Sep 27, 2024  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.



  • THTR 7527 Advanced Costume Technology IV (3)

    Prereq.: admission to MFA design technology program or consent of instructor. (IV) Emphasis on costume accessories including millinery, footwear, armor and jewelry.
  • THTR 7601 Scene Shop Technologies and Theatre Safety I: Woodworking (3)

    Introduction to traditional and modern materials (primarily wood and plastic products); construction tools; techniques for executing theatrical constructs; shop organization and management; theatre safety; and occupational health.
  • THTR 7602 Scene Shop Technologies and Theatre Safety II: Metalworking (3)

    Introduction to traditional and modern materials (primarily metal products); construction tools; techniques for executing theatrical constructs; shop organization and management; theatre safety; and occupational health are covered.
  • THTR 7610 Structural Design for the Stage I (3)

    Develops student understanding and skills for analyzing loading conditions on scenic elements and engineering a structural design for executing these elements.
  • THTR 7611 Structural Design for the Stage II (3)

    Prereq.: THTR 7610 . Continuation of the concepts presented in THTR 7610  .
  • THTR 7615 Theatrical Production Planning (3)

    The management of the theatrical production process. Investigation of the labor and material cost budgeting for each of the production areas.
  • THTR 7618 Entertainment Rigging (3)

    Introduction to traditional rigging techniques for the stage, arena and outdoor venues.
  • THTR 7620 Stage Machinery Physics (3)

    Examination of Newtonian dynamics to aid in determining the behavior of moving scenery. Understanding how the components of a stage machine system are specified to withstand the forces encountered.
  • THTR 7622 Scenery Automation (3)

    Prereq.: THTR 7620 . 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Examination of scenery control systems, including PLC programming, positioning control, software and all in-one control systems.
  • THTR 7623 Theatre Technology Seminar IA (3)

    Prereq.: admission to MFA design technology program. Advanced techniques used on stage and in the scene shop.
  • THTR 7626 Theatre Technology Seminar IIB (3)

    Prereq.: admission to the MFA design technology program. Emphasis on roles and responsibilities of the technical director and on preparation to enter the professional world.
  • THTR 7630 Directed Professional Internship (1-12)

    Prereq.: third-year status in theatre MFA program. Pass-fail grading. 2-24 hrs. lab. A theatre-related internship with a professional organization or business (lighting manufacturer, professional theatre, computer company).
  • THTR 7801 Properties I (3)

    Prereq.: admission to MFA in Theatre program or consent of instructor. 1 hr. lecture; 4 hrs. lab. A detailed examination of basic materials, techniques and procedures used by the designer and technician in the construction of stage properties.
  • THTR 7802 Properties II (3)

    Prereq.: THTR 7801 , admission to MFA in Theatre program or consent of instructor. 1 hr. lecture; 4 hrs. lab. A continuation of the concepts presented in THTR 7801 .
  • THTR 7821 Furniture and Woodworking I (3)

    Prereq.: admission to MFA in Theatre program or consent of instructor. 1 hr. lecture; 4 hrs. lab. Advanced studies in woodworking technologies including materials, construction techniques and styles. Care and repair of furniture is included in the curriculum.
  • THTR 7822 Furniture and Woodworking II (3)

    Prereq.: THTR 7821 , admission to MFA in Theatre program or consent of instructor. 1 hr. lecture; 4 hrs. lab. Continuation of the concepts presented in THTR 7821 .
  • THTR 7831 Advanced Properties I (3)

    Prereq.: THTR 7801  and THTR 7802 . Engagement in projects that occur in productions under construction.
  • THTR 7832 Advanced Properties II (3)

    Prereq.: THTR 7831 . Continuation of concepts covered in THTR 7831 .
  • THTR 7900 Introduction to Graduate Study in Theatre (3)

    Prereq.: admission to the MA/PhD program in theatre. Research and bibliographic skills for students of theatre history, dramatic literature, theory and criticism.
  • THTR 7901 Issues in Ancient Theatre and Performance (3)

    Survey of issues related to history, dramatic literature and theatre criticism of the Ancient World, including Greece, Rome and Asia.
  • THTR 7902 Issues in Medieval and Renaissance Theatre and Performance (3)

    Survey of issues related to history, dramatic literature and theatre criticism found in Medieval and Renaissance Europe, Asia and Americas.
  • THTR 7903 Issues in 17th and 18th Century Theatre and Performance (3)

    Survey of issues related to history, dramatic literature and theatre criticism founded in 17th and 18th century Europe, America and Asia.
  • THTR 7904 Issues in 19th Century Theatre and Performance (3)

    Survey of issues related to history, dramatic literature and theatre criticism found in 19th century Europe, America and Asia.
  • THTR 7912 20th Century First-Wave Avant-Garde Drama and Performance (3)

    Survey of dramatic and performance practices in the first half of the twentieth century with emphasis on European and American first-wave avant-garde.
  • THTR 7913 Seminar in American Drama: 18th Century to the Present (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • THTR 7914 Drama and Performance: World War II to the Millennium (3)

    Survey of world performance and drama traditions from the end of World War II to the end of the twentieth century.
  • THTR 7920 Seminar in Drama of the African Diaspora (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. credit when topics vary. Contextualizing forms and expressions of drama in the black cultures of the African diaspora in the New World.
  • THTR 7922 Seminar: Performance Theories and Criticism (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • THTR 7923 Seminar in Gender, Sexuality and Performance (3)

    Survey of practical and theoretical approaches, attitudes, and debates regarding issues of gender and sexuality as they relate to performance.
  • THTR 7924 Seminar: Evolution of Dramatic Theory (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Major concepts of dramatic theory and practice in classical, medieval and Renaissance periods.
  • THTR 7925 Seminar: Evolution of Dramatic Theory (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Major concepts of dramatic theory and practice in the European and American modern period.
  • THTR 7926 Seminar in African Drama and Theatre (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 credit hours when topics vary. Comparative study of the form and expressions of drama among the various cultures of Africa.
  • THTR 7929 Independent Research: Theatre (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation.
  • THTR 7930 Theatre Production (1-12)

    Prereq.: admission to MFA theatre program. 2-24 hrs. lab. Major acting, directing, design or technical responsibility for one or more LSU productions.
  • THTR 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • THTR 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


University College

  • UC 0006 Study Skills (2)

    Pass-no credit grading For students in Student Support Services Program only. Not for degree credit. Permission of instructor. Basic learning principles; includes time management, goal setting, note-taking, listening skills, reading, theme and report writing, memory and analyzing study problems.
  • UC 0050 Introduction to Mentoring, Education and Research (2)

    Pass-no credit grading. May be taken for a maximum of 4 semester hours of credit. For first-year students in HHMI Professors Program or LA-STEM Research Scholars Program only. Not for degree credit. Students will be mentored as they prepare to become mentors and researchers. Introduction to college success tools, including learning strategies, time management and organization.
  • UC 0060 Pursuing Mentoring, Education and Research (2)

    Prereq.: UC 0050  or permission of instructor. Pass-no credit grading. May be taken for a maximum of 4 semester hours of credit. For second-year students in the HHMI Professors Program or LA-STEM Research Scholars Program only. Not for degree credit. Students continue to implement the college success tools gained in UC 0050  and will gain skills needed to obtain research. Students will assess various applications of terminal degrees in their chosen discipline and will engage in peer mentoring.
  • UC 0070 Success in Mentoring, Education and Research (2)

    Prereq.: UC 0060  or permission of instructor. Pass-no credit grading. May be taken for a maximum of 4 semester hours of credit. For third-year students in HHMI Professors Program or LA-STEM Research Scholars Program only. Not for degree credit. Students will gain skills needed for graduate school marketability and preparation and will expand their mentoring projects and community involvement, engaging in peer mentoring.
  • UC 0080 Advancing in Mentoring, Education and Research (1)

    Prereq.: UC 0070  or permission of instructor. Pass-no credit grading May be taken for a maximum of 4 semester hours of credit. For fourth or fifth year students in HHMI Professors Program or LA-STEM Research Scholars Program. Not for degree credit. Students will serve as leaders within the program and in the community. They will enhance presentation skills, finalize graduate school preparation and engage in peer mentoring.


  • UNIV 0000 University courses

    Unique courses of timely and general interest are offered periodically as “University” courses. These courses are interdisciplinary, broad in scope and centered on topics of current concern. Permission to offer a UNIV course must be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs and the course must be approved by the Faculty Senate Courses and Curricula Committee. University courses may not be offered more than twice (with the exception of The Boyd Professor Lecture Series). Each course carries undergraduate credit of one to three semester hours. Acceptance of such credit toward fulfillment of degree requirements is decided by the faculty of each college or school within the university. The topic, credit and class time of each university course are announced by the Office of Academic Affairs prior to the beginning of the semester in which the course is to be taught.
    University courses have been offered on such topics as The Constitution: Then and Now (1987), The Age of the French Revolution (1989), Diversity in America (1990), The Holocaust (1992), Political Communication (1993), Race Relations (1995) and The Boyd Professor Lecture Series (2000).

University Studies

  • UNST 3900 Interdisciplinarity (3)

    Prereq.: Standing in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences as an interdisciplinary studies major. Study of interdisciplinary approaches in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities; analysis of combinations of disciplinary approaches.

Veterinary Clinical Sciences

  • VCS 7001 Seminar: Veterinary Clinical Sciences (1)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 8 hrs. of credit when topics vary. New developments in veterinary internal medicine, surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, cardiology, neurology, theriogenology and laboratory/exotic animal medicine.
  • VCS 7002 Research Techniques in Veterinary Clinical Sciences (1-4)

    Prereq.: appropriate 4000- or 5000- level course in selected topic or equivalent and consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. when topics vary. Specialized research techniques related to a specific discipline of veterinary clinical sciences.
  • VCS 7003 Special Topics in Veterinary Clinical Sciences (1-4)

    Prereq.: appropriate 4000- and 5000- level course in selected topic or equivalent and consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Aspects of the biochemical, physiological, pathophysiological, epidemiological and economic basis of clinical veterinary medicine.
  • VCS 7201 Veterinary Gastroenterology (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Gastrointestinal diseases and related conditions; emphasis on diagnostics, pathophysiology and management options.
  • VCS 7202 Veterinary Surgical Techniques (1)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. 3 hrs. lab. Advanced surgical and experimental techniques related to an organ system.
  • VCS 7204 Advanced Veterinary Orthopedics (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Bone, muscle, tendon, and ligament diseases with emphasis on pathophysiology, diagnostics and management options.
  • VCS 7205 Advanced Veterinary Clinical Neurology (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system with emphasis on pathophysiology, diagnostics, neurosurgery and other management options.
  • VCS 7206 Advanced Veterinary Urogenital Disease (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Urinary and reproductive tract diseases and related conditions with emphasis on pathophysiology, diagnostic and management options.
  • VCS 7208 Advanced Veterinary Cardiovascular Disease (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Cardiovascular diseases and related conditions with emphasis on pathophysiology, diagnostic and management options.
  • VCS 7209 Advanced Veterinary Respiratory Disease (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Respiratory diseases and related conditions with emphasis on pathophysiology, diagnostic and management options.
  • VCS 7210 Veterinary Scientific Journal Review (1)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. In depth critique of current veterinary journals with emphasis on appraising experimental design and analysis; and interpretation and application of results.
  • VCS 7211 Advanced Veterinary Cardiorespiratory Disease (3)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and related conditions with emphasis on pathophysiology, diagnostic and management options.
  • VCS 7212 Biomechanics of Fractures and Fracture Fixation (3)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. Principles of biomechanics as applied to fractures and fracture fixation, including design and biomechanical testing devices for fixation of bone fractures arising in veterinary orthopedic surgery.
  • VCS 7213 Advanced Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Interpretation: Small Animal (3)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Advanced training in radiographic, ultrasonographic, computed tomographic and magnetic resonance imaging examination interpretation in common small animal diseases.
  • VCS 7214 Advanced Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Interpretation: Large Animal (3)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Advanced diagnostic imaging interpretation of radiographic, computed tomography, ultrasonographic, scintigraphic and magnetic resonance imaging examinations in large animals.
  • VCS 7215 Advanced Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging: Interventional Techniques Laboratory (2)

    Prereq.: DVM or equivalent degree or consent of instructor. Interventional tissue sampling and therapeutic guided procedures performed with fluoroscopy, computed tomography (CT), and ultrasonography (US) in animals.

Veterinary Science

  • VETS 2000 Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals (3)

    Anatomy and physiology of farm animals; important species differences.

Veterinary Medicine

  • VMED 5001 Problem Based Learning I (2)

    Small group problem-based learning using clinical veterinary cases, with emphasis on the problem-oriented approach to veterinary problem solving.
  • VMED 5002 Problem Based Learning II (2)

    Continuation of VMED 5001 . Small group problem-based learning using clinical veterinary cases, with emphasis on the problem-oriented approach to veterinary problem solving.
  • VMED 5010 Special Topics in Veterinary Medicine (0.5-2.5)

    Pass/fail grading.
  • VMED 5011 Advanced Veterinary Anesthesiology and Surgery (1.5)

    Advanced veterinary surgery and anesthesiology.
  • VMED 5100 Introduction to Veterinary Medicine (0.5)

    Pass/fail grading. Survey of career opportunities in the veterinary profession.
  • VMED 5102 Introduction to Veterinary Medicine II (0.5)

    Pass/fail grading. Continuation of VMED 5100 . Survey of career opportunities and other issues in the veterinary profession.
  • VMED 5103 Principles of Problem Solving (1)

    Introduction to problem solving methodology, clinical problem solving, problem-based learning, problem-oriented approach, and information management.
  • VMED 5104 Principles of Diagnostic Imaging (1)

    Basic principles of radiation physics, radiography, radiation safety, radiology, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging in veterinary medicine; emphasis on the normal radiographic anatomy of the canine, feline, equine, and bovine using selected case examples.
  • VMED 5105 Principles of Diagnostic Imaging II (0.5)

    Continuation of VMED 5104 .
  • VMED 5109 Veterinary Physiology I (3.5)

    Physiology of the endocrine, reproductive, and muscular systems in veterinary species.
  • VMED 5111 Veterinary Physiology II (3)

    Basic cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system dynamics in veterinary species.
  • VMED 5112 Veterinary Physiology III (3)

    Basic respiratory and renal system dynamics in veterinary species.
  • VMED 5123 Basic and Applied Anatomy I (3.5)

    Principles of macroscopic anatomy, basic structure, and applied anatomy of the bones, muscles, and joints of the thoracic limb, pelvic limb, and trunk; dissection of the dog, with relevant comparisons to the horse and domestic ruminants.
  • VMED 5124 Basic and Applied Anatomy II (3)

    Introduction to the nervous system; anatomy of the blood vessels and nerves of the thoracic and pelvic limb, the equine digit; comparative anatomy of the head, including the skull and mandible, nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, ear, oral cavity, teeth, larynx, cranial nerves, surface of the brain and its coverings, and blood suppy.
  • VMED 5125 Basic and Applied Anatomy III (4)

    Anatomy of the neck and trunk, thoracic and pleural cavities, thoracic viscera; introduction to the autonomic nervous system; the abdominal wall, abdominal viscera, pelvic cavity, and viscera of the urinary and reproductive  systems of domestic animals.
  • VMED 5126 Cell Biology and Histology (3)

    Basic cell and tissue  biology; glandular and nonglandular epithelia, connective tissue, muscle, hematopoietic tissue, and the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and immune systems of veterinary species.
  • VMED 5127 System Histology and Developmental Anatomy (4)

    Continuation of VMED 5126. Cell and tissue biology of the digestive, endocrine, reproductive, integumentary, urinary, visual, and auditory systems; early embryonic development of veterinary species.
  • VMED 5130 Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology (4)

    Comparative biology of medically significant bacteria and fungi, emphasis on principles of pathogenesis and resistance to host
    responses, laboratory diagnosis, microbial sensitivity determination, resistance to chemotherapeutics, and intervention outcomes.
  • VMED 5171 Neuroscience (3)

    Anatomy of the nervous system of domestic mammals; development and internal organization of the spinal cord and brain; physiology of the neuron and synapse; spinal functions, reflexes, and motor systems; proprioceptive, somatosensory, auditory, vestibular, visual, olfactory, and gustatory systems; autonomic nervous system; higher CNS functions and disease; basis for neurological examination.
  • VMED 5172 Veterinary Immunology (1.5)

    Introduction to the concepts and principles of modern
    veterinary immunology, with emphasis on understanding the underlying mechanisms responsible for both protective and pathologic immune responses; understanding of the basic principles of immunological effector functions and immune regulation.
  • VMED 5173 Veterinary Pathology (3)

    Concepts, pathogenesis, and gross, microscopic, and ultrastructural changes associated with general pathology: cell injury and death, tissue mineralization, tissue pigmentation, disturbances of tissue growth, disturbances of circulation, and inflammation; recognition of gross, microscopic, and ultrastructural tissue changes and pathogenesis.
  • VMED 5202 Animals in Society I (0.5)

    Pass/fail grading. Human-animal relationships, human-animal bond, pet facillitated therapy, animal welfare, and animal rights.
  • VMED 5203 Animals in Society II (0.5)

    Issues in companion animal, equine, farm animal, and captive, exotic animal behavior.
  • VMED 5223 Veterinary Pharmacology (4.5)

    Fundamental principles of drug actions; drug disposition, pharmacokinetics and mechanisms of action; major classes of drugs used in veterinary practice; emphasis on fundamentals of drug action and clinical application.
  • VMED 5235 Veterinary Parasitology (4)

    Morphology, physiology, and taxonomy of arthropods, protozoa, and helminths of veterinary importance; agressive mechanisms of helminths, arthropods, and protozoa as well as defense mechanisms of the host; host-parasite relationships; diagnostic methods; mechanisms and factors influencing effectiveness of antiparasitic compounds and other control methods.
  • VMED 5236 Veterinary Virology (2)

    Comparative morphology, biochemistry, and classification of animal viruses; viral multiplication and pathogenesis; virus-host cell interactions and host responses to viral infections; rationale behind viral diagnostics and viral vaccines.
  • VMED 5241 Systemic Pathology I (4.5)

    Diseases, disease processes, and disease mechanisms in selected organ systems; emphasis on species of interest in veterinary medicine.
  • VMED 5242 Systemic Pathology II (1.5)

    Diseases, disease processes, and disease mechanisms in selected organ systems; emphasis on species of interest in veterinary medicine.
  • VMED 5253 Epidemiology and Public Health (3)

    Basics of veterinary epidemiology and public health; including regulatory medicine, environmental issues, food saffety, foreign animal disease, food- and water-borne diseases of humans, agro- and bioterrorism, and zoonotic diseases.
  • VMED 5260 Principles of Veterinary Surgery (1.5)

    Principles and fundamental techniques of veterinary surgery.
  • VMED 5261 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System (2)

    Principles of the diagnosis and treatment of acquired and congenital cardiovascular diseases of domestic animals.
  • VMED 5262 Small Animal Orthopedics (1.5)

    Common orthopedic problems encountered in small animal practice; developmental and traumatic abnormalities affecting the musculoskeletal system of the dog and cat.
  • VMED 5263 Urinary System Diseases (2)

    Clinical applications of renal physiology; characterization, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the urinary system of domestic animals.
  • VMED 5264 Diseases of Dogs and Cats (3.5)

    Basic principles, diagnosis, and treatment of common diseases/conditions involving small animals.
  • VMED 5265 Avian, Zoo, and Exotic Animal Diseases (3)

    Principles of diagnosis, treatment, medicine, surgery, and control of diseases of companion birds and rodents, raptors, ferrets, rabbits, zoo, exotic, and marine animals.
  • VMED 5266 Diseases of Farm Animals (4)

    Principles of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of diseases/conditions of cattle, goats, sheep, and swine.
  • VMED 5267 Veterinary Anesthesia (1.5)

    An introduction to the principles and practices of veterinary anesthesiology.
  • VMED 5270 Clinical Pathology and Diseases of the Hemolymphatic System (4)

    Introduction and application of principles and techniques of hematology; clinical chemistry; exfoliative cytology; and body fluid analysis; diagnosis, management, and treatment of diseases of the hemolymphatic system in equine, farm animal, and companion animal species.
  • VMED 5272 Veterinary Clinical Oncology (2)

    Fundamentals of oncology, including the basics of mutagenesis, oncogenesis, tumor immunology, tumor epidemiology, diagnosis, and therapy in animals.
  • VMED 5273 Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases (2.5)

    Introduction to the normal structure and function of the endocrinologic and metabolic systems; overview of important endocrine diseases of veterinary species.

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