Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.



  • ARCH 7002 Graduate Design Studio II (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7001 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the design of buildings in a variety of physical settings.
  • ARCH 7003 Graduate Design Studio III (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7002 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on architectural programming and the design of buildings incorporating technologies of materials and various architectural systems.
  • ARCH 7004 Graduate Design Studio IV (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7003 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the design of buildings incorporating technologies of environmental systems.
  • ARCH 7005 Graduate Design Studio V (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7004 . 12 hrs. studio. Introduction to contextual building design in an urban setting with emphasis on site and context analysis and community planning in a collaborative working environment.
  • ARCH 7006 Graduate Design Studio VI (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7005 . Coreq.: ARCH 5005 . Credit will not be given for both this course and ARCH 8000 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the synthesis of all issues addressed in previous studios in the comprehensive design of buildings.
  • ARCH 7007 Modern Architecture: History and Theory (3)

    The development of architectural history and theory from the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.
  • ARCH 7008 Contemporary Architecture: History and Theory (3)

    The development of architectural history and theory from the mid-twentieth century to the present day.
  • ARCH 7600 Seminar in Architecture (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Selected topics in architecture.
  • ARCH 7900 Architectural Studies/Research (3)

    Prereq.: written consent of School of Architecture Graduate Committee. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Selected readings and/or research under the supervision of graduate faculty.
  • ARCH 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

    ”S”/”U”grading. Credit will not be given for both this course and ARCH 7006 .

Art: Ceramics

  • ART 1661 Introduction to Ceramics: Handbuilding (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1009  or ART 1012  or consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Exploration of hand-building techniques, surface applications and kiln firing.
  • ART 1662 Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel Throwing (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1009  or ART 1012  or consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Problems in ceramic forming techniques, mixing of clays and glazes and kiln firing.
  • ART 2655 Basic Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3)

    6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Piercing, construction, cold connection, soldering, forming, and stone setting; studio problems in bronze, copper, and sterling silver.
  • ART 2656 Intermediate Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3,6)

    Prereq.: ART 2655  or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6, 12 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Intermediate studio work in jewelry/metalsmithing involving model making and the casting processes.
  • ART 2661 Intermediate Ceramics (3)

    An honors course, ART 2662  is also available. Prereq.: ART 1661  and/or ART 1662  and ART 1762  or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2662 . 6 hrs. studio. Studio techniques and issues in ceramics; continued investigation of hand-building and wheel-throwing.
  • ART 2662 Honors: Intermediate Ceramics (3)

    Same as ART 2661  with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ART 1661  and/or ART 1662  and ART 1762  or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Credit will not be given for this course and ART ART 2661 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 4641 Special Studies in Ceramics (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1661  or ART 1662  or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. of studio. Advanced studio work in predetermined area of specialization with emphasis on formulation of clay bodies, glazes and practice of kiln operation, building and maintenance.
  • ART 4651 Special Studies in Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3,6)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 15 hrs. of credit.
    Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6, 12 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Studio work in predetermined area of specialization with emphasis on a single technique, material or aesthetic research in art jewelry and metalsmithing.
  • ART 4655 Advanced Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3,6)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 15 hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6, 12 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Advanced studio work in one specific process such as: forging, forming, reproduction processes, advanced construction techniques, CAD/CAM, mechanisms, clasps, chain construction. Emphasis on historical and contemporary aesthetic in art jewelry and metalsmithing.
  • ART 4661 Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2661 , ART 2761 , and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Studio problems in ceramics.
  • ART 4691 Senior Project (3)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor, 12 sem. hrs. of credit in ART 4641  or ART 4651  or ART 4661  or ART 4761 . This course is not offered during the summer term. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Proposal and execution of a ceramics project under the direction of a major professor during the final semester of the senior year.
  • ART 7600 Graduate Ceramics (3,6)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 36 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 or 12 hrs. studio each.

Art: Digital Art

  • ART 2050 Digital Art I (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1008  or ART 1011 . 2 hrs. lecture/2 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Introduction to digital applications in art.
  • ART 2210 Creative Coding (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  and permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. An introduction to computer programming for creative applications focusing on languages useful for web development.
  • ART 2220 Moving Image (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  and permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to digital video production and editing systems; concepts will include basic compositing and motion graphics.
  • ART 2230 Virtual Space (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to modeling and animation using three-dimensional objects and spaces in a virtual environment.
  • ART 2551 Typography for Visual Communications (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor and ART 1011 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Historical overview of type and letter forms; introduction to professional typography in print and digital environments; primary focus will be applications to contemporary communications.
  • ART 4059 Digital Media Capstone (3)

    Prereq.: at least 15 hours credit towards the Digital Media-Arts minor. Credit will not be given for both EE 4859  and ART 4059. 2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. lab. Culminating capstone project experience requiring interdisciplinary teams to prototype a digital media work or application.
  • ART 4220 Advanced Moving Image (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2220 , ART 2230  and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Exploration of advanced topics in video through workshops, screenings, and selected readings on time based media; topics will also include intermediate compositing and motion graphics.
  • ART 4230 Virtual Space and Motion (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2220 , ART 2230  and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Investigation of advanced techniques and issues in the creation of virtual narrative and animation in three-dimensional space.
  • ART 4240 Topics in Digital Art (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit.
    6 hrs. studio. Studio work in a predetermined area of specialization. Emphasis will be placed on an area of research from a particular faculty member or visiting practitioner.
  • ART 4280 Digital Art Practicum (3)

    Prereq.: completion of all 2000-level digital art courses and consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. An internship or supervised learning experience at a digital art related firm or agency.
  • ART 4290 Digital Art Synthesis (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Advanced studio focused on the completion and presentation of a large scale digital media project.
  • ART 4550 Digital Imaging for Visual Communications (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor and ART 2551  or equivalent. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Basic exploration of digital photographic technology and its application in communications; topics include: scanning, image processing and manipulation, digital filtering, and imaging peripherals; emphasis on emerging technology and preparing images for multimedia applications.
  • ART 7250 Digital Art Praxis (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 24 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Collaborative research, development, and implementation of experimental digital media project.
  • ART 7255 Digital Art Seminar (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 21 sem. hrs. of credit. Creative and theoretical project critique, discussion of contemporary issues and research-based investigations in digital media.

Art: General Courses

  • ART 1001 Introduction to Fine Arts (3)

    [LCCN: CART 1023, Introduction to Visual Arts] This is a General Education course. Fundamental problems and concepts of art in the fields of design, sculpture, graphics, painting and ceramics, as related to home, community, religion, commerce and industry.
  • ART 1008 Introduction to Two-Dimensional Composition (3)

    [LCCN: CART 1113, Art Structure/2-D Design] Credit will not be given for both this course and ART 1011 . 6 hrs. studio. An introduction to two-dimensional art and design practices using a variety of materials and techniques.
  • ART 1009 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Art (3)

    [LCCN: CART 1123, 3-D Design] Credit will not be given for both this course and ART 1012 . 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to fundamental concepts of three-dimensional art; projects will explore line, plane, spatial organization, surface and volume using a variety of materials and techniques.
  • ART 1010 Introduction to Drawing (3)

    [LCCN: CART 2203, Beginning Drawing] Credit will not be given for both this course and ART 1847 . 6 hrs. lab. Drawing from observation and invented images; various drawing materials, methods and subjects are explored as a mean to develop perceptual ability and descriptive drawing skills; drawing concepts including composition, line, perspective, shape, space and value.
  • ART 1011 Two-Dimensional Design (3)

    Prereq.: majors and interior design majors only. 4 hrs. lab; 1 hr. lecture. Studio projects in visual literacy; fundamentals of the structure of two-dimensional works of art; principles of organization and elements of art; role of the visual arts in society.
  • ART 1012 Three-Dimensional Design (3)

    Prereq.: majors only. Credit will not be given for both this course and ART 1009 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of three-dimensional art. Projects will explore line, plane, spatial organization, surface and volume; using a variety of materials and techniques.
  • ART 1013 Studio Art Abroad (3)

    6 hrs. studio. Studio art fundamentals within the specific medium of faculty members participating in Academic Programs Abroad.
  • ART 2055 Digital Art II (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  or permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Introductory work in digital animation and multimedia applications.
  • ART 4020 Special Topics in Studio (3)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor.
    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. 6 hrs. studio. Directed studies with a visiting artist.
  • ART 4030 Independent Study in Studio Art (3)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. 6 hrs. lab. Proposal and execution of an individual creative research project under the direction of a studio art faculty member.
  • ART 4050 Digital Art III (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2055  or equivalent. Primarily for students majoring in art. 6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Intermediate work in digital animation.
  • ART 4055 Digital Art IV (3)

    Prereq.: ART 4050  or equivalent and permission of instructor.
    Primarily for students majoring in art. 6 hrs. studio. Advanced work in digital imaging, video and animation.
  • ART 4080 Performance Art (3)

    May be repeated for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Multi-disciplinary “live” art studio problems utilizing a diverse range of media such as drawing and painting, sound and movement and poetry; lectures and discussions on the history of performance art.
  • ART 7042 Visiting Artist Seminar (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit. Seminar with visiting artist: contemporary art, criticism, individual and group projects.
  • ART 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)


Art: Graphic Design

  • ART 1551 Basic Design (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1008  or ART 1011 . 6 hrs. studio. Basic design projects that investigate form and the delineation of space within a two-dimensional field; emphasis on hand skills and traditional design media.
  • ART 2544 Letter Forms (3)

    An honors course, ART 2545  is also available. Prereq.: ART 1011  and permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2545 . 6 hrs. studio. Drawn letter form studies; traditional and contemporary variations.
  • ART 2545 Honors: Letter Forms (3)

    Same as ART 2544 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ART 1011  and permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2544 . 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 2552 Color Design (3)

    [LCCN: CART 2303, Color Theory] Prereq.: ART 1011  and permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Color as a functional design element of perception and visual communication.
  • ART 2554 Graphic Design I (3)

    An honors course, ART 2555 , is also available. Prereq.: ART 1011  and permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2555 . 6 hrs. studio. Professional procedures for solving design problems from first ideas through finished presentations; emphasis on the integration of letter forms and graphics.
  • ART 2555 Honors: Graphic Design I (3)

    Same as ART 2554 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ART 1011  and permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2554 . 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 2564 Graphic Abstraction (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1011  and permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Simplification of pictorial images as graphic elements.
  • ART 4514 Experimental Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Advanced experimental work in a predetermined area of graphic design.
  • ART 4526 Prepress Production Techniques (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Studio techniques related to production problems in the graphic design profession; typesetting methods; primary printing processes, mechanical and digital systems.
  • ART 4527 Applied Typography (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Developing and understanding typographic skills through functional and aesthetic use of type and its application within the digital environment.
  • ART 4541 Special Studies in Graphic Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Advanced work in a predetermined area of specialization.
  • ART 4551 Graphic Design II (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Problems in design related to the professional design field; methods of reproduction, exhibition techniques and digital applications.
  • ART 4553 Digital Imaging Techniques (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Digital imaging technology and its application in art and design areas; scanning, image processing, manipulation, digital filtering and imaging peripherals; emphasis on digital imaging aesthetics, emerging technology and preparing images for printed and multimedia applications.
  • ART 4555 Graphic Design III (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Principles of visual communication through graphic design; problems in design theory and application.
  • ART 4560 Interactive Media for Visual Communications (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor and ART 4550  or equivalent. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Basic application of interactive digital technology: design and application of Internet-based communications, hypermedia language, virtual reality, sound and visual synchronization, communications standards, emerging technologies and multimedia; special focus on the study and application of interactive multimedia theory.
  • ART 4561 Survey of Graphic Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Overview of graphic design, covering its development from its inception to the present; its relationship to other arts; and the cultural influences and technological advances that have shaped its present role in the field of visual communications.
  • ART 4564 Senior Graphic Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May not be taken concurrently with ART 4555 . This course is not offered during the summer term. 6 hrs. studio. Design projects investigating problems of visual communication; individual and group projects with professional-level presentations.
  • ART 4567 Interactive Multimedia Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Application of interactive computer graphics technology for art and design; design and application of CD-ROM, video disks, Internet-based communication, hypermedia language, virtual reality, sound and visual synchronization, communication standards, emerging technologies and multimedia; emphasis on study and application of interactive multimedia design theory.
  • ART 4574 Graphic Design Synthesis (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Project or internship approved by graphic design faculty committee.
  • ART 7500 Graduate Graphic Design (3,6)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 36 sem. hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6 or 12 hrs. studio each.
  • ART 7553 Graduate Research in Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 7554 Graduate Research in Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 7556 Graduate Research in Design (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio.

Art: Painting and Drawing

  • ART 1847 Drawing and Composition (3)

    Prereq.: majors and Interior Design majors or permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for both this course and ART 1010 . 6 hrs. studio. Basic principles of observation; emphasis on graphic analysis and delineation of spatial structure.
  • ART 1848 Beginning Figure Drawing (3)

    [LCCN: CART 2213, Figure Drawing] Prereq.: ART 1010  or ART 1847  or permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Studies from the live model; introduction of graphic representation, structure and form.
  • ART 1849 Introduction to Painting (3)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Basic studio practice and theory in painting; traditional and modern materials and terminology; value and color experiences involving simple forms and space.
  • ART 2800 Honors: Painting II (3)

    Same as ART 2881 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ART 1849  or permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2881 . 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 2879 Figure Drawing II (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1848 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Continuing studies in life drawing.
  • ART 2881 Painting II (3)

    An honors course, ART 2800  is also available. Prereq.: ART 1849  or permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2800 . 6 hrs. studio. Studio problems in painting directed toward conceptual attitudes, analysis of structure and color in composition; individual criticism, class discussion.
  • ART 2882 Abstract Painting (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1849  or permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Studio approaches to abstraction; individual criticism, class discussion.
  • ART 2883 Water Media Painting (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1847  or ART 1010  or permission of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Objects and landscape; composition in water-soluble media on paper.
  • ART 4800 Senior Project Painting (3)

    Prereq.: majors only, ART 4881  and ART 4889 . 6 hrs. studio. Proposal and execution of a painting project under the direction of a major professor.
  • ART 4841 Special Studies in Painting and Drawing (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6 hrs. of studio. Advanced studio work in a predetermined area of specialization.
  • ART 4880 Figure Painting (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 2881 . May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Studies from the life model.
  • ART 4881 Painting III (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 2881 . May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Contemporary concepts in painting; individual criticism, class discussion.
  • ART 4882 Advanced Water Media Painting (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2883 . May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Advanced studio work in water-soluble media on paper.
  • ART 4884 Painting IV (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 4881 . May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Research into advanced visual schema through self-initiated studio problems.
  • ART 4886 Landscape Painting (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 2881 . 6 hrs. studio. On-location and studio development of the landscape.
  • ART 4887 Advanced Figure Drawing III (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 2879  or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Study of the human figure using various media.
  • ART 4889 Advanced Drawing Workshop (3)

    Prereq.: 9 sem. hrs. of drawing or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit. 6 hrs. studio. Directed studies for the advanced student.
  • ART 7800 Graduate Painting (3,6)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 36 sem. hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6 or 12 hrs.
  • ART 7881 Painting Seminar (3)

    Prereq.: students currently enrolled in the graduate painting program. Pass/fail grading. May be taken for a max. of 18 sem. hrs. of credit. 3 hrs. seminar. Discussion of formal and conceptual issues related to the medium.

Art: Photography

  • ART 2995 Basic Photography (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1008  or ART 1011 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Basic concepts and techniques of black and white photography; emphasis on photography as a visual art.
  • ART 2996 Intermediate Photography (3)

    An honors course, ART 2997 , is also available. Prereq.: ART 2995  and permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2997 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Continued investigation of basic photographic principles, utilizing specific subject areas drawn from major themes in visual art.
  • ART 2997 Honors: Intermediate Photography (3)

    Same as ART 2996 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ART 2995  and permission of instructor. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2996 . 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 3994 Advanced Photography (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2996  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Technical investigation of contemporary materials; critical testing of equipment, films and printing papers; emphasis on process control as an expressive tool.
  • ART 3996 Digital Color Photography I (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2996  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to color theory, color perception, and contemporary digital color printing materials and tools.
  • ART 4941 Special Studies in Photography (3)

    Prereq.: ART 3994  or ART 3996  and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Individual creative research in a predetermined area of specialization.
  • ART 4994 Large Format Photography (3)

    Prereq.: ART 3994  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Fundamentals of the view camera.

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