Feb 15, 2025  
2015-2016 General Catalog 
2015-2016 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Fees and Expenses

The Board of Supervisors may adjust fees and costs for dining plans and housing at any time and without providing advance notice to students. Please check with the Office of Budget & Planning’s website, http://www.lsu.edu/bgtplan/, for up-to-date fee information.

Fees and Expenses

Student expenses, other than campus fees and nonresident fees, will vary with the individual. A Baton Rouge area student living with parents or a student living on campus spends about $2,185 in addition to fees, housing, and a dining plan per school year. A student living off campus can expect to spend at least $9,079 per academic year for rent, food, clothing, laundry, cleaning, books and school supplies, transportation, entertainment, and incidentals.

The following is an approximation of what a student may expect to spend each semester for fees, housing, and dining plan.

Semester Fees for Undergraduate Students

Please refer to the Office of Budget & Planning website (http://www.lsu.edu/bgtplan/) for the listing of current fees.

Housing Fees

Published on-campus rental rates for residence halls and apartments are per semester, per student. Please refer to the Residential Life website (www.lsu.edu/housing) for a listing of current rates.

LSU Dining

Please refer to the LSU Dining website (www.lsudining.com) for information on meal plans, locations, and pricing.

Application Fee

A nonrefundable application fee of $40 is required upon submission of the online application. Online options for payment include credit card or bank draft. In addition to this fee, a nonrefundable late application fee of $15 is charged to students who file applications after December 1 for the spring semester, after April 15 for the summer term, and after April 15 for the fall semester. Applications submitted after the deadline date will be considered on an appeal basis only. The university is not responsible for cash sent by mail.

Graduation Fees

  • Bachelor’s degree fee, $25
  • Duplicate diploma fee, $20 (charged if a diploma is ordered and student does not graduate at that commencement)
  • Replacement diploma fee, $30

See the The Graduate School  chapter of this catalog for graduate student’s graduation fees.

Special Fees

Academic Excellence Fee

The Academic Excellence Fee is used to promote academic excellence by enhancing instructional programs.

Operational Fee

During the 2004 Regular Session, the Louisiana Legislature passed House Bill 1062 authorizing the LSU Board of Supervisors to assess an operational fee of up to four percent of the total mandatory tuition and fees. The operational fee is used to cover state mandated costs and enhance instructional programs at the university.

Student Technology Fee

This fee is dedicated to the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and intelligent use of state-of-the-art technology solely for the purpose of supporting and enhancing student life and learning and preparing graduates for the workplaces of the 21st century.

Building Use Fee

During the 2013 Regular Session, the Louisiana Legislature passed House Bill 671, authorizing the LSU Board of Supervisors to assess a building use fee beginning in the fall of 2013. The fee is used to construct, acquire, repair, maintain, operate, or improve the facilities and physical infrastructure of the university.

Student Health Fee

During registration, all full-time students are assessed the student health fee. This fee, included in the required fees, entitles the student to use of the Student Health Center.

There is no charge to visit primary care and specialty medical clinicians, but charges are assessed for procedures, injections, prescriptions, diagnostic imaging, and laboratory work. Students can also see a mental health clinician, health educator, and registered dietitian at no additional charge.

Part-time students have the option to pay the student health fee. They can elect to pay the fee when they register for classes or at any time during the semester. They start receiving services at the time they pay the fee.

If their student spouse is eligible for services, non-student spouses have the option to pay the student health fee. Payment of the fee entitles them to the same services as full-time students. Ancillary service charges (lab, pharmacy, diagnostic imaging) will be assessed at current student rates.

Non-student spouses who have not paid the student health fee are permitted to purchase prescriptions and over-the-counter items in the pharmacy. No additional fees will be added to the cost of their pharmacy purchases.

Student Recreation Fee

During registration, all full-time students are assessed the student recreation fee. This fee entitles students membership to University Recreation and access to the UREC Student Recreation Complex and UREC Field Complex. Please refer to www.lsu.edu/urec for a listing of the current rates, programs, and services.

Part-time students may elect to purchase a UREC membership at the current student rate. Memberships may be purchased at the Student Recreation Center operations desk. Student spouse, dependent, and family memberships are also available.

Audit Fees

Fees for auditing courses are in accordance with the “Regular Semester” and “Summer Term” fees. Fees for students enrolling for combined credit and audit work will be assessed in accordance with total hours scheduled.

Registration through Olinde Career Center Cooperative Education (Co-op) or Internship Programs

Upon receiving an offer for an internship or co-op, students must officially register the position with LSU by contacting the LSU Olinde Career Center. For more information about officially registering a co-op or internship, please visit www.lsu.edu/careercenter/students/work/intern/register.

Students enrolled in the alternating Co-op Program or Internship Program pay the tuition and required fees as follows:

Cooperative Education or Internship Only

Students enrolled in cooperative education or internship only during the fall, spring, or summer semester pay the $50 co-op or intern fee and all full-time required fees (excluding the Student Sports Recreation and Student Health Service Fee). Please refer to the Office of Budget & Planning website at http://www.lsu.edu/bgtplan/ for the listing of current fees. Note: The LSU Board of Supervisors can modify tuition and/or fees at any time without advance notice.

Cooperative Education or Internship & One or More Courses

A student enrolled in cooperative education or an internship and one or more courses during the fall, spring, or summer semester pays tuition appropriate for those credit hours and all full-time required fees (excluding the Student Sports Recreation and Student Health Service Fees). Please refer to the Office of Budget & Planning website at http://www.lsu.edu/bgtplan/.

Three-Week Summer Short Courses

See note section at bottom of Summer Student Required Fees Schedule on the Office of Budget & Planning website at http://www.lsu.edu/bgtplan/.

Undergraduate Geology Field Fees

Students enrolled in undergraduate geology field courses must pay the $150 camp fee, tuition, required fees, and non-resident fee (if applicable) for six hours of credit. With a few exceptions, these fees conform to the summer term fee schedule. Please refer to the Office of Budget & Planning website at http://www.lsu.edu/bgtplan/.

Other Fees

  • A small number of curricula and courses require the payment of additional fees. These fees are detailed in the college, school, departmental listings, or in the course descriptions.
  • Students registering for degree only pay no registration fee. (Such students must register through the Office of the University Registrar no later than the beginning of the semester or summer term when the degree is to be conferred.)
  • Departmental Proficiency and Advanced-Standing Examinations- $20 per examination. An additional $20 processing fee is assessed for each examination administered by the Office of Assessment & Evaluation. These examinations are given free of charge to beginning freshmen who are participants in the Spring Invitational, Freshman Orientation, or Special International Student Testing programs, provided the students complete the testing by the final date to add courses for credit during their first term of enrollment at LSU. All other students must pay the fees specified above.
  • Each LSU nonimmigrant student will be charged $10 per semester to support the programs, operations, and maintenance of the International Cultural Center. F/J non-immigrant students will also be charged $50 per semester for International Students Status Compliance. This service charge allows the LSU International Services Office to meet federal mandates and provide advisory and immigration services to the international population at LSU.

Motor Vehicle Registration Fee

All students (full-time, part-time, night, and auditors) who operate or expect to operate a motor vehicle on campus regularly or occasionally are required to purchase the appropriate permit through Parking & Transportation Services. The permit can be purchased for a day, week, month, semester or annual time period; however, it is strongly encouraged to purchase an annual permit.  Motorcycle, motor scooter and moped permits are available as well.  The exact amount of this fee will be published each year in the Traffic & Parking Regulations and Map publication issued by Parking & Transportation Services or on the Parking & Transportation Services website.

Student Health Insurance Plan

A student health insurance plan is offered to students and their eligible dependents through an insurance company approved by the university. This coverage is strongly recommended to relieve students of possible financial strain in meeting expenses for medical services that the Student Health Center does not provide.

The university requires that all nonimmigrant international students on “F” and “J” visas enroll in the LSU Student Insurance Program at the time of registration or provide evidence in advance to International Services (IS) of acceptable insurance coverage. All acceptable insurance plans must meet or exceed the following:

  • Policy minimum of $50,000 per accident or sickness for F-1 and F-2 (issued I-20 forms) or $100,000 minimum aggregate. Policy minimum of $50,000 per accident or sickness for J-1 and J-2 visa (issued DS-2019 forms) holders (required by Department of State regulations)
  • Maximum deductible amount of $500 (for multiple party plans: $500 per person)
  • There must also be a maximum deductible for each 12-month period of $500 per covered person, not to exceed $1,000 per policy for multiple-party plans
  • Policy benefits must meet or exceed those set forth in the LSU endorsed Student Accident & Sickness Insurance plan (including maternity coverage paid as any other health conditions), regardless of gender
  • A U.S. representative physically located and operating in the U.S. with a U.S. telephone number/contact who acts on behalf of insurance company/insurance plans: (benefit verification and processing ability)
  • Policy must cover routine care visits for colds, flu, etc., and not just/only emergency care
  • For J-1 and J-2 visa (issued DS-2019 forms) holders (required by the United States):
    • Underwritten by an insurance corporation having an A.M. best rating of “A-” or above, an Insurance Solvency International Ltd. (ISI) rating of “A-” or above, a Standard & Poor’s Claims-Paying Ability rating of “A-” or above, a Weiss Research, Inc. rating of “B+” or above; or
    • Backed by the full faith and credit of the government of the exchange visitor’s home country
  • Minimum $7,500 benefit for Repatriation Coverage to home country (pre-existing conditions related deaths must be covered including suicide; coverage must remain in force during entire stay in the U.S.
  • Minimum $10,000 benefit for Medical Evacuation Coverage to home country (pre-existing conditions related deaths must be covered; coverage must remain in force during entire stay in the U.S.)
  • The School of Veterinary Medicine students are required to have the student health insurance coverage through enrollment in the university-sponsored plan or to provide proof of participation in an equal or higher coverage insurance program.

Payment of Fees

Students are notified by e-mail each semester by the Office of Bursar Operations of the date the online fee bill is available on myLSU. All fees and other university charges are due by the date indicated on the online fee bill.

 Payment Options

  • Online check/bank draft • Pay your fee bill with an online check or bank draft via myLSU from the “Fee Bill” application.
  • Credit card • Pay your fee bill with a MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover credit card via myLSU from the “Fee Bill” application. Note: A 2.5 percent processing fee will be added to credit card payments.
  • Mail • Print and return the online remittance stub and payment to the LSU Office of Bursar Operations, 125 Thomas Boyd Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
  • In person • Pay by cash, check, or money order in 125 Thomas Boyd Hall.
  • Deferred payment plan • Eligible student can defer 50 percent of the current semester charges. Payment of 50 percent of current semester charges and any prior account balance must be received by the payment due date. Note: A $15 service charge will be assessed on all deferments. The deferred payment plan may be selected via myLSU from the “Defer Payment/Payroll Deduct” application.

Late Registration Service Charge

Students who do not pay fees by the deadline must pay a $75 late registration service charge when subsequently registering.

Fee Exemptions for Individuals Over 65

According to the provisions of Act 525 of the 1975 Louisiana legislature, individuals over 65 years of age may enroll in one or more college-level courses and be exempt from the payment of the university fee. Further information may be obtained from the Office of the University Registrar.

Financial Obligations to the University

A student will be subject to dismissal from the university as a result of failure to pay fees and/or other charges when due or when a check offered by the student in satisfaction of an obligation to the university is not honored by the bank on which it was drawn. Due notice of the delinquency shall be given to the student by the Office of Bursar Operations. There will be a charge of $25 per returned check.

Refund of Fees

  • Refund of the university fee, nonresident fee, student health service fee, academic excellence fee, operational fee, and student technology fee will be made on the basis of the official withdrawal of the student. Refer to chart below for the schedule for refund of fees. (“Days of classes” are days on which regular classes are held.)
  • No refunds will be processed for at least six weeks after registration.
  • No refunds will be made to anyone who owes the university. Student-initiated resignations will not be completed until all money owed to the university is paid.
  • Field service and transportation fees will be refunded on an individual basis upon recommendation of the department concerned.
  • Reductions and increases of fees resulting from student schedule changes will be refunded or charged in accordance with the schedule below.
  • All full-time students who become part-time students after the last day to receive a refund will continue to be eligible for all student activity privileges.
  • Students in good standing at the university, registered in any semester or summer term, who volunteer for military service before the day mid-semester examinations begin, will have the university fee, nonresident fee, student technology fee, and student health service fee refunded. Students in good standing at the university, registered in any semester or summer term, who volunteer for military service after mid-semester examinations begin, will be refunded 50 percent of the university fee, nonresident fee, academic excellence fee, operational fee, student technology fee, and student health service fee. See also “Refund of Residence Hall Rent ” in the “Student Life ” section of this catalog.
  • Students registered in any semester or summer term, who are called to active duty in the armed forces through the last class day of the semester or summer term, will have 100 percent of the university fee, nonresident fee, academic excellence fee, operational fee, student technology fee, and student health service fee refunded. See also “Refund of Residence Hall Rent ” in the “Student Life ” section of this catalog.
  • For information on the refund of other fees (such as housing, meal plans, etc.) refer to the section in this catalog pertaining to those fees.

Title IV program fund recipients resigning from the university without completing at least 60 percent of the enrollment period will be required to return all or part of the aid they received to the appropriate programs in the following order: Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans, Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, PLUS (Parent) Loans, Graduate PLUS Loans, Pell Grants, Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG), National SMART Grant and SEOG. Specific information regarding this refund schedule is available at www.lsu.edu/financialaid.

Semester • Summer Term 100% Refund 90% Refund 50% Refund No Refund
Fall or Spring Semester Before class begins First 6 class days 7th–24th class day After 24th class day
Regular Semester Eight-Week Sessions Before class begins First 3 class days 4th-12th class day After 12th class day
Summer Session A Before class begins First 3 class days 4th–12th class day After 12th class day
Summer Session B Before class begins First 3 class days 4th–7th class day After 7th class day
Intersessions Before class begins First class day 2nd–4th class day After 4th class day
LSU Online Module Work day prior to first class day N/A 1st–3rd class day After 3rd class day