Jan 13, 2025  
2019-2020 General Catalog 
2019-2020 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Science

Associate Dean for Student Services
Associate Dean for Research
Assistant Dean for Diversity and Inclusion
Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration
Director of Special Programs
Assistant Dean for Student Services
Director of Pre-Health Programs
Academic Counselor
Academic Coordinator
Academic Counselor
Academic Coordinator
Recruitment Coordinator

OFFICE 124 Hatcher Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-4200
FAX 225-578-8826
WEBSITE science.lsu.edu

Departments and Curricula


The College of Science offers preparation for careers in biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry, geology and geophysics, mathematics, microbiology, and physics and astronomy. Students are also provided strong academic backgrounds for professional study in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and many other careers that require in-depth study of science and mathematics.

The departments within the college, the various curricula, and the degrees that may be earned are shown in the chapter “Degree Programs.” These curricula provide broad general education as well as knowledge of the structure of science. Students in the college may also choose curricula that provide pre-medical or pre-dental preparation, including curricula in biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry with a pre-professional concentration, and physics with a medical physics concentration. Classroom and laboratory study may be supplemented by contact with active research programs.

The departments of the college offer work leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees.

Degree Programs

All undergraduate degrees in the College of Science are Bachelor of Science degrees. The following programs are offered by the College of Science:

  • Biochemistry
  • Biological Sciences
  • Microbiology
  • Chemistry
  • Geology
  • Mathematics
  • Physics

Admission Requirements

Students who contemplate entering this college should give special attention to the mathematics and science courses they select and should consult a representative of the department they plan to enter prior to completing their initial registration.

Admission requests to the College of Science must be submitted to 124 Hatcher Hall by the last day to add courses for the semester in which the student is seeking admission. For more information, please see the “Apply for Admission to the College of Science” website.

Students will be eligible for admission to the College of Science when they:

  • have earned 24 or more semester hours of credit in courses numbered 1000 or above;
  • have maintained a grade point average of at least 2.00 on both LSU and cumulative averages;
  • have passed all courses in mathematics and science with grades of “C-” or better or received special approval of the dean of the college;
  • have passed ENGL 1001  or the equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better;
  • have earned credit in either MATH 1022 MATH 1023 MATH 1550 , or MATH 1551  with a grade of “C-” or better.

In addition to the above requirements, students majoring in Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, and Microbiology must have earned credit in BIOL 1201 BIOL 1202 CHEM 1201 ; and MATH 1550  before entry into the College of Science. 

In addition to the above requirements, students with a Secondary Education concentration must achieve the following before entry into the College of Science:

  • 2.50 LSU and Cumulative GPA
  • Minimum ACT composite of 22/SAT composite of 1030 OR earned passing scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (PRAXIS CORE)
  • Submit the College of Science Secondary Education Application and Conduct Form

Students transferring from another institution must meet university transfer admission requirements. Transfer students must also meet the current admission requirements of the College of Science and receive approval of the dean of the college.

Students admitted to the College of Science that plan to enroll in colleges or universities other than LSU-Baton Rouge Campus for academic credit must obtain prior approval from the dean on a course-specific basis. All questions regarding credit earned while in high school (ie: AP, CLEP, Dual Enrollment) may be directed to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Degree Requirements of the College

The college offers the bachelor’s degree in curricula designed to give students a thorough education in a particular scientific discipline. In addition, a core of material representing a broad exposure to the human cultural heritage is an integral part of the curricula in the college. That core consists of the following course work:

English • Nine semester hours including ENGL 1001 ENGL 2000 , and three hours chosen from 2000-level or above English or Honors course from the general education humanities list. Some curricula require an additional three hours in English.

Mathematics • A minimum of five semester hours of calculus (MATH 1550 ). Most curricula require additional credits in mathematics. Degree credit will not be allowed for mathematics courses numbered below 1550.

Foreign Language • Students may satisfy the college foreign language requirement by passing four semester hours in foreign language. Some curricula require eight semester hours in a single foreign language.

International students whose native language is not English and who did not attend an English-speaking high school may satisfy the foreign language requirement as follows:

  • As shown above (in a language other than the student’s native language); or
  • By passing six to nine hours (depending on curriculum) in the student’s native language in courses that may be taken for credit by native speakers of the language; or
  • By taking six to nine hours (depending on curriculum) of English and/or speech (CMST) above the minimum requirements in the curriculum for the BS degree. The courses must be pre-approved by the dean and must be taken at LSU. At least three hours must be at the 2000-level or above

Sciences • Eleven hours including a two-semester sequence of study in a biological science or a physical science and a one-semester course in the alternative field not chosen for the one-year requirement. The one-year sequence must include two hours of laboratory credit. Courses selected to meet this requirement must be chosen from courses offered by departments in the College of Science and come from the approved list.

Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences • These hours must be taken from the General Education list. 

  • Arts • Three hours
  • Humanities • Nine hours. In some curricula, three hours chosen from the general education humanities list, in addition to the English and foreign language requirements described above.
  • Social Sciences • Six hours. At least three hours must be at the 2000 level or above. 

Academic Policies of the College

  • All students must complete a curriculum established by their department and approved by the faculty and the dean of the college.
  • No curriculum in the college requires less than 120 semester hours; some curricula require more.
  • University and College Residency Policies:
    • University Residency: LSU requires all candidates for bachelor’s degrees fulfill a minimum residence requirement of at least 25 percent of the total number of hours required for the degree at this university.
    • College of Science Residency: Students in all degree programs of the college must earn at least 24 of the last 30 semester hours offered toward their degrees while admitted to the College of Science at LSU.
    • Course Residency: Students in all degree programs of the college must earn at least 18 credit hours of math and science courses on the LSU-Baton Rouge campus. These courses must be required for the degree and offered by departments in the College of Science.
      • In all degree programs, at least nine of these 18 hours must be in courses numbered 3000 or above and offered by the department administering the major program.
      • Students majoring in Biological Sciences, Microbiology, or Biochemistry may use a maximum of three semester hours in research courses (BIOL 3999 ) toward their 18-hour course residency requirement. However, research courses cannot be used toward the upper-level portion of this requirement (9 hours of courses numbered 3000 or higher).
    • Courses used to satisfy college residency requirements must be passed with a grade of “C-” or better.
    • Independent & Distance Learning courses, Online Distance Learning courses, and courses in which credit was earned through credit examination may not be used to satisfy the college residence requirements.
  • Grade and Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements
    • The following courses must be passed with a grade of “C-” or better:
      • All required science, computer science, and mathematics courses
      • All restricted, second discipline, and advanced sciences electives
      • ENGL 1001  and ENGL 2000 
    • If a student makes a “D” or “F” in a course requiring a “C-” or better, the course must be taken and not dropped the next semester the student is in residence and the course is offered. Students who do not comply with this policy will be placed on academic probation.
    • Required courses in English and Mathematics must be scheduled each semester until they are satisfactorily passed. Sequential scheduling of courses in the major field is necessary.
    • Students are expected to make reasonable and satisfactory progress in a degree program.
    • A required course may be dropped once, but normally, not a second time.
  • Approved Elective Requirements:
    • Non-participation courses in kinesiology may be taken for elective credit. A maximum of three semester hours will be allowed in kinesiology participation (activity) courses.
    • Twelve semester hours of ROTC may be allowed for degree credit, with no more than six of the twelve semester hours in courses numbered below 3000. However, the sum of basic (1000/2000 level) ROTC course credits and kinesiology activity course credits allowed toward the degree may not exceed six semester hours.
    • Students may choose any degree credit courses offered by the university as free electives; however, major specific exclusions exist and are noted on individual degree audits. Students are encouraged to consult a college advisor for more information.  
  • Graduation Requirements:
    • Application for the bachelor’s degree must be made in writing. Students must complete a graduation contract, approved by the dean of the college, during the semester prior to the semester in which the degree is to be awarded.
    • In order to meet graduation requirements, students must have a 2.00 LSU and cumulative grade point average. A 2.50 LSU and cumulative grade point average is required for students graduating in any of the secondary education concentrations.

College Probation

A student in the College of Science will be placed on College probation if they:

  • fail to earn a 2.00 semester average in a regular semester or a summer term;
  • do not remediate course deficiencies during the next semester the course is offered;
  • fail to adhere to the Academic Policies of the College; or
  • enter the college with deficiencies.

At the discretion of the dean, a student who is on college probation and fails to meet academic requirements, including earning a 2.00 or better semester average and/or remediating course deficiencies, will be declared ineligible to continue in the college. Students declared ineligible to continue in the college must choose a new major better aligned with their abilities and interests outside the College of Science. Students who have been dropped may petition the College of Science for a readmission plan via the appeal process; however, readmission is not guaranteed. Students seeking readmission are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a college academic advisor.

A student on college probation who earns a 2.00 or better semester GPA, remediates course deficiencies, and makes satisfactory progress in the degree program will be removed from college probation. If a student is unable to remediate course deficiencies due to fall/spring only course options, that student will be continued on college probation until the course is offered for remediation.

Earning Two Degrees or one Degree with Two Majors

With the dean’s approval, a student may be enrolled in two bachelor’s degree programs concurrently and thereby either earn two degrees, or earn one degree with two majors listed on the transcript, provided all requirements are completed as of the same commencement.

A student may earn one degree, with two majors listed on the transcript (a “Double Major”), by completing the residence and academic requirements for each major and the degree program to which it belongs.

A student may earn two degrees (a “Dual Degree”) by, in addition to completing residence and academic requirements for each major, earning 30 hours more than required for the degree that requires the fewer number of hours.

If the two programs are in different colleges, the student must be accepted for admission to both colleges and must adhere to the regulations of both colleges. The student must declare a home college, where registration will be initiated and permanent files maintained, and must maintain contact with the second college to ensure that satisfactory progress is being made toward the requirements of its degree program. Students pursuing degrees in different colleges must complete a graduation contract with both colleges.

Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Counseling

Pre-Health Advisors are available to help students with applications to medical and dental schools. This application process begins one and one-half years prior to professional school entry. Students are encouraged to begin researching professional school admission requirements and information regarding the application process as early as possible. Information regarding the pre-medical/pre-dental program at LSU and the application process is available online at the College of Science’s Premedical/Predental Advising website.   

The College of Science sponsors the Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Review Committee that provides letters of evaluation for LSU students applying to professional schools. Students wishing to use the services of the LSU Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Review Committee must: (1) have a minimum 3.0 cumulative and science GPA, (2) have been enrolled on the LSU main campus as a full time student for at least two semesters, (3) attend a mandatory informational meeting during the fall of their application year (typically the junior year), and (4) meet all registration deadlines. The College of Science maintains an email listserv for pre-medical/pre-dental students as well as social media sites to communicate with students. Information about joining these groups can be found on the Premedical/Predental Advising website.       

Pass-Fail Option

Students in the College of Science may register for courses in the college on a pass-fail basis under the following conditions:

  • Only students with a 2.50 average or better may participate.
  • Only free elective courses may be taken on a pass-fail basis. Required courses, restricted electives, courses offered by the Ogden Honors College, courses required for a minor, and courses germane to the major and the career for which the student is preparing may not be taken on a pass-fail basis.
  • Eligible students may take one course per semester, up to a total of 12 hours toward the degree, on a pass-fail basis.
  • Students must have written permission, by signatures on a petition form, from the dean of this college, the instructor of the course, and the student’s department chair.
  • Registration for a course on a pass-fail basis will not be permitted until the required work in the same area has been satisfactorily completed.
  • Pass-fail registration must be completed before the final day for adding courses.

Students from other colleges who wish to register for courses in this college on a pass-fail basis will present a petition form to the dean of this college. If the petition is approved, the student will then present the form to the instructor concerned for the appropriate action.

Courses offered by the College of Science that are required in a student’s curriculum or are normally considered important in preparation for the student’s career will not be approved on a pass-fail basis.

Distance Learning Programs Credit and Intersession Credit

LSU Continuing Education offers Online Distance Learning (ODL) courses. Credit earned through this LSU division may be accepted toward meeting degree requirements only with prior approval of the dean of the college and may not exceed a total of 12 hours.

Students in residence may take ODL courses only in exceptional cases (e.g., conflicts between single sections of required courses) and with specific written approval of the dean of the college. Students are not permitted to enroll in Math or Science courses via ODL.

Students may not be enrolled in ODL courses during the semester in which they intend to graduate.

Students in the College of Science may not register for more than three semester hours of credit during Intersession without approval of the dean.

Minor Field Requirements (Optional)

A student in the College of Science may earn a minor in a second field under the following conditions:

  • The minor must include at least 15 semester hours of course work, of which at least six semester hours must be taken on this campus and at least three of the six hours must be at the 3000- or 4000-level.
  • Each course used in the minor must be passed with a grade of “C-” or better.
  • Courses used for the minor may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  • If a student takes a minor course during a semester abroad, the course must be completed for a letter grade. “S/U Grading” will not be approved for minor courses taken abroad.  
  • All minors must declared with the College of Science and approved by the dean.

The department offering the minor may impose additional requirements; the specific requirements of the department must be stated in the catalog.

Students in other colleges who wish to obtain a minor in one of the departments of the College of Science must meet the same requirements listed above.

Teacher Preparation Program for Grades 6-12

The departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics & Astronomy offer undergraduate degree programs with an area of concentration in secondary education (middle school and high school). Students in the program may receive a BS in biological sciences, chemistry, mathematics, or physics and qualify for teacher certification. The curricula have been developed cooperatively with faculty in the College of Human Sciences and Education and include courses taught jointly by faculty in the College of Science and the College of Human Sciences and Education. Students completing these degree programs and meeting any additional requirements of the Louisiana Department of Education will be eligible for certification in the state of Louisiana as teachers in grades 6-12.

The following requirements pertain to students enrolled in the secondary education concentration:

Admission Requirements:

  • Minimum cumulative and LSU grade point average of 2.50
  • Passing scores on all parts of the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (PRAXIS CORE) or minimum ACT composite score of 22 or minimum SAT composite score of 1030

Retention Requirements:

  • Minimum cumulative and LSU grade point average of 2.50 for entry into and continuation in upper-level (3000/4000-level) education courses, including student teaching

Degree Requirements:

  • Satisfactory completion of an approved program of study as determined by all of the following: faculty of the college in which the major/concentration resides, the university, and the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
  • Minimum cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.50 on all work completed
  • Passing scores on all required parts of the Praxis II Series
  • Grade of “C-” or higher in course work as specified by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Application for Student Teaching:

An application for student teaching must be made to the College of Human Sciences and Education Office of Student Services no later than three weeks after classes begin in the semester prior to student teaching. Late applications cannot be guaranteed consideration.

A second option for students interested in middle/high school science teaching is to pursue a traditional bachelor’s degree in science and then complete a master’s degree in the LSU College of Human Sciences and Education. The master’s degree program (Holmes Program) begins in June and requires 12 consecutive months of course work and classroom experience leading to both the master’s degree and teaching certification. Information about the program and potential scholarship assistance is available through the College of Human Sciences and Education, Office of Student Services.