Oct 06, 2024  
2022-2023 LSU Law Catalog 
2022-2023 LSU Law Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Examinations, Grading and Transcript of Academic Record



Anonymous Exam Taking and Grading — Examinations are given and graded anonymously. For both mid-term and final exams, each student is assigned a random number with which to identify examination papers in all exams for that semester. The papers are graded and the grades may be posted with that number only. Any deliberate breach of anonymity is a violation of the Honor Code.

The Law Center’s policy of anonymous exam grading means that visiting students’ exams are not graded separately from the rest of the class; which may conflict with some law schools’ required grade deadlines. 

Computers — Personal laptop or notebook computers may be used to take examinations at the discretion of the professor. Microsoft Windows and Apple macOS –based computers are allowed and must be running a supported operating system version as determined by the exam software vendor (see https://www.exam4.com/support/ for current requirements). Virtualized operating systems (like VMware, Parallels, VirtualBox) are not allowed. macOS on non-Apple hardware is not allowed.

Prior to taking any exams by computer, students are required to download, install, and test the exam security software. The approved examination software must be used for all in-class examinations taken on computer. Exam computers are required to have wireless Internet access and to connected to the LSU wireless network as all completed examinations will be submitted by means of wireless internet.

Students will identify their exam using their assigned random number.

Electronic Devices — Devices capable of accessing the internet, storing or obtaining unauthorized materials, or communicating with other persons, other than computers operating Exam4 Software, are prohibited in the room in which the student is taking the exam, unless there is prior permission granted by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.  The provision is not intended to limit the provisions of the Code of Student Professional Responsibility.

Exam Schedule—The examination schedule for each semester is contained in the registration information distributed by the Office of Admissions and Student Records and is also posted on the web and bulletin boards. The schedule may not be changed without the approval of the Associate Dean. First-year exams begin at 1:30 p.m., and upperclass exams at 8:30 a.m.

Honor Code—The conduct of examinations is governed by the provisions of the Honor Code. Students are not allowed to use or bring to the examination room any material not expressly authorized by the instructor. Once the exam has been given out, students may not leave the room without the instructor’s permission. Students should avoid even the appearance of a violation of the Code and should report to the Associate Dean any facts that may amount to such a violation.

Rescheduling Exams—A student who is unable to take an exam due to serious illness or other extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances may be permitted by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to reschedule the exam for a later time. In order to preserve the anonymity of the exam process, the student should not inform the professor. The student must notify the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Law Registrar before the exam is scheduled to begin. A doctor’s written excuse or other appropriate documentation is required. The doctor may be requested later to verify the seriousness of the student’s illness. Except in extraordinary circumstances, make-up exams will be administered after the examination period. Make-up exams for students with approval are handled by the staff of the Law Registrar’s office. A student who fails to appear for an exam at the scheduled time without notifying the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or Law Registrar may receive a failing grade on that exam.

Exam Deferral Policy—Students may defer any exam that is scheduled to occur on the same day as another exam. All deferral requests must be made in accordance with procedures developed by the Law Registrar. To defer an exam, a student must complete and submit the Exam Deferral Form (which can be found on the LSU Law website) in advance of the deadline established by the Law Registrar. Students will be allowed to alter deferral requests after any date designated by the Law Registrar only with the permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. In the event a student drops one or more courses, eliminating the same-day examination schedule that justified the deferral, the student must take the exams as originally scheduled.

Students are bound by the Code of Student Professional Responsibility to notify the Law Registrar that the student is no longer eligible to defer an exam. Except as approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, exams that are deferred will be administered by the staff of the Law Registrar’s Office at 8:30 a.m. on the first day of work following the last day of the scheduled examination period. Each student who takes a deferred exam must sign a written certification at the time the deferred exam is administered that the student has not discussed the content of the deferred exam with anyone or received information about the deferred exam from any source.


  • The grading scale is 1.3 to 4.0. Grades of 1.3 and 1.4 are failing grades that result in no course credit.
  • A student who fails to take the regular examination in any course without the Associate Dean’s prior approval of absence will receive a 1.3 in that course. In case of illness, a medical certificate will be required.
  • Incomplete (“I”) grades are permitted only with the approval of the Associate Dean. All “I” grades must be removed within the period allowed for adding courses in the next regular semester in which the student is enrolled unless this time is extended by the Associate Dean. Failure to remove an “I” grade within the allotted time will result in its conversion to a 1.3.
  • A course that is repeated is considered as having been pursued twice, and both grades will be computed in the student’s average. Required courses for which credit is not received must be repeated, and electives for which credit is not received may be repeated only with permission of the Associate Dean. If a course required by the LSU Law Center for graduation is repeated, it must be repeated at the LSU Law Center.
  • Grades can be accessed via myLSU as they are posted. Posting is according to course number not course title.

Experiential Course Grading

Some experiential courses receive no numerical grades. These courses are graded as follows: E” (Excellent); “HP” (High Pass); “P” (Pass); and “F” (Fail). These non-numeric grades do not affect grade point average.  This grading scale is noted in the course description.

Mandatory Grading Standards

The standards apply to the final grades assigned to students in a section, after any adjustments for participation points or other factors are taken into account. The standards must be met separately for each section taught by an instructor.

The standards are:

Larger and 1L Courses: Applicable to all first-year courses and to all upper level courses with enrollments of 50 or more.

Median: 3.0, plus or minus 0.1

≥ 3.8: 5% - 10%

≥ 3.5: 15% - 25% (including grades in the >3.8 band)

≤ 2.2: 10% - 25%

Mid-Size: Applicable to all upper level courses with an enrollment of 25 to 49, except seminars.

Median: 3.0, plus or minus 0.2

Small-Enrollment Courses: Applicable to upper level courses with enrollments of less than 25, except seminars:

Recommended Median: 3.0, plus or minus 0.2

Legal Writing 

           Median: 3.0


Recommended Median: 3.2, plus or minus 0.2

Participation Points

A faculty rule gives faculty the option, if reserved, of awarding up to .3 points to the final grade based on class participation, or deducting up to .3 points from the final grade based on lack of preparation. The faculty rule requires that those who choose to count class participation must give notice by posting an announcement on the web during the first week of class and announcing the policy in class.

Faculty in the Lyon program have the right to adjust a student’s grade up or down by as much as 0.5 points.

The Office of Admissions and Student Records will prepare and post a list with names and courses. In courses for which there is no exam, i.e., simulation courses and seminars, participation points may be awarded or deducted under procedures established and announced to the class at the beginning of the semester.

Grade Appeals

The appeal or grievance procedure related to a grade at the LSU Law Center has two levels. The first appeal is made with the faculty member as noted in step 1 below. Only if the matter is not settled at that level is the second level of appeal made to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. After the Associate Dean renders a decision at step 2 below, the matter is final.

1. Students must promptly review their exams (or other graded material resulting in a final course grade) before requesting an appeal. Grade appeals are permitted from only final grades, and any material considered in assigning the final grade may be included in an appeal. Each semester, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs shall announce to students a date on which exam reviews may begin. Review of an exam must be arranged with the faculty member who graded the exam. The faculty member who graded the exam may not recommend to the Associate Dean a change of the grade unless one or more of the following circumstances is found: there is a clerical error or mathematical error in the calculation of the grade; or the failure of the grader to consider a portion of the exam or other work that was timely submitted for the course.

2. A student dissatisfied with a final course grade may file an appeal in writing with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. An appeal must be filed no later than thirty (30) days after the date set by the Associate Dean for the beginning of exam reviews. A student must initiate a grade appeal by filing a written statement with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs stating the basis for the appeal. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs shall ask another faculty member (whenever possible, a faculty member with some expertise or knowledge in the subject matter) to review the graded material, together with the student’s written statement. The reviewing faculty member shall not recommend a change unless the reviewer determines that the grade was assigned without any reasonable basis. The reviewer shall submit a recommendation to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. If the Associate Dean concludes the standard for a grade change was not satisfied, the assigned grade stands. If the Associate Dean concludes there was no reasonable basis for the grade and approves a change,  the grade shall be changed to a “Pass.” As noted above, the decision of the Associate Dean is final.

3.These procedures cover all grade appeals and grievances, and PS-48LC does not apply. 

Transcript of Academic Record

Upon written or electronic request, former and currently enrolled students may obtain an official transcript of their law school academic record from the Office of the University Registrar. Students may request transcripts be sent electronically or request hard copy transcripts. Currently enrolled students may request their transcript electronically via their myLSU account. Former students should complete the appropriate transcript request form available on the web. Note: Should there be any outstanding accounts receivable with the University, the request will be held until the matter is cleared. Telephone and email requests cannot be honored. Please contact the Office of the University Registrar at 225-578-1686 or transcripts@lsu.edu with any questions. You can also visit their website for more information or a copy of the request forms: https://lsu.edu/registrar.