the general university drop/add dates do not apply. The instructor will provide students with the drop/add dates established by the Office of the University Registrar. 1 hr. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Methods of harvesting timber crops; logging equipment, planning, road layout, legal and social issues, environmental concerns, financial analysis of logging operations and contracts; field trips and practical exercises included.
  • RNR 3107 Wood Procurement (2)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. This is an 8-week course. The general university drop/add dates do not apply. The instructor will provide students with the drop/add dates established by the Office of the University Registrar. 1 hr. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Methods of purchasing and marketing timber crops; practicum of timber and pulpwood purchasing systems; value assessments, wood specifications, human relations, negotiations, ethics, competitive bidding; legal and social issues; contracts; records; wood storage; and global aspects; field trips and practical exercises included.
  • RNR 3108 Case Studies in Habitat Restoration (2)

    Prereq.: RNR 2101  or RNR 2070 ; 2 weekend field trips. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. The general university drop/add dates do not apply because this is an 8-week course. The instructor will provide students with the drop/add dates established by the University Registrar. 1 hr. lecture, 3 hrs. lab Principles related to the context, planning, design and implementation of habitat restoration and mitigation; evaluation of habitat restoration efforts using the case study method.
  • RNR 4001 Silviculture Lab (1)

    Prereq.: credit or registration in RNR 3002 . Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Working knowledge of a word processor, spreadsheet and email is assumed. 3 hrs. lab. Basic office and field techniques for assessing forest structure and controlling stand development.
  • RNR 4011 Wildlife Management Techniques (4)

    Prereq.: RNR 2031  or RNR 2072  and EXST 2201 ; RNR 3018 . Weekend field trips. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Wildlife science and the scientific method, generating and testing hypotheses and predictions, statistical analysis of class generated data and scientific writing. Population inventories and analysis; harvest management; methods to capture animals and determine age and sex. Immobilization methods, marking methods, radio telemetry and assessment of nutrition and condition. Use of GPS and GIS in wildlife ecology.
  • RNR 4012 Waterfowl Biology and Conservation (4)

    Prereq.: RNR 2031  or RNR 2072  and RNR 3018 . Weekend field trips. Students are responsible for paying travel expenses associated with this course. Credit will not be given for this course and RNR 7012 . 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Ecology, conservation, and management of North American waterfowl; overview of life history theory and behavioral ecology of waterfowl; methods of population monitoring and management, habitat management, and human dimensions of waterfowl conservation.
  • RNR 4013 Ecology and Management of Wetland Wildlife (4)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. History and value of wetlands, waterfowl, fur animals, alligators, wetland habitat management.
  • RNR 4020 Taxonomy and Ecology of Wetland Plants (4)

    See BIOL 4020 .
  • RNR 4022 Principles of Aquaculture (4)

    Prereq.: 8 sem. hrs. of introductory chemistry and 8 sem. hrs. of introductory zoology and/or biology; or equivalent. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab with occasional extended field trips. Principles underlying aquaculture of fish, crustaceans and mollusks.
  • RNR 4023 Marine Fisheries Resources (3)

    Survey of the biology, harvest and management of commercially important marine organisms throughout the world; emphasis on stock trends and the effects of biological and socio- economic factors on development of management programs.
  • RNR 4032 Forest Fire Protection and Use (2)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 8-week course. The general university drop/add dates do not apply. The instructor will provide students with drop/add dates established by the Office of the University Registrar. 1 hr. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Forest fire control and use; emphasis on southern forests.
  • RNR 4033 Silviculture and Management of Hardwoods (4)

    Prereq.: RNR 3002  or consent of instructor. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. Extended field trips, one weekend field trip. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Ecology, silviculture and management of hardwood forest ecosystems; improvement, conservation, and use for forest products, wildlife habitats and other amenities.
  • RNR 4036 Forest Management (4)

    Prereq.: ECON 2030  or AGEC 2003  or equivalent, RNR 3036 RNR 3037  and RNR 3040 . 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Compounding and discounting; management of a single stand, even-aged and uneven-aged management, decision criteria and decision variables, management of an existing stand; forest taxation and valuation; management of many stands; harvest scheduling.
  • RNR 4037 Biology of Fishes (3)

    Prereq.: RNR 4145  or consent of instructor. Morphological, physiological and behavioral adaptations of fishes to their environments; relationships between fish biology and fisheries management.
  • RNR 4038 Forest Resource Economics (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 2030  or AGEC 2003  or equivalent. Economic theory applied to forest resources and their utilization; structure of the forest products market, demand of forest products, timber supply and stumpage price; resource conservation and endangered species protection; taxation and government programs; international trade of forest products; demand for non-timber resources.
  • RNR 4040 Fisheries Management (3)

    Characteristics of fisheries; dynamics of exploited stocks; socioeconomic aspects of fisheries; fisheries management and research techniques; managing wild fisheries stocks.
  • RNR 4061 Special Problems in Natural Resource Management (1-4)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. credit. Credit varies by topic. Individual, independent, mentored, and directed study.
  • RNR 4062 Special Topics in Natural Resources (1-4)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Lectures and/or laboratories on selected topics not covered in other renewable natural resources courses.
  • RNR 4063 Internship in Natural Resources (1-4)

    Prereq.: permission of department.
      May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit. Each hour of credit requires 40 hours of supervised experience.
      Supervised professional experience designed to integrate academic learning with professional practice.
  • RNR 4064 Wildlife Field Study in Africa (1)

    Prereq.: RNR 2031  or RNR 2072 , RNR 2101  or RNR 2070  or equivalent, and RNR 3018 . Permission of instructor. Seminar to prepare students for field study of wildlife research and management practices in southern Africa.
  • RNR 4101 Integrating Natural Resources Management, Policy and Human Dimensions (4)

    Prereq.: RNR 2039  or RNR 2071 RNR 3004  and senior status in School of Renewable Natural Resources. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 2 hrs. lecture; 4 hrs. lab. Development of problem-solving skills for the management of renewable natural resources; application and integration of renewable natural resource management theory, policy, practices and human dimensions; analysis of management and policy decisions.
  • RNR 4103 Conservation Genetics (3)

    Prereq.: BIOL 1201  and BIOL 1202 . Application of genetic theory to the management of renewable natural resources; emphasis on fragmented populations, endangered species, maintenance of genetic variation.
  • RNR 4106 Techniques in Limnology and Fisheries (2)

    Prereq.: junior, senior or graduate standing and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 1 hr. lecture; 1 hr. lab. Quantitative techniques in habitat, water quality and fish population assessment in freshwater ecosystems.
  • RNR 4107 Human Dimensions in Natural Resources (3)

    Prereq.: RNR 2039  or RNR 2072 , 6 hrs. social science general education electives. Human behavior as related to management and use of natural resources.
  • RNR 4110 African Wildlife Ecology (4)

    Prereq.: RNR 2031  or RNR 2072 , RNR 2101  or RNR 2070  or equivalent, RNR 3018 , and RNR 4064 . Permission of department. Junior, senior, or graduate student status. Two weeks of field practice. Students are responsible for travel expenses associated with this course. Field study of wildlife ecology, research, and management practices in southern Africa.
  • RNR 4150 Forest Hydrology and Soils (3)

    Prereq.: AGRO 2051  or consent of instructor. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Principles of hydrology and soils with emphasis on forest environments. Forest soil development, role of forests in the hydrologic cycle, and the role of soil and water in natural resource management.
  • RNR 4900 Watershed Hydrology (3)

    See ENVS 4900 .
  • RNR 7001 Research Methodology (3)

    Planning, conducting and reporting of research in the renewable natural resources.
  • RNR 7006 Behavioral Ecology (3)

    Behavioral ecology of plants and animals; evolution of behavior; behavioral strategies for survival and reproduction; importance of behavior to management and conservation strategies.
  • RNR 7007 Policy Considerations for the Management of Natural Resources (3)

    Review of the history of U.S. natural resource policy to include the policy process and policy conflicts. Development of skills needed to evaluate natural resources policy. Focus on agricultural policy and public policy concerning land, endangered species, environmental regulations and incentive programs.
  • RNR 7008 Green Energy in Renewable Natural Resources (3)

    Energy derived from green sources, including wood and agronomic biomass, wind, solar, conversion technologies, gasification, ethanol, biodiesel, synthetic gas, landfill gas, manures, economic considerations, and carbon credits.
  • RNR 7011 Mammalian Ecology and Management (3)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Management, ecology and conservation of selected mammals of North America.
  • RNR 7012 Ecology and Management of Waterfowl (3)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Behavioral and physiological adaptations of waterfowl throughout the annual cycle; population dynamics and habitat management; political and economic aspects of harvest management in North America.
  • RNR 7013 Wildlife Population Dynamics (3)

    Prereq.: EXST 7005  or equivalent. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Theories of population growth and regulation, population interaction, life tables, mortality rate calculation; band data analysis; population modeling.
  • RNR 7015 Ecology and Management of Upland Birds (3)

    Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab Ecology and management of selected upland birds found in North America; students will develop a comprehensive management plan for a selected species.
  • RNR 7016 Current Topics and Techniques in Conservation Science (3)

    2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Scientific basis for the preservation of biodiversity; conservation strategies of government and non-government organizations; current status of biodiversity around the world; new techniques applicable to conservation biology; quantitative exercise with predictive demography (PVA), biodiversity at the population and community levels, fragmentation and other landscape effects and genetics of small populations.
  • RNR 7017 Restoration and Management of Wetland Functions (4)

    Two weekend field trips; one five-day field trip. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with this course. 2 hrs. lecture, 6 hrs. lab. Wetland Ecology with a focus on functions valued by society; natural history of commonly managed wetland types; fundamentals of restoration ecology; wetland restoration programs in theory and in practice.
  • RNR 7020 Ecology of Fishes (3)

    Prereq.: BIOL 4253  or equivalent. Ecology of fish populations; interactions of fishes and their environment; behavioral adaptations of fishes.
  • RNR 7029 Advanced Topics in Renewable Natural Resources (1-4)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • RNR 7036 Advanced Topics in Natural Resources Biometrics and Management (3)

    Prereq.: EXST 7014  or equivalent. Theory and practice of modeling in natural resources applications, including populations, communities, habitats and related biological, physical and chemical processes.
  • RNR 7061 Water Quality Management and Policy (3)

    See ENVS 7061 .
  • RNR 7070 Graduate Seminar in Fisheries (1)

    May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • RNR 7071 Graduate Seminar in Forestry (1)

    Pass-fail grading. May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. of credit.
  • RNR 7072 Graduate Seminar in Wildlife (1)

    May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Topics of current interest in wildlife science and management.
  • RNR 7073 Graduate Seminar in Watershed and Water Resources (1)

    May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary; consent of instructor. Critical reading and discussion of current literature and major topics in watershed and water resources relating to natural resources.
  • RNR 7151 Watershed Hydrology and Floodplain Analysis (3)

    Also offered as ENVS 7151 . Prereq.: AGRO 2051  or consent of instructor. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Hydrologic processes and principles on watersheds and floodplains; interactions among water resources, water quality, land use and management practices; hydrologic modeling of natural landscapes.
  • RNR 7424 Diseases of Aquatic Animals (3)

    Same as PBS 7424 . Prereq.: consent of instructor. Basic microbiology and/or parasitology strongly recommended.
      2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Identification, pathogenesis, and control of viral, bacterial, and parasitic agents causing diseases in aquatic animals.
  • RNR 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • RNR 8900 Research Problems in Natural Resources (1-3)

    Pass-fail grading. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit.
  • RNR 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)



  • SOCL 2001 Introductory Sociology (3)

    [LCCN: CSOC 2013, Introduction to Sociology] This is a General Education course. Credit will not be given for this course and SOCL 2002 . Major subject areas and principles of sociology.
  • SOCL 2002 HONORS: Introductory Sociology (3)

    This is a General Education course. Same as SOCL 2001  with a special honors emphasis for qualified students. Credit will not be given for this course and SOCL 2001 .
  • SOCL 2201 Introduction to Statistical Analysis (4)

    Prereq.: MATH 1021  or equivalent. Open to sociology majors; open to others with permission of instructor. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab Descriptive statistics; inferential statistical methods including confidence interval estimation and hypothesis testing for one and two population means and proportions; one-way analysis of variance; simple linear regression and correlation; analysis of categorical data.
  • SOCL 2211 Methods of Sociological Research (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  and SOCL 2201  or equivalent. Open to sociology majors; open to others with permission of instructor. Scientific methods and their application in sociological research, including problem selection, research design, measurement, data sources and evaluation of data.
  • SOCL 2255 Sociology of Sport (3)

    Application of sociological principles, theories, and methods to the understanding of sport.
  • SOCL 2411 Industrial Sociology (3)

    Social organization in industry; relation of industry to community and society.
  • SOCL 2501 Current Social Problems (3)

    [LCCN: CSOC 2113, Social Problems] Sociological analysis of major social problems in contemporary society; focus on both the institutional and personal causes and consequences.
  • SOCL 2505 Marriage and Family (3)

    [LCCN: CSOC 2213, Marriage and Family] Current issues and trends regarding marriage and family.
  • SOCL 2511 Race Relations (3)

    Also offered as AAAS 2511 . Examines relations among persons of different racial groups in an interdisciplinary setting that includes sociological, psychological, political, anthropological and historical viewpoints.
  • SOCL 3101 Sociological Theory (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Open to sociology majors; open to others with permission of instructor. Dominant theorists and schools of thought in sociology.
  • SOCL 3371 Sociology of the Criminal Justice System (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. The criminal justice system and its organizational components.
  • SOCL 3401 Sociology of Culture (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Current theoretical perspectives, methodological issues and empirical work in the sociological study of culture.
  • SOCL 3501 Sociology of Deviance (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Sociological theories of deviant behavior; sup-porting research on mental illness, crime, sexual deviance, drug abuse and suicide.
  • SOCL 3505 Poverty in the United States (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or SOCL 2501  or equivalent. Definition of poverty, its meaning, measurement, causes, correlates and consequences; strategies for its amelioration and elimination.
  • SOCL 3510 Criminal Violence (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. An in-depth study of criminal violence, including its forms, myths and facts regarding victims and offenders, and the causes, consequences and control of violence.
  • SOCL 3601 Social Interaction (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or PSYC 2000  or equivalent. Human behavior as social interaction.
  • SOCL 3900 Sociology Internship (1-3)

    Prereq.: 75 hours of course work completed, 2.50 overall GPA, written consent of department head and supervising faculty member May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. of credit. Faculty supervised field study/research with an agency or organization whose mission is considered relevant to the student’s curriculum.
  • SOCL 3901 Directed Reading and Research in Sociology (1-3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit. Student registers with a faculty member before registration to select the area of reading or research. Topic must not substitute for regularly offered courses unless reading goes beyond a standard course’s offerings.
  • SOCL 3905 HONORS: Senior Thesis Research (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 3901 ; Open to seniors who are candidates for a bachelor’s degree with honors in sociology. Supervised research and preparation of a senior thesis.
  • SOCL 3911 Research Practicum in Sociology (1-3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2211  and SOCL 3101 ; for majors only. May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit. Student registers with a faculty member and, in consultation, selects a research problem. Supervised research experience in sociology, including design, execution and reporting.
  • SOCL 4091 Topics in Sociology (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SOCL 4321 The Community (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Classical and contemporary perspectives on the community; theoretical and methodological issues associated with community studies.
  • SOCL 4331 Social Stratification (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Class and rank structure in society; determinants of social class, mobility, and changes in class position of both individuals and groups; attitudinal and behavioral consequences of class position.
  • SOCL 4401 The Family (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. The family as a social institution.
  • SOCL 4402 Modeling Communication Within Marital and Family Relationships (3)

    See CMST 4118 .
  • SOCL 4421 Political Sociology (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Social structure and politics.
  • SOCL 4431 Sociology of Education (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Theoretical approaches to understanding the roles of the institution of education, socialization processes, the linkages between education and stratification and educational change.
  • SOCL 4441 Sociology of Religion (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Nature of religion; societal and cultural factors in religion; role of religion in social change and in contemporary society.
  • SOCL 4451 Sociology of Medicine (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Sociological analysis of the structure and function of health agencies and occupations; social and cultural factors in the cause and treatment of illness.
  • SOCL 4461 Criminology (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Crime, the criminal justice system and penology.
  • SOCL 4462 Sociology of Youth & Crime (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. The sociological study of adolescent deviance and crime; the socio-demographic correlates and social psychological causes of youthful offending and the juvenile justice system.
  • SOCL 4463 Gender and Crime (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Examination of gender as a socially, culturally and historically situated accomplishment and its relationship to criminal offending and victimization.
  • SOCL 4465 Drugs and Society (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. An exploration of the net of social relations in which drugs, drug users, drug dealers and drug laws are embedded; involves critical analysis of popular claims about drugs and the development of a sociological understanding of substance use and abuse in the modern U.S.
  • SOCL 4471 Sociology of Law (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Law and social change; evolution of legal institutions; group conflict and law; influence of legal controls and sanctions on human behavior.
  • SOCL 4521 Sociology of Gender (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Gender differences in families, education, the workplace and the state; understanding the social, economic and cultural factors that shape the lives of men and women; theoretical analysis of how different women and men experience the social world.
  • SOCL 4551 Global Society (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Presents central concepts and major perspectives on international development, globalization and world poverty and income inequality.
  • SOCL 4601 Personality and Social Structure (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 3601  or PSYC 3140  or equivalent. Interaction of social structures, such as the family, peer group and school, with the personalities of individuals; processes by which each affects the other.

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