Feb 15, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Research/Faculty Resources

Research and scholarly activity are fundamental to the role of the faculty and essential to the attainment of the university’s goals of academic excellence and national prominence. Research is a crucial part of graduate instruction and has profound effects upon the currency and vitality of undergraduate education. This exploration of the boundaries of knowledge is undertaken by faculty in the various departments and by the research units included in this section.

Office of Research & Economic Development


Robert R. Twilley

134 David Boyd Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-5833
FAX 225-578-5983
WEBSITE https://www.lsu.edu/research/
E-MAIL research@lsu.edu

Center for Computation & Technology

DIRECTOR J. “Ram” Ramanujam
OFFICE 1079 Digital Media Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-7877
FAX 225-578-8957
WEBSITE www.cct.lsu.edu
E-MAIL info@cct.lsu.edu

The Center for Computation and Technology was created in response to a funding initiative created by Governor Mike Foster and the Louisiana Legislature to invest in university research and teaching programs as engines of economic development.

The center draws on the established areas of faculty expertise at LSU in engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics, biological sciences, mass communication, oceanography and coastal sciences, information systems and decision sciences, art, digital media arts and engineering, and experimental music. By uniting researchers from diverse disciplines, ideas and expertise are disseminated across the units at LSU to foster knowledge and invention. Likewise, this interdisciplinary research relationship invigorates computational and data science and technology, providing essential tools and resources to accelerate discovery.

CCT supports advanced cyberinfrastructure, high-performance computing, advanced data storage and analysis, high-speed networks, and hardware and software development for both the university and the state of Louisiana in academia and industry.

The center also looks to create new areas of research excellence to provide the state and nation with graduates who are equipped to handle the growing technology infrastructure.

Center for Energy Studies

OFFICE 1085 Energy, Coast & Environment Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-4400
FAX 225-578-4541
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/ces
E-MAIL ces@lsu.edu

The Center for Energy Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute providing analysis, research, information, and technology transfer on energy and environmental issues that are important to Louisiana. The center is composed of divisions for Policy Analysis, Energy Information and Data, Minerals Processing Research, Research and Development, and is home to the Radiation Safety Office.

Neither the center nor its associated units have academic programs, but do employ undergraduate and graduate research assistants, teach and lecture in a variety of courses offered across the University’s curriculum, and work with staff or faculty from other academic units to promote and facilitate the University’s energy-related research and educational efforts.

The center, created by the Louisiana Legislature in 1982, is the state’s only officially recognized energy studies center for public higher education. The center, and all of its component divisions and units, conducts, encourages, and facilitates energy-related research and analysis concerning problems and issues affecting Louisiana’s economy, environment, and citizenry. Whether conducted by its faculty, affiliate faculty, or staff, the center’s goal is to provide a balanced, objective, and timely treatment of issues with potentially important consequences for Louisiana. The center provides information and analysis, and sponsors a variety of outreach and educational events, that respond to the needs of the legislature, public agencies, the media, and business and civic groups.

Louisiana Geological Survey

OFFICE 3079 Energy, Coast & Environment Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-5320
FAX 225-578-3662
WEBSITE www.lgs.lsu.edu
E-MAIL cfalcon@lsu.edu

Founded officially in 1934 by Act 131 of the Louisiana Legislature, the Louisiana Geological Survey (LGS) is the premier geological research institution in the state of Louisiana which had its beginnings in 1869. Always housed on the campus of Louisiana State University (LSU), the LGS was originally part of the Louisiana Department of Conservation, and later was a division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources. It was transferred by the Louisiana Legislature’s HB 2353 to LSU in 1997 and reports to the LSU Vice President for Research & Economic Development.

The LGS carries out applied and fundamental geologic research in the areas of Louisiana’s surface and subsurface geology, coastal geology and processes, petroleum geology, energy transition (CCUS, H2, geopressured-geothermal), environmental geology, mineral resources, and surface & ground water. LGS does statewide geologic mapping, producing maps and reports designed to encourage both economic development and environmental protection. The LGS also studies geologic hazards, including active faulting, producing maps and reports designed to identify such hazards and to minimize their impacts. Earth science educational materials are provided to school teachers when requested. The LGS works cooperatively on research grants and contracts with several state and federal agencies including the Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Transportation & Development, the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Research labs at LGS include stratigraphic/biostratigraphic research laboratories; a digital transformation studio; petrographic laboratories equipped for thin-section preparation and carbonate and siliciclastic studies; and conference rooms and storage space. A separate well-log library, a core storage facility with a work lab equipped with saws, and other core processing and photographic equipment are located nearby on campus. The LGS core repository and well log library (called the LGS Resource Center) are an integral part of the Louisiana Museum of Natural History. Access to other laboratory facilities for geochemical, isotope, SEM, EM, XRD, sedimentology, and paleontological analyses is available in the nearby Department of Geology & Geophysics.

The LGS has a well-recognized Cartography Section that produces maps, atlases, illustrations, slides, LGS publications and exhibits, both in support of LGS research and for other LSU departments and state agencies. The LGS cartography section, well equipped with computer equipment, plotters, and GIS facilities, has produced several maps, including the official state map of Louisiana, an oil and gas map, and a Louisiana Shoreline Change map, 1937-2000. Several maps designed and produced by the LGS Cartographic Section have won national awards.

The Water and Environmental Section works primarily on modeling and geologic characterization of the various aquifers in the state, on projects requiring analysis of water from various locations, and effects of major amounts of water withdrawals from the aquifers for industrial and other purposes.

The LGS is the only institution in the state which currently does Geologic Mapping of the State. Derivative maps from geologic maps are utilized by industry for various purposes. This work is carried out by the Geologic Mapping and Mineral Resources Section. LGS reviews permits for drilling wells in the coastal and wetland areas of the state to reduce environmental impacts associated with drilling and this work is done by the Geologic Review Section of LGS.

In performing its applied mission and tasks, the LGS is also charged with effectively transferring geological information to the citizens of the state through the production of maps, bulletins, reports, newsletters, sponsored short courses, professional presentations, and publications. The LGS receives and answers a large number of inquiries from the public related to geologic matters, and its publications are available for sale at nominal prices.

Minerals Processing Research Division

OFFICE 1071 Energy, Coast & Environment Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-3428
FAX 225-578-1476
WEBSITE www.mpri.lsu.edu
E-MAIL pike@lsu.edu

The Minerals Processing Research Division, supported by funds from federal and state agencies and private organizations, was established at LSU in 1979. The division conducts research on minerals processing, related business and legal issues, and environmental matters.

This research is directed at the chief minerals in the state and region: oil and natural gas, sulfur, salt, and lignite. These mineral resources are among Louisiana’s most valuable assets.

Radiation Safety Office

DIRECTOR Wei-Hsung Wang
OFFICE 112 Nuclear Science Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-2008
FAX 225-578-2094
WEBSITE www.radsafety.lsu.edu
E-MAIL weihsung@lsu.edu

The Radiation Safety Office, under the direction of the Radiation Safety Committee and the administration of the Center for Energy Studies provides regulatory-mandated guidance and support for academic activities in teaching, research, and clinical services involving the use of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation at Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College (LSU). The Radiation Safety Office also actively engages in these academic activities at the University. Authorization for LSU to possess, store, and use radioactive sources is stipulated in a System-wide, broad-scope Radioactive Material License issued by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, which has vested authority from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission within the State of Louisiana. This broad-scope license allows the university maximum flexibility to accomplish legitimate and realistic research, teaching, and clinical objectives through the operation of a mandatory radiation protection program carried out by the Radiation Safety Office. Administrative authorization from the university is contained in Permanent Memorandum-30 (PM-30). The Radiation Safety Office is responsible for developing and implementing radiological control policies and procedures to be in full compliance with the federal and state regulations as well as to assure individual well-being and the integrity of the university.

Approval of the Radiation Safety Office must be obtained for all procurement of licensed radioactive materials, radiation producing equipment, and Class 3B and 4 lasers. Approval is also required for all teaching and laboratory uses, research and development projects, clinical activities, and contracts and grant proposals involving sources of radiation. In addition, all personnel who will directly use sources of radiation, all facilities, construction, outfitting, and renovation involving sources of radiation, and any other activities with potential radiological hazards must contact the Radiation Safety Office for approval.

The radiation protection program is conducted in such a manner so that radiation exposure to faculty, staff, students, the general public, and the environment will be maintained as low as reasonably achievable and that no radiation exposure will be received without societal benefit. Professional health physicists equipped with a full spectrum of radioanalytical instrumentation as well as irradiation and activation facilities are available for consultation and research development to support a broad range of radiation applications.

Security Programs Institute

OFFICE 368 Louisiana Emerging Technology Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-0401
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/spi/
E-MAIL spi@lsu.edu

The Security Programs Institute (SPI) has been established to coordinate efforts in security research and training. The institute is comprised of three organizations with 120 full-time personnel, 325 subject matter experts and more than 110 student workers and interns. Each organization specializes in a unique aspect of the national security and defense fields. These organizations include:

  • Stephenson Disaster Management Institute enhances LSU’s ability to focus its existing programs and research capacity on the particular problems of disasters and works with its LSU research affiliates to collaborate on projects and research proposals that will improve disaster preparedness and response.
  • National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education is a nationally recognized center for emergency preparedness and response training with expertise in research, development and delivery of training in the areas of specialized law enforcement operations, biological incident response, food and agriculture safety and security, school safety and instructional design and technique.
  • National Interagency Support Center provides technical support, operational support and hotline intake to partner agencies related to law enforcement and fraud, waste and abuse within government programs. Key to the NISC’s mission is supporting law enforcement information sharing and efforts to protect victims from criminal activity. 

National Center for Biomedical Research & Training / Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education

OFFICE 3128 Pleasant Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-1375
FAX 225-578-9117
WEBSITE www.ncbrt.lsu.edu

The LSU National Center for Biomedical Research and Training/Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (NCBRT/ACE) provides high quality training to emergency responders at the local, state, federal, and global level. Committed to “reducing threats to human safety, security and critical infrastructure,” LSU NCBRT/ACE has more than 25 years of experience in helping responders prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from complex threats. LSU NCBRT/ACE focuses on delivering specialized training and resources necessary to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from complex threats and high-consequence events. 

LSU NCBRT/ACE has expertise in research, development, and delivery of training in areas of law enforcement response; biological incidents; food and agriculture safety; active threat; and instructional design and techniques for state, local, tribal and territorial agencies. 

LSU NCBRT/ACE is part of LSU’s Security Programs Institute. LSU NCBRT/ACE is a founding member of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium, which was established by Congress in 1998.  LSU NCBRT/ACE is a training partner for the Department of Homeland Security, Department of State, and other federal agencies.

Stephenson Disaster Management Institute

DIRECTOR Brant Mitchell
OFFICE 366 Louisiana Emerging Technology Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-5939
WEBSITE www.sdmi.lsu.edu
E-MAIL bmitch9@lsu.edu

The mission of LSU’s Stephenson Disaster Management Institute is to save the lives of people and animals by continuously improving the practice of disaster management through leadership in applied research and executive education. Founded in 2007 in response to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, SDMI is a part of the Stephenson Security Programs Institute (SPI) at LSU.

The institute enhances LSU’s ability to focus its existing programs and research capacity on the particular problems of disaster management. SDMI’s projects create a collaboration between the public and private sectors to reduce the consequences of disasters by building community resilience.

SDMI also focuses on integrating technology to develop tools that enhance situational awareness and provide key metrics to help inform decision makers during disasters.  As part of its technology integration, SDMI provides government and private sector organizations with cybersecurity services that include assessments of current practices, vulnerability scans and penetration tests, along with full planning support to help organizations develop a mature cybersecurity capability.

National Center for Disaster Fraud

DIRECTOR Kathleen Wylie
OFFICE 355 Johnston Hall
TELEPHONE 225-334-4804
FAX 225-334-4707
E-MAIL kwylie@lsu.edu

The National Center for Disaster Fraud (NCDF) was established in 2005 as the Katrina Fraud Task Force with members from 19 federal agencies. Due to the high volume of disaster activity, the Katrina Fraud Task Force became the National Center for Disaster Fraud in 2007. Starting in September 2009, the NCDF added call center support for the Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Inspectors General Hotlines for the following agencies:

  • Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General
  • Department of Health & Human Services Office of Inspector General
  • Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector General
  • Architect of the Capitol Office of Inspector General
  • US Department of Justice (Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill)
  • Department of Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General

The NCDF is funded through a Cooperative Agreement between LSU and our federal agency partners for a Fiscal Year 2018 funding level total of $2 million.

National Interagency Support Center (NISC)

OFFICE 402 Johnston Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-3100
E-MAIL twinter@lsu.edu

The NISC is the Services pillar of the Stephenson Security Programs Institute (SPI). The NISC provides technical and operational support for law enforcement partner agencies; and public hotline intake related to fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement occurring within government programs, via partnerships with Offices of Inspectors General. Key to the NISC’s mission is supporting law enforcement information sharing; efforts to protect victims of fraud and the general public from criminal activity; and cyber threat mitigation.

Coastal Studies Institute

OFFICE Howe-Russell Complex, Old Geology Building, Room 331
TELEPHONE 225-578-0389
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/csi
E-MAIL kxu@lsu.edu

Coastal Studies Institute (CSI) was established as an interdisciplinary and field-oriented research organization in 1952 to address the US Navy’s needs, with long-term funding from the Geography Programs of the Office of Naval Research. Over the years, we have broadened our sources for research support, and CSI has received research funding through competitive grants and contracts from a wide range of federal and state agencies and industrial partners. CSI was expanded and reorganized in 2012, with support from the LSU Office of Research and Economic Development. CSI is now a central organization and point of contact at LSU that focuses on interdisciplinary coastal science and engineering, spanning the expertise of faculty in multiple colleges and schools. We actively promote coastal activities at LSU to state and federal agencies.

Our research is interdisciplinary, including coastal science, engineering, weather and oceanography, emphasizing deltaic, shelf, and slope sedimentary environments. Our research capabilities include a wide range of field operations, physical and numerical modeling, and laboratory facilities, from deep-ocean moorings to beach monitoring, wave tanks, physical models, high-performance computing, and biogeochemical analyses. Our primary research goal is to develop scientific knowledge, engineering principles, and planning tools to facilitate a resilient human presence and renaissance on deltaic coasts, which are threatened worldwide by land loss and declining water and sediment supplies. An additional broader goal is to enhance LSU research efforts in coastal and shelf-sea processes and products around the world.

CSI recognizes that sustaining human presence on deltaic coastlines is essential to healthy coastal societies and economies. Accordingly, CSI scientists and engineers work closely with the Center for River Studies, Coastal Ecosystem Design Studio and other LSU units and faculty with coastal research in social science and economics to foster a fully integrated LSU approach to the study, conservation, and growth of coastal communities and environments.

Office of Innovation and Technology Commercialization

OFFICE 800 Innovation Park Drive, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70820
TELEPHONE 225-578-2599
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/innovation
E-MAIL itc@lsu.edu

The mission of LSU’s Office of Innovation and Technology Commercialization is advance innovation by serving the faculty, supporting the research enterprise, and partnering with entrepreneurs and businesses to commercialize inventions that enhance the economy and benefit the public. This includes obtaining patents and copyrights and seeking licensees and business partners in the U.S. and worldwide to commercialize that technology for the benefit of society, the university, and the inventors. 

J. Bennett Johnston, Sr. Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices

DIRECTOR Richard Kurtz
OFFICE 6980 Jefferson Hwy.
TELEPHONE 225-578-8887
FAX 225-578-6954
WEBSITE www.camd.lsu.edu
E-MAIL rlkurtz@lsu.edu

The J. Bennett Johnston, Sr. Center for Advanced Microstructures & Devices (CAMD) is an experimental facility for science and engineering that is centered on a 1.3 GeV electron storage ring. This electron accelerator produces a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from the infrared to X-rays. The synchrotron radiation is used for developing advanced materials for new energy technologies, for evaluating environmental issues and remediation, for biomedical applications including new drugs and cancer therapy, and for characterizing the materials used in advanced manufacturing technologies.

Healthy Aging Research Center

OFFICE Suite 1131 Huey P. Long Field House
TELEPHONE 225-578-6829 / 225-578-1338
WEBSITE http://lcac.lsu.edu/
E-MAIL lainsworth@lsu.edu

In 2020, more than 20 percent of the population reached the age of retirement. With the increase in the number of older adults living in Louisiana, there will be a greater need to ensure the successful aging of the population of our state. The Healthy Aging Research Center (HARC) recognizes that successful aging begins at birth and continues through the rest of our lives. Therefore, its researchers are committed to identifying the keys to successful aging and educating the public about these important issues.

The mission of the HARC is to engage in multidisciplinary partnerships promoting healthy development and aging across the lifespan. To accomplish this the HARC develops education programs and curriculum aimed to improve the quality of life across the life span, and the HARC collaborates with senior service organizations throughout the state. HARC faculty members represent more than 10 schools, departments, and programs at LSU. Areas of research include cognitive processes and aging, education across the lifespan, interpersonal relations across the lifespan, lifespan development and public policy, physical processes and aging, and sociological aspects of aging.

Louisiana Space Grant Consortium

DIRECTOR T. Gregory Guzik
OFFICE 364 Nicholson Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-8697
WEBSITE http://laspace.lsu.edu
E-MAIL laspace@lsu.edu

The Louisiana Space Grant Consortium (LaSPACE) is the Louisiana contingency of the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, a congressionally mandated federal/state partnership that is administered by the National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA). This national program encompasses every state in the nation plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

LaSPACE is primarily funded by NASA with significant financial support from the Louisiana Board of Regents and Louisiana State University. LaSPACE is an open consortium, offering membership to any organization that shares our goals and objectives and allowing such organizations to participate in our fully competitive award programs. LaSPACE is currently comprised of 38 affiliate members, including all major universities and four-year colleges in the state, five community colleges, one college system, both state education boards, and several non-profit, public education organizations and government entities.

The goal of LaSPACE is to enhance space and aerospace related research, technology, education, and public awareness throughout the state and to promote STEM education, workforce development, diversity of STEM participation, and economic development for the state. This is accomplished through competitive awards to researchers, fellowships for graduate students, mentored research programs for undergraduates, professional development support for K-12 teachers, and outreach events to promote scientific literacy.

Louisiana Sea Grant College Program

OFFICE 239 Sea Grant Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-6710
WEBSITE www.laseagrant.org
E-MAIL julieann@lsu.edu

The Louisiana Sea Grant College Program is part of the National Sea Grant College Program, a congressionally mandated federal/state endeavor that is administered by the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The national program network includes 34 lead institutions and consortia, based in coastal and Great Lakes states, involving more than 330 U.S. colleges, universities, laboratories, and private entities in research, training/education, technology transfer, and advisory service activities focused on coastal and marine issues.

The Louisiana Sea Grant College Program is responsible for administering all activities approved by NOAA for Sea Grant funding in Louisiana. The mission of the Louisiana program is to provide knowledge, trained personnel, and public awareness needed to wisely and effectively develop and manage coastal and marine areas and resources in a manner that will assure sustainable economic and societal benefits. This goal is pursued by supporting and developing selected capabilities in the Louisiana university community and, as appropriate, drawing on those in the national program network. The work requires:

  • designing and conducting research, technology transfer, extension, and educational activities involving a broad range of natural science, engineering, economic, legal, public policy, and sociological expertise, and
  • extensive cooperation with pertinent federal, state, business, and citizen groups. Providing a base of fundamental research and bringing the results to the market by enhancing existing businesses and growing new businesses are key program elements.

The Louisiana Sea Grant NOAA-funded core program supports individual projects at universities throughout Louisiana. These projects typically support graduate students, as well as provide undergraduate students with the opportunity to work on research-related activities. There is also an annual, national competition for approximately 80 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowships that provides selected graduate students a unique opportunity to spend a year working in host offices of the U.S. Congress and federal agencies located in the Washington, D.C. area. Core program activities are supplemented with projects funded by various federal and state agencies that have mutual goals and interests. Private sector support for the program is exemplified by the John P. Laborde Endowed Chair for Sea Grant Research and Technology Transfer.

In 1978, LSU was named a Sea Grant College, the 13th university in the nation to be so designated and the highest classification attainable in the program. This status was reaffirmed by national performance evaluation teams in 2019. LSU is currently one of only a handful of universities in the U.S. designated as a land-grant, space-grant, and sea-grant institution.

Shared Instrumentation Facility

DIRECTOR Dongmei Cao
OFFICE 121 Chemistry and Materials Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-5041
WEBSITE https://www.lsu.edu/sif
E-MAIL dcao2@lsu.edu

The Shared Instrumentation Facility is a university-wide Unit managed by the LSU Office of Research & Economic Development (ORED) housed in the LSU Chemistry and Materials Building. SIF hosts state-of-the-art equipment for Light and Fluorescence Microscopy, Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis, X-ray Spectroscopy, and sample preparation. The facility is staffed by an experienced group of dedicated and professional research specialists. SIF provides Micro/Nano fabrication with direct milling with focused ion beams or E-beam lithography and material characterization through imaging and chemistry and structural analysis for resolving complex problems across many scientific and engineering disciplines including Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Bioengineering, Agriculture, Food Sciences, Geology, and Environmental Sciences.

Sponsored Programs

OFFICE 202 Himes Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-2760
FAX 225-578-2751
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/osp
E-MAIL osp@lsu.edu

The Office of Sponsored Programs, an administrative unit of the Office of Research & Economic Development, provides advice and support to the LSU community in the acquisition and administration of externally funded projects to further the instruction, research, and public service mission of the university. The office provides institutional endorsement for proposals, negotiates terms and conditions of awards with sponsors, executes agreements on behalf of the institution, and prepares and negotiates subawards. The office also conducts seminars and workshops on federal, state, and institutional requirements; proposal development; and project management.

Office of Academic Affairs

OFFICE 156 Thomas Boyd
TELEPHONE 225-578-8863
FAX 225-578-5980
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/academicaffairs
E-MAIL academicaffairs@lsu.edu

Center for Community Engagement, Learning & Leadership (CCELL)

DIRECTOR Sarah Becker
OFFICE 140 Johnston Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-4245
FAX 225-578-2696
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/ccell
E-MAIL ccell@lsu.edu

The Center for Community Engagement, Learning & Leadership (CCELL) promotes service-learning and civic engagement designed to advance learning outcomes, to develop leaders with the highest sense of civic responsibility, and to address societal needs through community-university partnerships.

CCELL facilitates service-learning courses in which students take part in credit-bearing, organized service activities that simultaneously meet learning objectives and community needs. Approximately 4,000 students participate in service-learning courses each year.

CCELL, working with Campus Life, has implemented the Engaged Citizens Program, a distinction that undergraduate students can pursue if they are interested in achieving the highest levels of civic responsibility. Students who complete at least seven credit hours of service-learning courses, log a minimum of 100 hours of community service with approved organizations, and complete a paper connecting these activities with LSU’s Commitment to Community will be awarded the Engaged Citizen distinction, which will appear on their transcript.

CCELL provides a number of services to faculty who are engaged in service-learning, including but not limited to: consulting with faculty in course development, designing syllabi, teaching the scholarship of engagement, and functioning as a liaison between faculty and community partners. Additionally, CCELL offers three competitive faculty development opportunities: The Service-Learning Faculty Scholars program is a 5-week seminar in which faculty learn to integrate service-learning into a new or existing course, the Service-Learning Online Faculty Scholars program does the same for faculty integrating service-learning into a new or existing online course, and the Community Engaged Research Scholars program is intended for veteran service-learning faculty who wish to create a piece of scholarship from their engaged work. CCELL also has a training program for graduate students teaching or serving as a TA for service-learning courses, the Service-Learning Graduate Scholars program.

CCELL annually gives out a Service-Learning Outstanding Faculty Award. CCELL also recognizes the outstanding engagement work of students, community partners, staff, and faculty through the annual Happy Awards program.

Communication Across the Curriculum (CxC)

DIRECTOR Rebecca Burdette
OFFICE B6 Coates Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-7795
FAX 225-578-6973
WEBSITE www.cxc.lsu.edu
E-MAIL cxc@lsu.edu

LSU Communication across the Curriculum (CxC) is a nationally recognized academic enhancement program designed to help undergraduate students of all majors advance their written, oral, visual, and technological communication skills. CxC programming and policies are developed and regularly reviewed in collaboration with LSU faculty, students, staff, administrators, and community partners.

CxC provides the following services for all undergraduates:

  • Individualized coaching on communication assignments, including written, visual, and oral presentation projects
  • Access to communication technologies, including audio, video, and 3D visualization tools
  • Training in creating public digital portfolios for post-graduation success
  • Workshops and experiential learning opportunities focused on communication skills-building
  • Recognition on transcripts for the completion of discipline specific communication-intensive courses
  • Guidance in earning the LSU Communicator Certificate
  • Mentoring for students pursuing the LSU Distinguished Communicator Medal

CxC provides the following services for all faculty:

  • Individualized consultations on syllabus, assignment, and assessment design
  • Workshops and interdisciplinary learning communities focused on advancing communication-intensive learning and teaching
  • Supplemental instruction resources for certified communication-intensive courses
  • Assistance with writing grants and scholarship related to advancing students’ communication skills and communication pedagogy across all disciplines

Gordon A. Cain Center for Scientific, Technological, Engineering & Mathematical Literacy

OFFICE 222 Prescott Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-6001
FAX 225-578-4522
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/caincenter
E-MAIL caincenter@lsu.edu

The Cain Center for Scientific, Technological, Engineering & Mathematical Literacy provides support for Louisiana educators who are working to prepare citizens who are literate in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines to support 21st century economic and societal needs. The center fosters cross-disciplinary collaborations made possible through its joint sponsorship by the Colleges of Human Sciences and Education, Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Science.

The goals of the center include:

  • providing leadership for interdisciplinary research and development in the teaching and learning of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines at all educational levels;
  • disseminating research and practice that leads to high student achievement, especially in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines;
  • creating opportunities for collaboration across disciplines and with K-12 educational practitioners in investigating, developing, and implementing strategies for enhancing teaching and learning in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines; and
  • influencing policy concerning the teaching and learning of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines.

LSU Museum of Art

OFFICE Shaw Center for the Arts
ADDRESS 100 Lafayette Street Fifth Floor
TELEPHONE 225-389-7200
WEBSITE www.lsumoa.org
E-MAIL dstetson@lsu.edu

The LSU Museum of Art is a dynamic venue located on the fifth floor of the Shaw Center for the Arts in downtown Baton Rouge. The museum’s 5,000+ work collection is one of the largest university-affiliated art collections in the South, featuring Louisiana fine and decorative arts from the 18th century to the present, including landscape and portrait paintings, New Orleans made silver, the arts and crafts of Newcomb College, and contemporary paintings and sculpture. The Museum also hosts annually a diverse selection of changing exhibitions from different times and cultures. The LSU Museum of Art is a gateway connecting the University and the community at large to a diverse artistic and cultural range of styles and periods. The Museum is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday; 10 am to 8 pm on Thursday & Friday; and 1 pm to 5 pm on Sunday. Admission fee is $5 and free to museum members and LSU students with ID. It is closed on major holidays. The Museum offers free admission on the first Sunday of each month and on Friday nights 5-8pm.

LSU Libraries

DEAN Stanley Wilder
OFFICE 295 LSU Library
TELEPHONE 225-578-5652
FAX 225-578-9432
WEBSITE www.lib.lsu.edu
E-MAIL libraries@lsu.edu

The LSU Libraries includes the LSU Library and the adjacent Hill Memorial Library. Together, the libraries contain more than four million volumes and provide additional resources such as expert staff, technology, services, electronic resources, and facilities that advance research, teaching, and learning across every discipline.

LSU Library

LSU Library is the main library. Centrally located on the quad, it is an active and energetic part of academic life at LSU. Students and faculty find a great variety of academic support and resources for research available through the library. It is a convenient and popular study location on campus, offering resources and services to faculty and students in all departments.Subject specialists are available to students and faculty in person and online for personalized research consultations, copyright support, and help in navigating our world-class collections and resources. The library facilities include individual and group study areas, a math lab, the Shell Tutorial Center, computers, wireless access, and a coffee shop.  The LSU Library administers an oral history center, equipment checkouts for students, and interlibrary borrowing services. Hundreds of thousands of books and journals are also available online through the library website, including textbooks for many LSU courses. The Libraries is an essential campus partner for learning, teaching, and research.

Hill Memorial Library

The Special Collections division in Hill Memorial Library provides access to historical, cultural, and artistic treasures and research materials in fields ranging from the humanities and social sciences to the natural sciences, agriculture, aquaculture, the fine arts, and design. Special Collection includes the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collection (LLMVC), the Rare Book Collection, and the E.A. McIlhenny Natural History Collections, in addition to more than a dozen smaller specialized collections. The LLMVC contains rare and early imprints pertaining to the exploration and colonization of the region; books on Louisiana subjects and Louisiana authors from all eras; Louisiana newspapers on microfilm; the papers of Louisiana political figures; and more than 5,000 manuscript collections. Special strengths in other collections include natural history, especially ornithology and botany; 18th century British literature and history; and modern fine printing and book arts. Special Collections has contributed more than 50 collections of primary source materials to the Louisiana Digital Library and more than 200,000 pages of historical Louisiana newspapers to Chronicling America, both of which are freely available to the public.

LSU Online

VICE PRESIDENT Kappie Mumphrey
OFFICE Louisiana Emerging Technology Center, 340 E. Parker Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA, 70809
TELEPHONE 833-280-5634
WEBSITE online.lsu.edu
E-MAIL lsuonline@lsu.edu

The LSU Online Design & Development (D&D) team supports all LSU faculty to create learning experiences for online and blended courses. Team members collaborate with faculty to determine the best approach to design, develop, and deliver their course content in a way that achieves desired learning goals. Additionally, the Faculty Technology Center (FTC) provides IT support, consultations, and innovative solutions to faculty and graduate teaching assistants tailored to their individual teaching, research, and operational needs. Services include workshops and webinars, customized workshops by request, one-on-one consultations, virtual assistance, and events. Faculty can visit the LSU Online Faculty Resources and Support page to explore various resources, support services, and professional development offerings related to course development and teaching. 

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

OFFICE 336 Thomas Boyd Hall
TELEPHONE 225 578-4935
WEBSITE http://www.lsu.edu/oie

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) provides campus-wide leadership and support for accreditation and the integration of planning and assessment processes that reinforce institutional quality and continuous improvement in strategic planning, program review, and student learning.

Rural Life Museum and Windrush Gardens

OFFICE 4560 Essen Lane
TELEPHONE 225-765-2437
FAX 225-765-2639
WEBSITE https://rurallife.lsu.edu/rurallife/
E-MAIL rurallife@lsu.edu

The Rural Life Museum, an outdoor museum complex, is located approximately five miles from campus on the university’s 450-acre Burden: Museum and Garden. Open daily, this unique outdoor museum is divided into three areas. The Barn contains hundreds of artifacts dealing with everyday rural life dating from prehistoric times to the early 20th century. The Plantation consists of a complex of buildings, commissary, overseer’s house, kitchen, slave cabins, sick house, school-house, blacksmith’s shop, sugarhouse, and grist mill, authentically furnished to reconstruct all the major activities of life on a typical 19th century sugarcane plantation. Louisiana Folk Architecture is exemplified in seven buildings, a country church, a pioneer’s cabin and corn crib, potato house, shotgun house, Acadian house, and a dogtrot house, whose divergent construction traits illustrate the various cultures of Louisiana settlers.

Adjacent to the museum are the Windrush Gardens, designed and planted by the late Steele Burden. This five acre expanse of semiformal gardens with winding paths and open areas is reminiscent of 19th century Louisiana gardens. The museum and gardens are open daily from 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is charged.

LSU Press & The Southern Review

DIRECTOR Alisa Plant
OFFICE 338 Johnston Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-6294
WEBSITE www.lsupress.orgthesouthernreview.org
E-MAIL alisaplant1@lsu.edusouthernreview@lsu.edu

One of the oldest university presses in the South, LSU Press publishes approximately seventy new books each year, primarily in the fields of southern history, southern literary studies, Louisiana history and culture, environmental studies, southern foodways, media studies, landscape architecture, fan studies, poetry, and fiction. Since 1935, the Press has published close to 3,500 books, nearly 2,000 of which are still in print, and has distributed over 7 million books—all bearing the LSU imprint—worldwide. LSU Press is an integral part of Louisiana State University and shares its goal of disseminating knowledge and culture. The Press attracts noteworthy authors from Louisiana, the South, the nation, and the world, contributing to LSU’s academic prominence through a broad array of scholarly inquiry. Additionally, as the largest nonprofit publisher in Louisiana, the Press takes seriously its mission to promote the abundant cultural assets of the state and region to readers around the globe. All LSU Press books undergo a rigorous peer-review process and must be approved by a faculty committee before publication, ensuring their content meets the highest criteria for excellence.

Founded in 1935 on the LSU campus and distributed by LSU Press since 2011, The Southern Review is one of the nation’s premier literary journals. The Southern Review strives to discover and promote a diverse array of engaging, relevant, and challenging literature—including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translation from literary luminaries as well as the best established and emerging writers. The journal also features a broad range of visual artists from across the South and around the globe. Recently, the journal has undertaken new initiatives, reaching a broader readership through digital subscription platforms that service schools and institutional libraries in addition to the print quarterly.


LSU students and employees receive discounts on books from LSU Press and subscriptions to The Southern Review.

Cox Communication Academic Center for Student-Athletes

OFFICE 100 Gym Armory
TELEPHONE 225-578-5787
FAX 225-578-5790
WEBSITE www.acsa.lsu.edu
E-MAIL acsa@lsu.edu

The Cox Communications Academic Center for Student-Athletes (CCACSA) is comprised of four teams: academic affairs, student affairs, educational support services, and an executive team. Collectively, the purpose is to provide a student-centered support structure for all student-athletes from matriculation through graduation and life beyond in an effort to address the needs of student-athletes and remain amongst the premier support centers in the country. CCACSA, a recipient of the 2016 University Business Model of Excellence Award, is committed to the total development of student-athletes: academically, cognitively, personally, professionally, and through community engagement.


Information Technology Services

OFFICE 200 Frey Computing Services Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-3375
FAX 225-578-6400
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/its
E-MAIL cwooley@lsu.edu

Research and Education Technology Services

OFFICE Frey Computing Services Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-3375
FAX 225-578-6400

Research and Education Technology Services (RETS) consists of LONI (Louisiana Optical Network Infrastructure), High Performance Computing, Multimedia Classrooms and Computer Lab Support.

This unit is responsible for the operation of LONI – the state of Louisiana’s Research and Education Network which connects Louisiana research and education institutions to high speed network services; LSU’s High Performance Computing (HPC) operation assists researchers with conducting research using LSU’s computing clusters; Multimedia Classroom support group which maintains the technology used in Registrar-controlled classrooms, and the Computer Labs team which maintains the computer infrastructure used by students in several computer labs throughout campus.  

Data Architecture

OFFICE  Frey Computing Services Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-3375
FAX 225-578-6400

LSU Data Architecture includes Central Support, Legacy Support, and Production Support.

Central Support and Legacy Support serve as the primary technical and business process support teams for the executive and central administrative and academic offices of the university, including Workday and mainframe applications

Production Support is responsible for the day-to-day support of enterprise application and data reporting infrastructure of the university and includes the Application Development, Business Intelligence, Database Administration, and Integration Development teams.  

Service & Operations

OFFICE Frey Computing Services Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-3375
FAX 225-578-6400

Services and Operations houses IT Financial Management, Portfolio Management Office, Service Architecture, the Network Operations Center (NOC) and Talent Management. In addition, it serves as the primary campus interface for information technology services at LSU through its Service Desk. Located in the Frey Computing Services Building, the Service Desk provides walk-up and telephone technical assistance to faculty, staff, and students. It includes the Print Desk (3rd floor of the LSU Library), Digital Imaging, and Field Support.  IT training and education opportunities are offered on a variety of introductory and advanced topics, in addition to customized training upon request. The GROK Knowledge Base (grok.lsu.edu) serves as an online repository of the latest campus technical information, as well as an FAQ of common computing questions and answers. 

This unit houses the Network Operations Center (NOC) which monitors mainframe services and applications, campus network equipment and services, campus network traffic, network security systems as well as all external connections to the LSU network 24 hours a day, 365 days per year.

University Network Infrastructure

DIRECTOR Sean Robbins
OFFICE Frey Computing Services Center
TELEPHONE 225-578-3375
FAX 225-578-6400

The University Network Infrastructure unit is responsible for the security and integrity of campus network infrastructure and services (including telephony, eduroam WiFi), identity management, LSUMail, enterprise level support for Microsoft Windows server platforms including SQL servers, IIS, Exchange and Active Directory.

College of Agriculture

INTERIM DEAN Lucien P. Laborde
OFFICE 142 Martin D. Woodin Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-3979
FAX 225-578-2526
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/agriculture
E-MAIL agri@lsu.edu

Louisiana State Arthropod Museum

DIRECTOR Nathan Lord
CURATOR Victoria M. Bayless
OFFICE 575 Life Sciences Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-1838
FAX 225-578-1643
WEBSITE www.lsuinsects.org
E-MAIL nlord@agcenter.lsu.edu

The Louisiana State Arthropod Museum (LSAM), located in the Life Sciences Building, is a part of the Department of Entomology and a component collection of the Louisiana Museum of Natural History. The LSAM is the largest repository of insects and related arthropods in Louisiana. It houses approximately 1.2 million specimens, including 1 million pinned specimens, 100,000 fluid-preserved samples, and 30,000 microscope slides. One of the main strengths of the collection is a nationally significant beetle collection. In addition to preserving examples of the non-marine arthropod fauna of Louisiana, the LSAM’s holdings include substantial numbers of specimens from elsewhere in the southern United States, Central and South America, and the Caribbean region.

The LSAM serves the research needs of Louisiana’s scientific community by conserving voucher specimens generated by projects in agricultural entomology, biodiversity, and conservation biology. It serves the needs of the public by providing identifications of insects and other non-marine arthropods and by providing information about their habits and life histories. Specimen loans are made to qualified researchers throughout the world. The LSAM is not open to the general public and no exhibits are maintained, but requests for identifications and related information are welcome. A diagnostic fee is charged for identification services.

LSU Textile & Costume Museum

DIRECTOR Pamela Vinci
OFFICE 140 Human Ecology Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-2403
FAX 225-578-2697
WEBSITE www.textilemuseum.lsu.edu
E-MAIL textile@lsu.edu

The LSU Textile & Costume Museum offers changing exhibitions of regional, national, and international interest. Museum hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., weekdays. The scope of the museum’s more than 12,000-piece collection is global. Holdings include prehistoric and ethnic textiles and costume as well as contemporary high fashions and high-tech textiles. Types of items include apparel, accessories, household textiles, piece goods, books, patterns, and a variety of items related to textile and apparel production, use, and care. As part of the Department of Textiles, Apparel Design & Merchandising, the museum promotes conservation, research, teaching, and public service. Research includes studies of the technical, aesthetic, historic, and sociocultural significance of textiles and apparel. It is a component collection of the Louisiana Museum of Natural History at LSU.

The organization, Friends of the LSU Textile & Costume Museum, supports the goals and functions of the museum by providing funds for artifact purchases, exhibition mounting, educational workshops, and other activities throughout the year.

College of Art & Design

DEAN Alkis Tsolakis
OFFICE 102 Design Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-5400
FAX 225-578-5040
WEBSITE design.lsu.edu
E-MAIL adsn@lsu.edu


OFFICE 212 Design Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-4990

The VizLab is dedicated to teaching and research in the areas of computer-aided design, image-processing, and more applications in architecture, art, interior design, and landscape architecture. VizLab also offers services ranging from large-format printing and scanning to visual development using virtual and augmented reality.

Fabrication Factory

OFFICE 1st Floor Art Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-5400
FAX 225-578-5040

The College of Art & Design Fabrication Factory is a digital fabrication laboratory for students and faculty. The factory provides the capacity to create a multidisciplinary, active, team-learning environment by leveraging large-scale digital fabrication equipment for cutting, shaping, and forming, metal, wood, and plastic toward the resolution of creative design problems.

Design Shop

OFFICE 110 Art Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-3770
FAX 225-578-5040

The Design Shop at the LSU College of Art & Design provides students with a work space, hand tools, and power machinery for a variety of uses and materials. Under the supervision of the Design Shop Manager this large and comprehensive workshop is available for student use to complete class projects. In addition to a top of the line woodworking area, the shop houses 2 60 wall Universal laser cutters and 1 150 watt BOSS.

Glassell Gallery

DIRECTOR K. Malia Krolak
ADDRESS Shaw Center for the Arts, 100 Lafayette Street, Ground Floor
TELEPHONE 225-389-7180
WEBSITE www.glassellgallery.org
E-MAIL kkrolak@lsu.edu

The LSU School of Art’s Alfred C. Glassell Jr. Exhibition Gallery is an ultra-contemporary venue located on the ground floor of the architecturally-distinguished Shaw Center for the Arts in downtown Baton Rouge. The Glassell Gallery mounts exhibits of the highest caliber by contemporary artists from around the world and displays the professional work of our faculty as well as thesis exhibitions by graduate students in the School of Art. The gallery affords a dynamic setting for connections with the local and regional community. The gallery is open Tuesday-Friday from 10 AM to 5 PM and on Saturday and Sunday from noon to 5 PM. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, call (225) 389-7180.

E. J. Ourso College of Business

DEAN Jared J. Llorens
OFFICE Business Education Complex, Room 4000
TELEPHONE 225-578-3211
FAX 225-578-5277
WEBSITE https://lsu.edu/business/

Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety

DIRECTOR Cory Hutchinson
OFFICE 179 South Quad Drive
TELEPHONE 225-578-0366
FAX 225-578-0240
WEBSITE carts.lsu.edu
E-MAIL carts@lsu.edu

The Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS) is responsible for collecting, maintaining, integrating, analyzing, and distributing crash-related data captured from law enforcement and other agencies throughout the State of Louisiana. CARTS utilizes this data to develop business intelligence (BI) and GIS tools, perform research studies, and produce an annual factbook. Decision-makers use these tools and publications to identify potential problem areas, create countermeasures, set policies, and establish programs to improve the safety of roadways in Louisiana. CARTS is a center within the E. J. Ourso College of Business at LSU.

Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute

OFFICE Business Education Complex, Suite 3000
TELEPHONE 225-578-0313
FAX 225-578-6606
WEBSITE https://www.lsu.edu/business/sdeis/sei.php
E-MAIL sei@lsu.edu

The Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute (SEI) promotes and fosters entrepreneurial practices through education, outreach, and research. We seek to inspire, innovate, integrate, and implement new ways of thinking, to positively impact students, the local business community, the regional economy, the state of Louisiana, and the nation.

SEI is a multidisciplinary institute that serves the university and the local business community. We work closely with our partners to assist in economic development and small business development-related endeavors. We seek to teach, coach, and inspire students and other stakeholders through an innovative portfolio of co-curricular, cross-campus, and community engagement initiatives and support applied research and experiential learning.

Examples of such are as follows:


The institute offers several programs and events designed to promote innovative approaches to identifying needs and solving problems through an entrepreneurial view of opportunity recognition and realization.

  • Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Study Trips: SEI organizes Entrepreneurial Ecosystem study trips to provide students with a perspective on the best practices that drive different ecosystems’ success. For example, students visited Seattle and studied some of our nation’s top technology companies in a hands-on, intimate setting. By visiting firms such as Boeing, Amazon, Microsoft, Blue Origin, as well as local startups, incubators, and accelerators, attending students experienced a weeklong immersion into the world of high-growth tech. 
  • Startup LSU: Turning business ideas into reality is at the core of the annual Startup LSU program. Participants have 54 hours to form teams and move from pitches and demonstrations to presentations. Sponsored by the Stephenson Department of Entrepreneurship & Information Systems and the Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute, the event is open to all LSU students and the general community. There is a fee to participate.
  • J Terrell Brown Venture Challenge: The annual J Terrell Brown Venture Challenge business plan/pitch competition is open to all in-person LSU students with existing businesses or business ideas. Three student entrepreneurs will be selected to pitch in the final round for their share of $25,000 in startup cash. A two-minute business pitch video is the only requirement for first-round participation; this is a valuable opportunity for LSU student entrepreneurs. 
  • Fostering the Community Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The institute partners with several organizations to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Such support includes: supporting the local business community by orchestrating the annual Bootcamp for Entrepreneurs, sponsorship of the LSU 100 event, which celebrates the fasting growing Tiger businesses; partnership with LSU Innovation Park to support startups as well as local and national business competitions; sponsorship of Baton Rouge Entrepreneurship Week; hosting and partnership with the local Young Entrepreneur’s Academy chapter.

Educational Offerings

The Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute administers and supports various programs that provide students with the experience and networking essential to entrepreneurship. Our vision is a university community that embraces leadership in innovation, creative thinking, and development of the region to make it a better place to live and work. Our ultimate goal is to see that every individual at LSU, in any field of study, has the chance for education and experience in entrepreneurship.

Through the Stephenson Department of Entrepreneurship & Information Systems, undergraduate students can earn a single bachelor of science in entrepreneurship degree or pair it with another B.S. or B.A. degree as a second degree option. Alternatively, students may earn an entrepreneurship minor, which offers hands-on experience and coursework in launching a business by professors who have been successful entrepreneurs. 


The Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute supports scholarly and applied research in various fields of entrepreneurship across the LSU campus. We welcome and encourage interdisciplinary research collaborations between all LSU colleges and schools. 

Real Estate Research Institute

OFFICE Business Education Complex, Suite 2602
TELEPHONE 225-578-6291
FAX 225-578-6366
WEBSITE https://lsu.edu/business/finance/reri.php

The Real Estate Research Institute was established in 1985 with funding from the E. J. Ourso College of Business and the Louisiana Real Estate Commission. Its purpose is to encourage, support, and conduct applied and basic research in real estate, focusing on real estate and related economic activity in Louisiana.

The institute has sponsored nearly 200 research projects, ranging from the analysis of nonparametric location theory to investigating the effect on housing markets of below-market financing bond issues. An integral part of the institute’s effort is to fund research grants for faculty and graduate students and provide scholarship support for students.

The institute’s work is closely supported by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission Endowed Chair of Real Estate, the Latter & Blum Professorship of Business Administration, and the C. J. Brown Professorship of Real Estate. Continued funding for the institute has been provided by the Louisiana Real Estate Commission, the E. J. Ourso College of Business, the Commercial Investment Division of the Baton Rouge Board of Realtors, and various local and state private corporations.

Professional Sales Institute

DIRECTOR Greg Accardo
OFFICE Business Education Complex, Suite 200, Room 2027
TELEPHONE 225-578-8797
FAX 225-578-8616
WEBSITE https://lsu.edu/business/marketing/psi.php

The Professional Sales Institute (PSI) at LSU is dedicated to the education, training, and development of professional sales leaders and the discovery and dissemination of sales knowledge.

PSI’s research mission is to conduct cutting-edge scientific analysis on the sales profession and provide insights to managers on state-of-the-art methods to build and maintain a competitive edge in the sales force. Our researchers work collaboratively with managers and executives on projects to provide both practical implications for managers and scientific findings for academic audiences. The topics of our research projects include:

  • Salesforce compensation plans
  • Increasing the lifetime value of salespeople
  • Sales strategy (i.e., macro‐level research examining effects across sales organizations)
  • Salesforce design (i.e., structure, alignment, sizing, territory design)
  • Customer engagement (i.e., buyer-seller relationships, targeting, sales process)
  • People and skills (i.e., leadership, performance management, evaluation of traits, and competencies of salespeople)
  • Motivation (i.e., culture, incentives, metrics, goals)
  • Sales operations (i.e., CRM, analytics)

Center for Economics, Business and Policy Research

OFFICE Business Education Complex, Suite 3000
TELEPHONE 225-578-3783
WEBSITE https://lsu.edu/business/economics/eprg

The Center for Economics, Business, and Policy Research (CEBPR) conducts applied business, economics, and public affairs research. Our mission is to provide relevant, timely research and insights that inform decision-making, shape policy, and advance the fields of business, economics, and public affairs, ultimately improving the overall health and well-being of the state of Louisiana and its residents.

CEBPR’s research is highly collaborative and multidisciplinary, leveraging the collective strengths and expertise of all departments in the Ourso College and diverse scholars from across the LSU system campuses. The center pursues a mix of federal, state, local, and non-profit funding to address key Louisiana business, economics, and public affairs concerns. Our research spans a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to, healthcare outcomes, economic policy, and community development.

The Center for Economics, Business, and Policy Research is committed to advancing research that makes a difference in Louisiana and beyond.

College of the Coast and Environment

DEAN Christopher D’Elia
OFFICE 1002-Q Energy, Coast & Environment Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-6316
FAX 225-578-5328
WEBSITE https://www.lsu.edu/cce/index.php

Earth Scan Lab

DIRECTOR Nan D. Walker
OFFICE 331 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
TELEPHONE 225-578-2395
FAX 225-578-2520
WEBSITE https://www.esl.lsu.edu/

The Earth Scan Laboratory is a satellite receiving station and image processing facility for environmental data from six unique earth observing sensor systems. The laboratory specializes in real-time access to satellite imagery and measurements of the atmosphere, oceans, and coastal areas within the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, W. Atlantic, and E. Tropical Pacific Ocean. Satellite measurements are obtained directly from satellite transmissions many times each day. The mission of the laboratory is to support education, research, and state emergency response. During hurricane season, the laboratory supplies hurricane images every few minutes to the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Response. ESL’s comprehensive web page, https://www.esl.lsu.edu/, provides daily imagery and animations of oceanic and atmospheric circulations both in real-time and as historic archives.


OFFICE 208 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
TELEPHONE 225-578-3619
FAX 225-578-2520
WEBSITE www.wavcis.lsu.edu

The objective of WAVCIS (wave-current information system) is to provide real time oceanographic and meteorological data from offshore Louisiana including ocean wave height, period, direction of wave propagation, water level, storm surge, ocean current speed and direction at various depths of the water column.

WAVCIS manages offshore deployment of instrumentation on oil platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico to provide real time information at hourly intervals. Currently, the real time data are being provided to NOAA through GCOOS. 

Data from each station is transmitted by a solar powered cellular link to a base station at Louisiana State University where it undergoes quality control, post-processing and archiving in an online database. The information is then made available on the Web and is accessible to computers with an Internet connection and web browser. Various data displays are available for the real time information as well as a specified time history for archived data.

WAVCIS also provides weather forecast of the region with a meteorological model (WRF), updated continuously. Wave forecast is also provided and updated continuously. 

College of Engineering

DEAN Judy Wornat
OFFICE 2214 Patrick Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-5731
FAX 225-578-4845
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/eng/index.php

Center for Gas Turbine Innovations & Energy Research

DIRECTOR Shengmin Guo
OFFICE 3290L Patrick F. Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-7619
FAX 225-578-5924
E-MAIL sguo2@lsu.edu

Since it was founded in 2001, the Center for Gas Turbine Innovations and Energy Research (TIER) has engaged in fundamental research, as well as R&D, related to gas-turbine technologies both for propulsion and energy generation applications with emphasis on clean energy technologies. In collaboration with other Louisiana Universities, its members co-founded the Clean Power and Energy Research Consortium (CPERC), which was active for over a decade since its establishment in 2002. Research areas of the Center include turbine blade heat transfer and cooling technologies, active control of film cooling flows, gas-turbine aerodynamics and combustion, alternative fuels for power production, combustion technologies, advanced thermal barrier coating development and the synthesis of associated materials, and materials synthesis for fuel cell applications. Most recently the Center has expanded its interests to additive manufacturing as related energy-applications. 

Center for Rotating Machinery

DIRECTOR Michael M. Khonsari
OFFICE 3283 Patrick F. Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-9192
FAX 225-578-5924
E-MAIL khonsari@lsu.edu

The Center for Rotating Machinery (CeROM), established in 2000, was created by an interdisciplinary research group led by faculty in the Department of Mechanical Engineering in close collaboration with business and industry leaders. By providing cutting-edge technological innovations to solve complex problems in engineering systems, the center serves as an intellectual foundation to the industry with focus on long-range development.

The center fosters the development of the next generation of mechanical components, materials synthesis, and fabrication techniques, and serves the needs of the large industrial base in Louisiana and elsewhere in the nation. Current collaborations exist between researchers in the center and a number of industries as well as the Gulf South Rotating Machinery Symposium (GSRMS) Conference Steering Committee. Projects of note include research in the areas of tribology, materials synthesis, characterization, modeling, mechanical systems analysis, nondestructive testing, fatigue testing and analysis, and advanced sensing technology. The center is committed to maintaining a strong partnership with industry through stimulating technological innovation; facilitating commercialization of new research and development; serving as a magnet for attracting new industries to Louisiana; hosting workshops, symposia, and advanced specialty courses for training professional engineers; and providing graduate students with real-world, relevant experience to produce a high quality workforce for Louisiana and beyond.

Consortium for Innovation in Manufacturing and Materials

OFFICE 327E Patrick F. Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-5832
FAX 225-578-5924
E-MAIL wmeng1@lsu.edu

The Consortium for Innovation in Manufacturing and Materials (CIMM) was funded in 2015 by NSF-EPSCoR through a Cooperative Agreement. CIMM research focuses on manufacturing using metallic materials. Its two-prong emphasis is on multi-scale metal forming and additive manufacturing (3D printing) incorporating an Integrated Computational Materials Engineering approach. CIMM includes a Central User Facility (CIMM-CUF) as a manifold of State-wide experimental resources to support manufacturing research. CIMM also has a substantial educational component aiming at early preparation of the future workforce to support advanced manufacturing enterprises.

Hazardous Substance Research Center

DIRECTOR John Pardue
OFFICE 3240T Patrick Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-8661
EMAIL jpardue@lsu.edu

The Hazardous Substance Research Center/South and Southwest (HSRC) is a five-institution consortium consisting of LSU, as the lead institution, Georgia Institute of Technology, Texas A&M, Rice University, and the University of Texas. The consortium conducts research, outreach, and technology transfer activities on critical hazardous substance problems. These investigations focus on the following three categories:

  • engineering management of contaminated sediments;
  • hazardous substances problems of special interest to communities within EPA Regions 4 and 6; and
  • hazardous waste site remediation and management.

Louisiana Transportation Research Center

OFFICE 4101 Gourrier Ave.
TELEPHONE 225-767-9131
FAX 225-767-9108
WEBSITE www.ltrc.lsu.edu/
E-MAIL samuel.cooper@la.gov

The Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) is a cooperative research, education, and technology transfer center jointly administered by LSU and the Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development. The center was established in 1986 by the Louisiana Legislature with the goal of improving the state’s transportation system through basic and applied research, education, and technology transfer. The primary focus of the center is development of nationally recognized research and educational programs in transportation systems resulting in the implementation of more efficient design, planning, maintenance, operation, and construction practices as well as improved safety. LTRC also offers courses, seminars, and training sessions designed to enhance the professional capabilities of DOTD engineers and all transportation professionals. These courses are offered through LTRC’s Transportation Training and Education Center (TTEC) located adjacent to the LTRC building. TTEC has state-of-the-art classrooms and lecture facilities with advanced distance-learning capabilities. LTRC also publishes reports, brochures, and training materials. These publications are available to students in appropriate disciplines.

The Louisiana Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), a division of LTRC, is part of a national network dispersing the latest in transportation practices to local governing bodies by means of publications, seminars, workshops, and technical assistance.

Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute

DIRECTOR Frank T.-C. Tsai
OFFICE 3230F Patrick Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-4246
FAX 225-578-4945
WEBSITE http://lwrri.lsu.edu/
E-MAIL ftsai@lsu.edu

The Louisiana Water Resources Research Institute (LWRRI) is federally mandated to perform a statewide function of promoting research, education and services in water resources. To support these activities, the federal government provides annual funding for research grants and to administer the grant program. The Institute also receives state funding, partially as a match for the federal funding. The Institute also engages in contract research independent of the federal program.

Specifically, the purpose of the Institute is to:

  • Plan, facilitate and conduct research to aid in the resolution of State and regional water problems,
  • Promote technology transfer and the dissemination and application of research results
  • Provide for the training of scientists and engineers through their participation in research
  • Provide for competitive grants to be awarded under the Water Resources Research Act

The Institute is a multidisciplinary center for addressing water issues in the state, drawing on faculty from multiple departments and Universities. In this regard, the Institute serves as a resource for state officials who want unbiased, scientifically defensible information on how to address the State’s water problems.

Gulf Coast Research Center for Evacuation & Transportation Resiliency

DIRECTOR Brian Wolshon
OFFICE 3240Q Patrick F. Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-5247
E-MAIL brian@rsip.lsu.edu

The Gulf Coast Center for Evacuation and Transportation Resiliency was established as a federal University Transportation Center (UTC) in 2008 under the support of the United States Department of Transportation. The center seeks to create and disseminate new knowledge to address a multitude of issues that impact transportation processes under emergency conditions. These are developed through the research, teaching, and outreach mission of the center and include topics such as evacuation for natural and man-made hazards and other types of major events as well as the need to develop and maintain the ability of transportation systems to economically, efficiently, and safely respond to the changing conditions and demands that may be placed upon them. Work within these areas has recently included the development of modeling and analysis techniques; innovative design and control strategies; and travel demand estimation and planning methods that can be used to predict and improve travel under periods of immediate and overwhelming demand. In addition to detailed analysis of emergency transportation processes, the center also provides support for the broader study of transportation resiliency. This has included research on key components of redundant transportation systems, analysis of congestion in relation to resiliency, and the impact of climate change.

Center for Geoinformatics

DIRECTOR George Z. Voyiadjis
OFFICE Engineering Research & Development Building, 2nd Floor, South Stadium Drive
TELEPHONE 225-578-4609
FAX 225-578-4502
WEBSITE www.c4g.lsu.edu
E-MAIL rosbor1@lsu.edu

The Center for GeoInformatics (C4G) is a science and technology unit focused on high precision 3-D and 4-D Earth positioning.  The Center was established in 2001 and is now part of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, within the College of Engineering. The C4G is also home to the Louisiana Spatial Reference Center (LSRC), a research facility established by the National Geodetic Survey in 2002 dedicated to ensuring a highly accurate, precise and consistent geographic reference framework for the state. At its core is a state-wide network of reference stations that allow scientific and professional users to observe their exact position anywhere in Louisiana to the millimeter-scale. This infrastructure is the largest university-owned and operated positioning network in the world based on the Global Positioning System (GPS) and other satellite systems collectively known as the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). 

This state-of-the-art infrastructure of Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network has proven scientific, economic, and legal applications that are recognized by the state and nation as the official positioning reference system within Louisiana (R.S. 50:173.1).  The principle scientific research pursued by the Center is concentrated on monitoring and modeling land subsidence across coastal Louisiana, and broadening understanding of the physics that explain it. 

In 2007, the LSU Center for GeoInformatics (C4G) launched a Real-Time Network (RTN) utilizing special software that taps into the power of the Louisiana Spatial Reference Center’s Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) infrastructure offering subscribers a statewide Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Virtual Reference Station (VRS) service, or simply RTN (called C4Gnet). By using C4G’s RTN C4Gnet services, subscribers can save time and make better use of GNSS equipment with the benefit of being automatically tied into the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) and Louisiana’s Vertical Geodetic Control throughout the entire State while receiving Real-Time Network GPS/GNSS positions within the 3D error space of a golf ball.

Louisiana is, by virtue of its unique geology, geography, and cultural heritage, globally recognized as a “natural laboratory” for subsidence research. To address the inherent complexities and better understand the long-term consequences of subsidence in the State, the C4G at Louisiana State University (LSU) was created to pursue a comprehensive program of research, education, and outreach.

The C4G provides technological, intellectual, and practical leadership for contemporary subsidence and spatial research in the state.   This influence was recognized in June 2013, when the Board of Supervisors and Louisiana Board of Regents reauthorized the C4G as a Research Center at LSU.

Comprehensively, the principal goals of the C4G can be summarized as follows:

  • Provide and ensure a highly accurate, precise, and consistent geodetic control as a service to our stakeholders and subscribers to the C4Gnet real-time network for accurate, precise, and consistent horizontal and vertical control in the State.
  • Produce an exceptional level of research and service to the State for mitigating the hazards attributed to subsidence.
  • Effectively communicates the challenges and science of subsidence facing our coastal communities so that practitioners and decision makers can provide for a sustainable future.

The center is a national force in expanding and strengthening the university, commercial, and public-sector geospatial communities within the state of Louisiana and the U.S. It provides the advanced geospatial information applications, products, training, and commercialization expertise that are required to support economic development and environmental stewardship.

Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET )

DIRECTOR Marwa Hassan
OFFICE 3316A Patrick Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-9189
WEBSITE https://transet.lsu.edu
E-MAIL marwa@lsu.edu

The Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET) is the US Department of Transportation’s Region 6 University Transportation Center. It is a collaborative partnership between nine major institutions and two community colleges across five states (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas). This partnership brings together the unique strengths and characteristics of each institution to establish a Center with the necessary capabilities, facilities, and staff to tackle regional transportation challenges. Tran-SET was established in late-November 2016 to address the accelerated deterioration of transportation infrastructure through the development, evaluation, and implementation of cutting-edge technologies, novel materials, and innovative construction management processes.

LSU-Industrial Assessment Center (LSU-IAC)

DIRECTOR Jonathan Shi
OFFICE 3316 D Patrick Taylor Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-1255
WEBSITE https://iac.lsu.edu
E-MAIL jshi@lsu.edu

LSU-Industrial Assessment Center (LSU-IAC) is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) and established in October 2016, and it is part of a national USDOE initiative that began in 1976 and now funds 32 IACs across the country. The goals of the LSU-IAC are to support Louisiana’s small and medium-sized manufacturers and commercial buildings by providing technical assistance on saving energy, improving energy efficiency and shrinking carbon footprints, and to train the next generation of energy-engineering professionals.

College of Humanities & Social Sciences

DEAN Troy Blanchard
OFFICE 132 Hodges Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-3141
FAX 225-578-6447
WEBSITE www.hss.lsu.edu

Center for French & Francophone Studies

DIRECTOR Alexandre Leupin
OFFICE 415b Hodges Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-6589
FAX 225-578-0305
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/cffs
E-MAIL frleup@lsu.edu

The Center for French and Francophone Studies is designated as a Center of Excellence by the French Embassy in New York.The mission of the Center is to federate and encourage the development of French and Francophone culture in its multifaceted aspects, with particular emphasis on literature and the arts.This mission can be visualized as a series of concentric circles growing larger and larger.

The first circle encompasses all members of the LSU community that have an interest in French: scholars who study French culture in all departments, International Programs, the Office of Research and Development, the LSU Rural Life Museum, LSU University Press. The second circle encompasses the Baton Rouge community, including the Friends of French at LSU, to which the Center proposes a series of events, the Louisiana Museum of Art, Whitney Plantation and other institutions. The third circle aims to federate French and Francophone culture interests in the State of Louisiana, including all its higher education institutions. Lastly, the fourth circle focuses on international relations with France, Canada, Francophone countries in Europe and Africa, and the French Antilles.

The Center will accomplish its goal by fully or partially sponsoring colloquia, lectures and events congruent with its mission. It will seek internal and external funding to support all of its activities on a continuous basis.

Southern Regional Climate Center

DIRECTOR Kevin Robbins
OFFICE E328 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
TELEPHONE 225-578-5021
FAX 225-578-2912
WEBSITE www.srcc.lsu.edu
E-MAIL krobbins@srcc.lsu.edu

The Southern Regional Climate Center (SRCC), one of six regional climate centers serving climate information needs of the U.S., provides climate information services for Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. Housed in the Department of Geography & Anthropology, the SRCC is administered by the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), an agency of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The SRCC receives a wide array of National Weather Service (NWS) data via the Internet and through an on-site NOAA port satellite receiver. We also receive observed and processed data and information from non-federal sources. These data are processed at the SRCC and merged with historical climatic archives to provide a comprehensive source of climate information. Providing more than an archive service, these operational data products enable the SRCC staff to monitor and assess the current state of the regional climate, provide value-added climatic information to decision-makers, promote regional economic development, provide information to promote environmental management and stewardship, and supply researchers with needed climate information to assist domain-specific research.

The SRCC works within the national RCC program to provide support for the U.S. National Climate Assessment, a periodic snapshot of the U.S. climate as it relates to climate change; provides weekly regional assessments of U.S. drought conditions for the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS); and provides monthly reports to NCDC on climate extremes across the SRCC region. More recently, the SRCC has begun plans to assume a larger regional scale that will include the states of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This expansion allows the SRCC to monitor a region that includes all Gulf of Mexico bordering states. We are expanding our reach into the coastal margins of the Gulf of Mexico in preparation for this responsibility.

Faculty, staff, and graduate students utilize SRCC climatic data and computing resources to perform applied and basic research on a variety of climate-related topics that include rainfall frequency analysis, regional flooding, drought, extreme weather and climate events, climatic impacts on agriculture, tropical storms and storm surge, and numerous issues related to climatic change and variability. SRCC is active participants in the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program, a joint venture between LSU and the University of Oklahoma (OU), and have partnered with OU, Oklahoma State University, Texas Tech University, the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations of Oklahoma, and the NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory to form the South Central Climate Science Center, a five-year project sponsored by the Department of the Interior. This research center focuses on ecological studies impacted by climate extremes and global climate change.

Louisiana Office of State Climatology

OFFICE E327 Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex
TELEPHONE 225-578-6870
FAX 225-578-2912
WEBSITE www.losc.lsu.edu
E-MAIL losc@lsu.edu

The Louisiana Office of State Climatology (LOSC) is recognized by the American Association of State Climatologists as the official climate office for the state, housing the Louisiana State Climatologist. It has been providing climate data services to the state’s public, private, industrial, and governmental sectors since the late 1970s. The LOSC is charged with maintaining historical climate data for the state, and then making these data available to the public. The State Climatologist monitors current weather impacts and trends for Louisiana, and is very active with local and regional media. The LOSC is supported in this activity by the Southern Regional Climate Center (SRCC) and the National Climate Data Center. Located within the Department of Geography & Anthropology, the LOSC is closely linked to the department’s SRCC and shares the SRCC’s data and computer resources.

Eric Voegelin Institute for American Renaissance Studies

DIRECTOR James R. Stoner
OFFICE 240 Stubbs Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-2538
FAX 225-578-2540
WEBSITE http://www.lsu.edu/voegelin
E-MAIL poston@lsu.edu

The Eric Voegelin Institute, a humanities-social science research institute with no instructional program, was created as a unit within the College of Humanities & Social Sciences in 1987. The Institute is named for perhaps the greatest scholar-teacher in the history of the university (1942-1958) and one of the original Boyd Professors, Eric Voegelin, of the Department of Government (now Political Science). The Institute is devoted to revitalizing the teaching and understanding of the great books of Western civilization in comparison with other civilizational traditions, especially along lines embodied in Voegelin’s own massive scholarship.

Largely supported by private contributions and other external funding, the Institute’s principal activities involve seminars and conferences, research, publications, and teaching focused on the life and works of Voegelin and on the ideas and questions that animated his thought. It provided the principal editorial and financial support unit for the large edition titled The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, University of Missouri Press, 34 vols., completed in 2009.

Manship School of Mass Communication

OFFICE 211 Journalism Bldg.
TELEPHONE 225-578-1899
FAX 225-578-2125
WEBSITE www.manship.lsu.edu

Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs

DIRECTOR Jenee Slocum
OFFICE 222A Journalism Building
TELEPHONE 225-578-1899
FAX 225-578-2125
WEBSITE www.lsu.edu/reillycenter
E-MAIL jenee@lsu.edu

Since its inception in 2001, the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs has been a leading voice in mass communication surrounding contemporary challenges of the digital revolution. As the outreach and engagement arm of the Manship School of Mass Communication, the Center’s mission is to generate thoughtful programs, dialogue and research about mass communication and its many-faceted relationships with social, economic and political issues.

The Reilly Center maintains a busy annual event schedule and supports a robust array of research activity. Each year, the Center convenes approximately 25 events, ranging from day-long public symposia on critical issues to student-oriented programs addressing professional exploration. The Center routinely features nationally-recognized experts, drawing students and faculty from across campus, as well as community members. Research support is through a number of means, including the Public Policy Research Lab, Fellows programs, faculty supplements and direct project funding. These investments result in scholarly books, research articles, reports for public policymakers and informative professional pieces for practitioners.

Public Policy Research Lab

WEBSITE http://pprllsu.com/

Louisiana State University’s Public Policy Research Lab (PPRL) is a research center dedicated to high quality, state-of-the-art data collection and analytics, with a special emphasis on survey research. For more than 15 years we have advanced both practical and scholarly research while playing a leadership role in public policy development at the state and national level. We serve government agencies, non-profit organizations, business and industry, as well as academic researchers.

Media Effects Lab

WEBSITE www.melresearch.com
E-MAIL cyang10@lsu.edu

The Media Effects Lab (MEL) is a research and teaching facility dedicated to the exploration of how media consumers emotionally and cognitively process media content and formats. Faculty and student researchers use advanced experimental and survey methodologies, and technologies (e.g. reaction time, facial expression analysis, heart rate, eye tracking, etc.) to investigate theoretical and applied problems, explore innovations, and uncover trends in mass communication. MEL faculty affiliates specialize in topics including media effects/media psychology, political communication, digital advertising, health communication, public relations, and entertainment. Students, undergraduate and graduate, have the opportunity to explore communications research interests through coursework, projects through LSU Discover, the Honors College or the McNair Program, or collaboratively in a student-led applied and academic research group. 

Social Media Analysis and Creation Lab

DIRECTOR Lance Porter
TELEPHONE 225-578-7377
FAX 225-578-2125
WEBSITE https://smac.lsu.edu/
E-MAIL lporter@lsu.edu

The Social Media Analysis and Creation (SMAC) lab promotes the use of social media for civic engagement through teaching, research and service. The SMAC lab features moveable t-walls, a touch screen control table, and screen walls, the lab will be used by faculty, mass communication general classes, student media, and specialty courses to track and analyze social media content, as well as create their own content and conduct academic research.

College of Science

DEAN Cynthia Peterson
OFFICE 124 Hatcher Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-4200
FAX 225-578-8826
WEBSITE science.lsu.edu

Center for Biomodular Multi-Scale Systems

CO-DIRECTORS Robin McCarley and Michael Murphy
TELEPHONE 225-578-3361
FAX 225-578-3458
E-MAIL tunnel@lsu.edu

The Center for BioModular Multi-Scale Systems (CBM2) is a multidisciplinary center for the development of micro/nano-scale devices with applications in medical diagnostics, forensics, drug discovery, and homeland defense and is funded by grants from National Science Foundation, Louisiana Board of Regents, National Institutes of Health, and others. In addition to its primary research mission, CBM2 also supports active Education/Outreach and Industrial Partnership programs.

Headquartered on LSU’s South Campus, CBM2 is a collaboration of leading research universities throughout Louisiana and the nation, including LSU (including CAMD), LSU Health Science Center, Tulane Health Sciences Center, Xavier University of Louisiana, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, Baylor College of Medicine, and the Sloan-Kettering Research Institute.

Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics

DIRECTORS Jonathan Dowling & Jorge Pullin
OFFICE 202 Nicholson Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-2261
FAX 225-578-5855
WEBSITE hearne.phys.lsu.edu

In 1994, LSU alumnus Horace C. Hearne, Jr., endowed two chaired professorships in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at LSU. In his will, he also left a mandate that they be used to create the Horace Hearne Jr. Institute for Theoretical Physics.

In 2001, Jorge Pullin joined the LSU faculty as one of the Hearne Chairs and in 2004, Jonathan Dowling was also hired as a Hearne Chair. Research is on quantization of gravity and quantum science and technologies, including decoherence due to quantum gravity, non-standard optics due to quantum gravity, quantum computing, quantum imaging, and quantum sensors. The institute has more than 10 associate faculty in the Departments of Physics & Astronomy, Math, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science, and is supported by the original Hearne endowment, as well as grants from the National Science Foundation and the Department of Defense.

Louisiana Museum of Natural History

DIRECTOR Robb T. Brumfield
OFFICE 119 Foster Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-2855
FAX 225-578-3075
WEBSITE https://www.lsu.edu/lmnh/
E-MAIL museum@lsu.edu

The Louisiana Museum of Natural History, the official state museum of natural history, consists of 16 major research collections located on the LSU campus. Together, these collections hold a total of more than 2.8 million specimens, objects, and artifacts that document the rich natural history of Louisiana, the central-Gulf region, and the world. These collections are dispersed among six independently administered units on campus, and include the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium, the Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium, the Log Library & Core Repository, the Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, the Center for Excellence in Palynology, the Gems & Minerals Collection, the Textile & Costume Museum, and eight collections of the Museum of Natural Science (the Collection of Amphibians & Reptiles, the Collection of Birds, the Collection of Fishes, the Collection of Genetic Resources, the Collection of Mammals, the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection, the Collection of Fossil Protists & Invertebrates, and the Ethnology-Archaeology Collection).

The collections of the Louisiana Museum of Natural History, used actively for education, research, display, and public service, represent an important historical trust for future generations of Louisiana’s citizens. Details about each collection, including educational and exhibits programs, can be obtained by contacting the curator-in-charge of the collection (see individual listings) or by visiting the museum’s website.

Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium

DIRECTOR Laura Lagomarsino
OFFICE A257 Life Sciences Annex
TELEPHONE 225-578-8555
FAX 225-578-2597
WEBSITE www.herbarium.lsu.edu
E-MAIL llagomarsino1@lsu.edu

The herbarium is named in honor of Dr. Shirley C. Tucker for her contributions to science and her generous endowment to support the herbarium and its related research in plant systematics. Founded in 1869, the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University is the oldest collection of preserved plant specimens in the Gulf South and is the largest in-state collection of Louisiana plants. Originally composed entirely of specimens of vascular plants, the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium now also includes fine collections of lichens and bryophytes and fungi.

Lichen & Bryophyte Collections

The Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium includes lichen and bryophyte collections, located in A257 Life Sciences Annex, with a permanent scientific collection of preserved material of nearly 50,000 specimens of lichens–the largest collection of its kind in the Gulf South–and over 8,000 mosses and liverworts. It is the result of the work of Boyd Professor Emerita Shirley Tucker, Department of Biological Sciences. Geographical emphasis is on species native to Louisiana and the southeastern U.S. Other areas represented include the western and northern U.S., Canada, the American tropics, New Zealand, Europe, and Australia. The collection is particularly rich in tropical and subtropical crustose lichens.

Mycological Collections

The Bernard Lowy Mycological Herbarium, located in A257 Life Sciences Annex, contains the university’s permanent collection of more than 18,000 preserved collections of nonlichenized fungi from all over the world. It was collected principally by the late Dr. Bernard Lowy, an LSU mycologist and ethnobotanist of international stature. It includes a large representative collection of Amazonian Tremellales and other Basidiomycetes, as well as an important collection of Gulf Coast wood decay fungi. The herbarium is principally a research and teaching facility, and specimens are loaned to other institutions, both domestic and foreign.

Vascular Plant Collections

Vascular plant collections are part of the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium, located in A257 Life Sciences Annex, and house the permanent, scientific collection of preserved specimens of ferns, fern allies, gymnosperms, and flowering plants. Founded in 1869, it is the oldest herbarium in the Gulf South and presently comprises approximately 300,000 specimens, including one of the best collections of Louisiana plants.

The collection includes dried, pressed specimens and material preserved in alcohol. Many historically important 19th and early 20th century specimens from the Louisiana Gulf Coast are included. New material is obtained through the collecting efforts of herbarium personnel, associated colleagues, amateurs, and through the exchange of duplicates with other herbaria. The goal of the herbarium is to be the premier collection of Louisiana and Gulf South plants, and a resource of international importance.

The herbarium is primarily a research and teaching facility. Research programs are in progress on floristics of southeastern U.S., coevolution of pollination syndromes, plant community ecology, and plant trait genomics. On request, specimens are available for loan to other institutions.

The herbarium is a reference and service facility, and is an essential resource for all research, teaching, and public service involving identification, classification, economic importance, and ecology of the plants and vegetation of Louisiana, the Gulf South, and the northern Neotropics. Numerous publications are based on the collections. The herbarium also supports an extensive website (www.herbarium.lsu.edu), which features browse and search functions of specimen records, specimen images, a plant image gallery, plant identification tools, and plant fact sheets. Use of the Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium may be arranged through Dr. Laura Lagomarsino, herbarium director, by visiting A257D Life Sciences Annex, calling 225-578-8564, or emailing llagomarsino1@lsu.edu.

LSU Museum of Natural Science

DIRECTOR Robb T. Brumfield
OFFICE 119 Foster Hall
TELEPHONE 225-578-2855
FAX 225-578-3075
WEBSITE https://lsu.edu/mns/
E-MAIL museum@lsu.edu

The Museum of Natural Science, a subunit of the Louisiana Museum of Natural History, consists of the Division of Zoology, located in Foster Hall, and the Division of Geoscience, located in the Howe-Russell Geoscience Complex. The exhibits in Foster Hall consist of nine major dioramas that depict with meticulous accuracy the flora and fauna of selected scenes from North America, including representatives of Louisiana’s animal life. Other exhibits and visual aids explain various biological and geological principles. Four new exhibits highlight research on tiger conservation, Antarctica, and Louisiana pre-history, and Louisiana fishes. The museum’s exhibits are free and open to the public from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday (call 578-2855 for information); closed on Saturday, Sunday, and university holidays.

The museum’s Division of Zoology contains extensive research collections, numbering more than 800,000 catalogued specimens of birds, mammals, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and their tissue samples. This internationally known repository of zoological material provides the basis for a program of research and serves as an important aid in teaching biological subjects.

The Division of Geoscience contains the most extensive archaeological and geological research collections in Louisiana. The museum’s archaeological collections include more than one million lots from over 2,000 sites in Louisiana and many other sites in the Gulf Coast and Caribbean regions. Ethnological collections include material from North and South America, Africa, Australia, Oceania, Asia, and the Arctic. The H. V. Howe Type Collection of fossil ostracoda and the H. B. Stenzel Collection of fossil oysters are among the best of their kind in the world.

The museum is a member of the Natural Science Collections Alliance.

Center for Excellence in Palynology

CURATOR Sophie Warny
OFFICE 109 Howe Russell
TELEPHONE 225-578-5089
FAX 225-578-2302
WEBSITE sites01.lsu.edu/faculty/swarny/
E-MAIL swarny@lsu.edu

The Center for Excellence in Palynology (CENEX) was established in 1993 by Louisiana State University and the American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Inc. (AASP). Its mission is to promote research and training in stratigraphic, paleo-environmental and forensic palynology. AASP initiated this collaborative effort as a result of a concern for the availability of trained palynologists in the United States. The CENEX Palynologic Processing Laboratory was established in 1994 with support from several sources including industrial support from Amoco Production Company, Chevron, Shell Oil Company, and UNOCAL. Additional specialized equipment was purchased with external funding (e.g. NSF). CENEX is now equipped with 7 BX41 Olympus microscopes for research and graduate student training. The CENEX Palynologic Library contains some 25,000 palynologic reprints, books, and reports and a pollen reference slide collection of more than 8,000 modern pollen species donated from several sources and 60,000 palynologic slides from oil wells, primarily from the Gulf of Mexico.

Palynology is the study of organic-walled microfossils (e.g., spores, pollen, fungal debris, acritarchs, dinoflagellate cysts, etc.). These entities, collectively called palynomorphs, were and are produced in prodigious quantities by a variety of terrestrial, aquatic, and marine organisms. Their resistant organic walls assure that they are preserved in sediments and rocks, some dating back 3.5 billion years. Stratigraphic palynology developed because of the need of the oil and coal industries to date and correlate subsurface sedimentary deposits. Palynomorphs are also particularly useful for reconstruction of past environmental conditions and are commonly used today in climate change studies or in studies focusing on the co-evolution of Earth and life since the Precambrian. In the recent years, the center has added forensic palynology to his research portfolio.

Other Research Partnerships

LSU Agricultural Center

Vice President Bill Richardson
TELEPHONE 225-578-4161
WEBSITE www.lsuagcenter.com
E-MAIL brichardson@agcenter.lsu.edu

As the research arm of the LSU Agricultural Center, the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station is a major partner in graduate education and research. Research in the major soil, climate, and agricultural production areas is conducted in campus departments and in research stations located throughout the state. Many Agricultural Experiment Station faculty hold joint teaching and research appointments in the College of Agriculture, College of Engineering, and the School of Veterinary Medicine. In addition, the Experiment Station provides a large number of graduate assistantships, and laboratories, equipment, and facilities of the station are made available to graduate students.

Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species

OFFICE P.O. Box 4327, New Orleans, LA 70178
TELEPHONE 504-398-3264
WEBSITE www.auduboninstitute.org

The Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species (ACRES), opened in 1996, is an ambitious and innovative initiative in species conservation. Located in New Orleans, ACRES includes a 36,000 square-foot facility designed to house scientists whose research programs include studies in reproductive physiology, endocrinology, genetics, embryo transfer, and the expansion of a “frozen zoo” to assure the future of endangered species through the banking of genetic materials.

The alliances between LSU and ACRES (joint programming, data pooling, collaborative research, and cooperative funding) enables interdisciplinary field-and-lab teams to conduct far-reaching research programs which range in scope from regional to international.

The knowledge gained through collaborative research between LSU and ACRES will help scientists and conservationists cope with threats to the most seriously endangered species by developing new reproductive technologies and reintroduction techniques necessary to ensure their long-term survival.

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium

DIRECTOR Craig McClain
OFFICE 8124 Hwy 56, Chauvin, LA 70344
TELEPHONE 985-851-2800
FAX 985-851-2874
WEBSITE www.lumcon.edu
E-MAIL information@lumcon.edu

Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON) was formed in 1979 “with the primary function of conducting research and promoting education in the marine sciences and marine technology.” LUMCON is a statewide academic endeavor to focus and strengthen the effectiveness of foundational marine science needed to address the environmental and socioeconomic challenges facing Louisiana and the nation.” LUMCON provides a broad set of opportunities for everyone to engage in marine science, acquire new skills, and experience scientific research in Louisiana’s diverse marine ecosystems firsthand.

LUMCON’s primary facilities are located at the DeFelice Marine Center in Cocodrie, approximately 85 miles southwest of New Orleans. This location, situated within the estuarine wetland complex of the Mississippi River delta plain between the Atchafalaya and Mississippi Rivers, provides ready access to the most productive estuaries in the U.S., to a variety of coastal environments, and to the open Gulf of Mexico.  From this facility LUMCON operates a world-class fleet of research vessels unmatched in the Gulf of Mexico, including the flagship of Louisiana’s research fleet the R/V Pelican

LUMCON reports to the Louisiana Board of Regents. For more information about LUMCON visit their website at www.lumcon.edu.

Oak Ridge Associated Universities

WEBSITE www.orau.org
E-MAIL University.partnerships@orau.org

ORAU was founded in 1946 as the Oak Ridge Institute for Nuclear Studies following the completion of the Manhattan Project. The original consortium was composed of only 14 universities from the southeastern United States. ORAU provides innovative scientific and technical solutions for the Department of Energy and other federal agencies to advance national priorities in science, health, education and national security. We do this by integrating unique laboratory capabilities, specialized teams of experts and a consortium of more than 100 universities. 

ORAU also manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, which supports government agencies who value an integrated solution incorporating state of the art science and technology in an era of consolidated government contracts requiring research informed delivery of critical services.

In addition to support for government agencies, ORAU provides many opportunities for faculty and students through a variety of fellowships, grants, scholarships, workshops, and joint-faculty appointments. Many of these programs are especially designed for underrepresented minority students pursuing degrees in science and engineering fields. Participation and financial support for science education programs now exceeds 9,400 participants and $225 million. The ORAU University Partnerships Office supports new faculty just beginning their careers through the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award, individual faculty collaboration with other scientists at member universities and ORNL, and member schools with larger collaborative efforts.

For information about ORAU and its programs, visit www.orau.org or call the university partnerships office at 865.576.1898.

Organization for Tropical Studies

OFFICE 408 Swift Ave., Durham, NC 27705
TELEPHONE 919-684-5774
FAX 919-684-5661
WEBSITE www.tropicalstudies.org
E-MAIL info@tropicalstudies.org

The Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) is a nonprofit, scientific, academic consortium whose mission is to provide leadership in tropical biology by promoting education, research, and the sustainable use of natural resources in the tropics. Founded in 1963, OTS is now composed of more than 60 premier universities and institutions throughout the world. In 2015, LSU became one of the few permanent-member universities. Graduate and undergraduate students at LSU are eligible to participate in the renowned field courses in tropical biology and related disciplines (including conservation, ecology, environmental policy, and global health) in Costa Rica and South Africa. 

OTS offices are located in Durham, North Carolina and in San Jose, Costa Rica. Three field stations in Costa Rica are located in tropical rain forest (La Selva), tropical dry forest (Palo Verde), and tropical montane forest (Las Cruces). La Selva Biological Station, OTS’s flagship facility, is a modern biological research laboratory in the midst of a 3,000-acre lowland rain forest preserve. In South Africa, OTS operates out of the Skukuza Research Station in Kruger National Park. OTS can provide logistical support, equipment, and field stations for field research in tropical biology. Scholarship opportunities are available through OTS for students to take OTS courses.

Additional information regarding OTS programs can be obtained from LSU’s OTS Delegate, Dr. Kyle Harms, Department of Biological Sciences, LSU, 202 Life Sciences Building and at kharms@lsu.edu; course application forms and further information are available from the Organization for Tropical Studies, North American Office, 408 Swift Ave., Durham, NC 27705 and at www.tropicalstudies.org.

Pennington Biomedical Research Center

OFFICE 6400 Perkins Road
TELEPHONE 225-763-2500
FAX 225-763-2525
WEBSITE www.pbrc.edu

Pennington Biomedical Research Center puts science to work for a healthier Louisiana, nation and global community. Their research seeks to discover the triggers of chronic disease using innovative technologies that promote healthier lives across the lifespan. Many of its full-time scientists hold adjunct appointments at various LSU campuses. Similarly, several faculty at LSU, LSU Agricultural Center, the LSU Health Science Center in New Orleans, and teaching hospitals hold adjunct appointments at Pennington Biomedical.

The Center has research programs in the areas of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cancer with a focus on nutritional, activity, and genetic contributions to these common chronic diseases. Pennington Biomedical has core laboratory facilities that support more than 40 research units across basic, clinical, and population science research.