Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.



  • SOCL 4621 Small Groups (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Analysis of groups, their structure and functions.
  • SOCL 4701 Population (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2001  or equivalent. Processes that influence size and composition of human populations; determinants and consequences of demographic trends.
  • SOCL 7121 Seminar: Classical Sociological Theory (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Historical survey of sociology with primary emphasis on European (Marx, Weber and Durkheim) and early American (Mead and Park) sociologists.
  • SOCL 7131 Seminar: Contemporary Sociological Theory (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 7121  or equivalent. Current theoretical arguments in sociology.
  • SOCL 7201 Fundamental Statistics in Sociology (3)

    Prereq.: SOCL 2201  or equivalent. Introduction to inferential methods in sociological research; emphasis on interpretation and current research.
  • SOCL 7203 Advanced Research Methods in Social Science (3)

    Also offered as POLI 7963 . Prereq.: SOCL 7201  or equivalent. Survey of advanced methodology in the social sciences; emphasis on general linear model and causal models.
  • SOCL 7211 Seminar: Methods of Social Investigation (3)

    Prereq.: EXST 7003  or equivalent. Research methods in the social sciences; interplay of theory and methods of research; formulation of research problems and design; measurement and scaling; sampling; ethics in research; and critiques of social science research.
  • SOCL 7213 Specialized Topics in Social Science Methods (2-3)

    Also offered as POLI 7964 . Prereq.: SOCL 7203  or POLI 7963  or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SOCL 7351 Seminar: Topics in Rural Sociology (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary. Specialized areas in rural sociology.
  • SOCL 7391 Seminar: Topics in Social Organization (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary. Specialized areas in social organization.
  • SOCL 7491 Seminar: Topics in Social Institutions (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary. Specialized areas in social institutions.
  • SOCL 7591 Seminar: Topics in Social Issues (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary. Specialized areas in social issues.
  • SOCL 7691 Seminar: Topics in Social Interaction (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. credit if topics vary. Specialized areas in social interaction.
  • SOCL 7901 Independent Reading and Research (3)

    Prereq.: successful completion of at least one year of graduate work.
  • SOCL 7902 Independent Reading and Research (3)

    Prereq.: successful completion of at least one year of graduate work.
  • SOCL 7903 Proseminar in Sociology (1)

    Pass-fail grading Required twice of both master’s and PhD candidates. Contemporary research and critical issues in sociology.
  • SOCL 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • SOCL 8900 Research in Sociology (1-6)

    Open only to students engaged in a specific, organized research project under faculty supervision. Student must be engaged in design and implementation of research and analysis and interpretation of data.
  • SOCL 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)



  • SPAN 1050 Elementary Spanish (4)

    For students with previous study of Spanish who did not place into SPAN 1102  through the Spanish Placement Examination. Credit will not be given for this course and SPAN 1101 . Material covered in SPAN 1101  is covered in 1050. Supplementary work in language laboratory. Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Basic lexicon and structure of Spanish; emphasis on communicative language use.
  • SPAN 1101 Elementary Spanish (4)

    [LCCN: CSPN 1014, Elementary Spanish I] This is a General Education course. For students with no previous study of Spanish. Students with previous study of Spanish should enroll in SPAN 1050 . Credit will not be given for this course and SPAN 1050 . Supplementary work in language laboratory.
    Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Basic lexicon and structure of Spanish; emphasis on communicative language use.
  • SPAN 1102 Elementary Spanish (4)

    [LCCN: CSPN 1024, Elementary Spanish II] This is a General Education course. Prereq.: SPAN 1050  or SPAN 1101  or equivalent. Credit will not be given for this course and SPAN 1152 . Supplementary work in the language laboratory. Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Basic lexicon and structure of Spanish; emphasis on communicative language use.
  • SPAN 1152 Intensive Beginning Spanish (4)

    [LCCN: CSPN 1026, Elementary Spanish I+II] This is a General Education course. Prereq.: two years of high school Spanish. Credit will not be given for this course and SPAN 1102 . Credit will be awarded for SPAN 1101  upon successful completion of this course with a “C” or better. Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Review of basic Spanish vocabulary and grammar with emphasis on communicative language use.
  • SPAN 2101 Intermediate Spanish (3)

    [LCCN: CSPN 2013, 2026, Intermediate Spanish I] This is a General Education course. Prereq.: SPAN 1102  or equivalent. Continuation of elementary Spanish. Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Additional emphasis on reading and writing.
  • SPAN 2102 Intermediate Spanish (3)

    [LCCN: CSPN 2023, 2026, Intermediate Spanish II] This is a General Education course. An honors course, SPAN 2104 , is also available. Prereq.: SPAN 2101  or equivalent. Continuation of SPAN 2101 . Credit will not be given for this course and SPAN 2104 . Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course.
  • SPAN 2104 HONORS: Intermediate Spanish (3)

    Same as SPAN 2102 , with special honors emphasis for qualified students. Credit will not be given for this course and SPAN 2102 . Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course.
  • SPAN 2155 Spanish Textual Commentary (3)

    This is a General Education course. Prereq.: SPAN 2102  or equivalent. Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course. Oral and written commentary on a variety of genres and nonprint media in Spanish.
  • SPAN 2156 Advanced Oral Communication (3)

    Prereq.: Permission of department and credit or registration in SPAN 2155 . Native speakers of Spanish will not receive credit for this course.
  • SPAN 3001 Tutoring Learners of Spanish as a Second Language (1)

    Prereq.: SPAN 2155  or equivalent, EDCI 2001  and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 3001 . A carefully monitored and evaluated Spanish tutoring experience in a local middle or high school under the guidance of the course instructor and a mentoring teacher.
  • SPAN 3002 Developing Language Lessons for Spanish as a Second Language (1)

    Prereq.: EDCI 3001 SPAN 3001  and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 3136 .
    3 hrs. lab/field experiences in multicultural settings. Under the supervision of a Spanish faculty member and a teacher mentor, teacher candidates in this course will prepare and deliver second language Spanish language lessons that incorporate audio-visual materials and technology-enhanced language learning activities.
  • SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition (3)

    Prereq.: permission of department and credit or registration in SPAN 2155 .
  • SPAN 3015 Advanced Oral Communication II (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 2155  and SPAN 2156  or permission of the department. Development of listening and speaking competency at the advanced level.
  • SPAN 3020 Literary Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 2155 , SPAN 2156  and SPAN 3010 . Literary genres and their characteristics; critical reading and commentary of Spanish texts.
  • SPAN 3043 Introduction to Latin American Literature I (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3020 . Reading and analysis of representative selections from pre-Columbian period through independence.
  • SPAN 3044 Introduction to Latin American Literature II (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3020 . Reading and analysis of representative literature from independence to the present.
  • SPAN 3070 Spanish for Professionals (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 2155  or equivalent and consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Development of language skills for functioning in various professional contexts such as business, medicine or law.
  • SPAN 3071 Survey of Spanish Literature (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3020 . Spanish literature from its beginning to the 18th century.
  • SPAN 3072 Survey of Spanish Literature (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3020 . Main authors and literary movements from the 18th century to the present.
  • SPAN 3073 Advanced Readings on Spanish Civilization (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3010 . Ethnological, geographical, historical, political, economic and sociological factors necessary for understanding Spanish culture.
  • SPAN 3074 Advanced Readings on Hispanic-American Civilization (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3010 . Parallels SPAN 3073  but focuses on the Hispanic-American countries.
  • SPAN 3405 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3010  or equivalent. Taught in Spanish. Introduces students to major linguistic structures of the Castilian language needed to carry out further and more advanced study in Spanish and/or linguistics including phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax.
  • SPAN 4003 Instructional Strategies for the Second Language Spanish Classroom (1)

    Prereq.: EDCI 3136 , SPAN 3002  and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 4003 . Teacher candidates will study and participate in activities that incorporate different classroom interactional structures, including teacher-to-whole class, task-based group activities and student-to-student (pair work); candidates will design and conduct Spanish language lessons using learner-centered activities.
  • SPAN 4004 Critical Issues in Teaching Spanish as a Second Language: Capstone Course (3)

    Prereq.: EDCI 4003 , SPAN 4003  and concurrent enrollment in EDCI 4004  and EDCI 4005 .

      Teacher candidates should be in the last two semesters in completion of the requirement for a major in Spanish. Taught in Spanish. Focus on the consolidation of knowledge about the Spanish language, literature and culture with respect to the teaching of subject content to middle or high school learners.

  • SPAN 4005 Structure of the Spanish Language (3)

    Also offered as LING 4005 . Prereq.: SPAN 3010  or equivalent. Spanish morphology and syntax; structuralist, sociolinguistic and generative-transformational analyses and applications.
  • SPAN 4007 Spanish Medieval Literature (3)

    Spanish literature from its beginnings to the end of the 14th century; emphasis on the mester de juglaría, mester de clerecía and masterpieces of prose and poetry of the 14th century.
  • SPAN 4010 History of the Spanish Language (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3010  or equivalent. Origins and development of Spanish from its beginnings to the present.
  • SPAN 4034 Special Topics in 18th and 19th Century Literature (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 4053 Special Topics in Golden Age Prose (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Spanish Renaissance and Baroque prose.
  • SPAN 4063 Spanish Literature from 1898 to 1936 (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3071  or SPAN 3072 . May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Literature in all genres from the early Modernists to the Avant Garde.
  • SPAN 4064 Spanish Literature Since 1936 (3)

    Prereq.: SPAN 3071  or SPAN 3072 . May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Literature in all genres since the Spanish Civil War.
  • SPAN 4100 Women Writers in the Hispanic World (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Examination of selected periods, themes and genres.
  • SPAN 4144 Latin American Literature: 1492-1810 (3)

    Prereq.: one literature course in Spanish at the 3000-level or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Topics in colonial Latin American literature from 1492-1810.
  • SPAN 4145 Latin American Literature: 1810-1915 (3)

    Prereq.: one literature course in Spanish at the 3000 level or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Topics in Latin American literature from independence through modernismo (1810-1915).
  • SPAN 4146 Latin American Literature: 1915-1960 (3)

    Prereq.: one literature course in Spanish at the 3000 level or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Topics in Latin American literature from the historical avante garde to 1960.
  • SPAN 4147 Latin American Literature: 1960-Present (3)

    Prereq.: one literature course in Spanish at the 3000 level and permission of department. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Topics in Latin American literature from 1960 to the present.
  • SPAN 4200 Literature and Culture of Hispanics in the United States (3)

    Texts may be in English or Spanish. Selected periods, themes and genres; related cultural topics.
  • SPAN 4201 Cinema in Spanish (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Screening and analysis of representative films from Spain and Latin America and their interrelations with literature.
  • SPAN 4400 Introduction to Hispanic Cultural Studies (3)

    Prereq.: Graduate level standing or permission of instructor. Overview of cultural studies theory on topics such as race, gender, nation, sexuality and mass media as applied to Hispanic cultural texts, including literature, music, art, television and cinema.
  • SPAN 4500 Special Topics in Transatlantic Studies (3)

    Prereq.: one literature course at the 3000 level or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 4602 Spanish Phonetics (3)

    Also offered as LING 4602 . Spanish phonetic systems; corrective and fluency drills in the language laboratory; problems of teaching Spanish pronunciation to English-speaking students.
  • SPAN 4603 Applied Spanish Linguistics (3)

    Also offered as LING 4603 . Prereq.: SPAN 3010 . Structures and communicative functions of Spanish; classroom applications.
  • SPAN 4915 Independent Research in Spanish or Spanish-American Literature (1-3)

    May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit. Permission of department required. Readings in Spanish or Spanish-American literature directed by a senior faculty member.
  • SPAN 4917 Independent Research in Spanish or Spanish-American Linguistics (1-3)

    May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit. Permission of department required. Readings in Spanish or Spanish-American linguistics.
  • SPAN 7940 Topics in Spanish American Literature: Beginnings to 19th Century (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 7946 Topics in Spanish American Literature: 19th Century to the Present (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a max. of 12 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 7950 Special Topics in Golden Age Spanish Literature (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 7961 Special Topics in Modern Spanish Literature (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a max. of 12 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 7970 Comparative Studies in Hispanic Literature (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 7980 Special Topics in Hispanic Linguistics (3)

    When topics vary, May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit for the master’s degree and 9 hrs. of credit for the doctorate. Topics to be announced.
  • SPAN 7982 Spanish Language Variation (3)

    May be taken for a max. of six sem. hrs. with consent of department. Socio-linguistic perspectives and methodology in the analysis of Spanish language variation.
  • SPAN 7983 Spanish Language Acquisition (3)

    Theories and discourse perspectives in second language acquisition.
  • SPAN 7984 Spanish in the United States (3)

    Spanish in contact with English language use, variation and change; social and individual bilingualism.
  • SPAN 7985 Research in Hispanic Linguistics (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit with consent of department. Scholarly investigation guided by departmental graduate faculty.
  • SPAN 7990 Special Topics in Hispanic Criticism (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 7991 Literature and Politics in the Modern Hispanic World (3)

    Study of Spanish and Spanish-American cultural politics through its literary manifestations.
  • SPAN 7994 Seminar in Hispanic Cultural Studies (3)

    With consent of department, May be taken for a maximum of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • SPAN 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)


Social Work

  • SW 2000 Introduction to Social Work (3)

    The profession of social work; history, description of programs in contemporary American society; role of the social worker in meeting social needs.
  • SW 2500 Introduction to LGBTQ Studies (3)

    This is a General Education Course. Surveys the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) experience, existence and influence, in areas of culture, theory, and research.
  • SW 3002 The Child and the Community (3)

    Common and particular needs of children in the community; social welfare services developed by communities for care and training of children.
  • SW 3003 Skills in Working with People (3)

    Basic skills in working with people; understanding attitudes; use of community resources.
  • SW 3007 Juvenile Delinquency (3)

    Nature and extent; socio-logical and psychological factors in causation and treatment of delinquent children; how communities are organized to help troubled youth and to prevent inception and spread of juvenile problems.
  • SW 3011 Community Services and the Aged (3)

    The aged population and their needs; available resources and services in the community; assisting the aged in obtaining services; implications for the future.
  • SW 4070 Special Topics in Social Work (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Selected topics on social work practice and social welfare services.
  • SW 4099 Individual Readings in Corrections (3)

    Prereq.: 2.50 GPA, 60 hrs. of course work, consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit.
  • SW 4500 Crisis Intervention (3)

    Introduction to major theories and research that describes and explains the range and complexity of problems that may emerge from natural or other disaster scenarios.
  • SW 7001 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Socio-behavioral science base of social work practice; interrelationship of biological, psychological, social and cultural determinants of human behavior; major biopsychosocial developmental achievements and adaptations of human beings from conception through death.
  • SW 7002 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (3)

    Prereq.: credit or registration in SW 7001 ; majors only. Social science base of social work practice; social systems in which human beings develop and live; focus on research related to social interaction.
  • SW 7003 Social Welfare History and Policy (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Development of social work as a profession; evolution of social welfare policies and programs; nature of social policy and policy formulation.
  • SW 7004 Human Diversity and Oppression (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Social dynamics of human oppression; effects of institutional discrimination, inequality, stigma and prejudice stemming from racism, sexism, ageism and classism; implications of human oppression and multiculturalism for human behavior, social work practice and social policy.
  • SW 7005 Social Work Practice I (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Introduction to social work theory, principles and intervention skills common to social work practice with individuals and families; psychosocial perspectives in intervention.
  • SW 7006 Social Work Practice II (3)

    Prereq.: credit or registration in SW 7005 . Majors only. Techniques of working with various types of groups including treatment groups and planning action groups; community organization techniques.
  • SW 7007 Foundation Field Internship I (3)

    Prereq.: majors only and credit for or concurrent registration in SW 7005 . Pass-fail grading. $100 internship fee. Application of foundation knowledge, skills, values and ethics to practice in an approved internship agency. 240 clock hours.
  • SW 7008 Foundation Field Internship II (3)

    Prereq.: majors only and credit for or concurrent registration in SW 7006  & SW 7007 . Pass-fail grading. $100 internship fee. Continuation of SW 7007 . Application of knowledge, skills, values, and ethics to practice in an approved internship agency. 240 clock hours.
  • SW 7009 Social Work Research I (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Standards and methods of scientific inquiry applied in social work research; concept formulation; research design; sources, collection and presentation of data.
  • SW 7010 Differential Diagnosis (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Diagnostic and treatment tools for examining the functionality of human behavior in the context of diverse social systems.
  • SW 7200 Integrative Colloquium in Social Work I (3)

    Prereq.: admission to the PhD program in social work or consent of instructor. Broad-ranging analysis and discussion of problems and issues in the social work profession.
  • SW 7201 Integrative Colloquium in Social Work II (3)

    Prereq.: admission to the PhD program in social work or consent of instructor. Broad-ranging analysis and discussion of problems and issues in the social work profession.
  • SW 7202 Issues and Research Problems in Social Policy (3)

    Prereq.: admission to the PhD program in social work or consent of instructor. Issues and problems in social welfare policy; research focus on policy formulation.

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