Oct 06, 2024  
2017-2018 General Catalog 
2017-2018 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

E. J. Ourso College of Business

Ourso Distinguished Professor and Dean

Catherine M. Rucks Professor of Management and Associate Dean

Ourso Family Distinguished Professor of Information Systems; Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs and Chair of the Department of Information Systems & Decision Sciences

Assistant Dean for Office of Business Student Success
Director of Undergraduate Academic Services
Academic Counselor
Academic Counselor


Business Education Complex, Room 1053
TELEPHONE 225-578-3211
FAX 225-578-5256
EMAIL advisor@lsu.edu
WEBSITE business.lsu.edu/Pages/index.aspx

Departments and Curricula

Undergraduate Programs

The E. J. Ourso College of Business is Louisiana’s premier public business school, committed to excellence in fostering learning and pursuing discovery in an intellectually diverse, global business environment. It serves its constituents in the following ways:

  • Making significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in related business disciplines;
  • Delivering high quality degree programs that produce graduates who will excel in their respective fields of business;
  • Providing programs that strengthen the business skill sets of firms and institutions;
  • Making valuable contributions to the practice of business in related business disciplines; and
  • Engaging in other academic or applied programs and activities that advance business development in the state of Louisiana, the nation, and worldwide.

The E. J. Ourso College of Business offers specialized professional training in several areas of business in addition to a program of general business. All undergraduate degrees in the E. J. Ourso College of Business are bachelor of science degrees. The following majors are offered by the E. J. Ourso College of Business:

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finance
  • General Business
  • Information Systems & Decision Sciences
  • International Trade & Finance
  • Management
  • Marketing

Each curriculum is constructed to ensure that students receive a broad general education and a sound foundation in the basic areas of business knowledge. At the same time, students may obtain limited specialization in a particular area of business. The objective of the college is to provide training in the functional fields of business so students will be qualified to hold positions of leadership, trust, and responsibility in business and industry.

The E. J. Ourso College of Business is a member school of the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Its undergraduate programs have been accredited continuously by the AACSB since 1931.

Graduate Programs

Master’s and doctoral degrees are offered through the graduate school by the various departments within the college. In addition, the following specialized master’s degrees are offered. For information about these degrees consult The Graduate School  section.

James C. & Cherie H. Flores Master of Business Administration Program

The combination of a general or a technical undergraduate education with a graduate-level master of business administration degree is a widely recognized avenue to opportunity and success in the business world. To this end, the college offers the Flores MBA Program for students who aspire to management careers in business and industry. The program is open to those who hold degrees in humanities and social sciences or specialized fields such as engineering, geology, chemistry, physics, mass communication, or agriculture, as well as students with undergraduate degrees in business.

Master of Public Administration

The Master of Public Administration program is for students interested in public management and/or public policy issues. The MPA program provides students with the management and financial skills to work in public agencies, non-profit organizations, private consulting and research organizations, and private companies in governmental relations. This program is administered by the Public Administration Institute. MPA students take 33 credit hours of core courses and nine credit hours in an area of specialization.

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Students in good standing may apply for admission to the E. J. Ourso College of Business. Students transferring from another institution must also meet university transfer admission requirements. Application forms are available in Room 1053 Business Education Complex or online (business.lsu.edu). Students who are denied admission may reapply for admission in a subsequent semester.

Students are eligible for admission to the E. J. Ourso College of Business once they have successfully completed the following requirements:

  • Complete a minimum of 30 hours of university coursework (to include 12 hours of coursework on the LSU A&M campus of which at least 9 hours must be from the E. J. Ourso College of Business).
  • Complete the Pre-Business Core classes (ENGL 1001 , MATH 1021  and MATH 1431 , ECON 2000 , ISDS 1102 , and ACCT 2001 ) with a “C” or better in each course. Students who place or test out of any of the Pre-Business Core classes will be given credit for successfully completing those classes.

Students majoring in accounting, or finance must meet the following GPA requirements at the time of their application for admission into the major:

  • A minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • A minimum 3.0 LSU GPA
  • A minimum 2.5 business GPA
  • A minimum 2.5 LSU business GPA

Students majoring in economics, general business, international trade & finance, information systems & decision sciences, management, or marketing must meet the following GPA requirements at the time of their application for admission in to the major:

  • A minimum 2.6 cumulative GPA
  • A minimum 2.6 cumulative LSU GPA
  • A minimum 2.3 business GPA
  • A minimum 2.3 LSU business GPA

Maintenance Requirements

Continued enrollment in the E. J. Ourso College of Business is dependent upon satisfying the following requirements:

  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on all university coursework.
  • Maintain a minimum LSU cumulative GPA of 2.0 on all coursework in the university (all LSU campuses).
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 business GPA.
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 LSU business GPA.
  • Maintain satisfactory academic progress towards the completion of the degree.

College Probation

A student will be placed on college probation and will be required to meet with an academic counselor in Office of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Services for the following reasons:

  • The student’s cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of any academic semester.
  • The student’s LSU GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of any academic semester.
  • The student’s business GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of any academic semester.
  • The student’s LSU business GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of any academic semester.
  • The student fails to make satisfactory academic progress towards the completion of the degree.

A minimum 12-hour load is expected in the probationary semester. Students on college probation will have a college hold placed on their registration which will require them to schedule an appointment with a college academic advisor to register for classes for the next semester. The registration flag will be automatically removed after the student is taken off college probation. Students will be dropped from the college if they are not removed from college probation after one probationary semester.

Removal From the College

Students will be dropped from the E. J. Ourso College of Business for the following reasons:

  • Students placed on college probation and who fail to improve their GPA to the minimum maintenance standard after one probationary semester. Minimum maintenance standards are a 2.0 cumulative GPA, a 2.0 LSU GPA, a 2.0 business GPA, and a 2.0 LSU business GPA.
  • Students placed on college probation for failure to make satisfactory academic progress and who fail to make satisfactory academic progress during the probationary semester.

Readmission to the College

Students, who have been dropped from the E. J. Ourso College of Business for any reason, may reapply for admission to the college. Students who were not registered at LSU for the preceding regular semester must also file a formal application for readmission. All students applying for readmission will be subject to the admission requirements at the time of the readmission. Readmission to the E. J. Ourso College of Business is not automatic. Students seeking readmission are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a college academic advisor.

Degree Requirements of the College

The degree of bachelor of science will be conferred on E. J. Ourso College of Business students who complete one of the approved curricula with a 2.0 or better GPA on all work taken and a 2.0 or better GPA on all business courses. The requirements above apply both to the total coursework taken and to LSU coursework.

A 2.0 or better GPA is required in all accounting coursework in order to graduate with a major in accounting. This requirement applies both to the total accounting coursework taken and to LSU accounting coursework.

A 2.0 or better GPA is required in all economics coursework in order to graduate with a major in economics or international trade and finance. This requirement applies both to the total economics coursework taken and to LSU economics coursework.

Twenty-four of the last 30 hours taken toward the degree must be earned in residence as a registrant in the E. J. Ourso College of Business at LSU. The university requires that all candidates for the bachelor’s degree must fulfill a minimum residence requirement of at least 25% of the total number of hours required for the degree at this university.

The AACSB Standards for Accreditation state that “the school should require that at least 50% of the business credit hours required for the business degree be earned at the degree-awarding institution.”

The student must complete a minimum of 120 semester hours in accordance with the following regulations:

Academic Work: 120 Semester Hours

All 3000/4000 level business courses, except ACCT 3001 , FIN 3716, ISDS 3115 , MGT 3200 , and MKT 3401  are restricted to students who have completed 60 hours of college-level coursework. Many 3000/4000-level business courses have prerequisite requirements. Students are responsible for ensuring they have completed the necessary course prerequisites as stated in the most recent catalog prior to registration for a course.

All business majors must complete six hours of oral and written communication courses. See “Departments and Curricula for more details.

General Education Requirements for a Degree in Business

  • English Composition (6 hours)ENGL 1001  with a grade of “C” or better; and ENGL 2000  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Analytical Reasoning (6 hours)MATH 1021  and MATH 1431  with a grade of “C” or better; MATH 1023  may be substituted for MATH 1021 . MATH 1550  or MATH 1551  may be substituted for MATH 1431 . Students should refer to their chosen curriculum to determine the specific mathematics requirements. No student may receive more than nine semester hours of mathematics courses numbered below 1550.
  • Natural Sciences (9 hours)–Students must take three general education natural science courses, two of which must be in a two semester sequence from the approved list of general education natural science courses. A minimum of six hours must be in a physical or a life science course sequence and the remaining hours must be in an area other than that previously selected (i.e., both physical and life sciences must be taken). See those courses listed as General Education Natural Science  courses in the catalog.
  • Arts (3 hours)–See those courses listed as General Education Arts courses  in the catalog.
  • Humanities (9 hours)–See those courses listed as General Education Humanities  courses in the catalog.
  • Social Sciences (6 hours)ECON 2000  with a grade of “C” or better and ECON 2010 .


Students may choose any degree credit courses offered by the university consistent with their specific degree requirements. However, no more than six hours may be selected from kinesiology activity courses, band, chorus, or music skills courses. Up to six semester hours in ROTC may be used as electives in all business curricula.

Transfer of Credit from Other Institutions

In the E. J. Ourso College of Business, transfer credits accepted by the Office of Enrollment Management shall be valid for degree credit only to the extent to which they represent courses acceptable in the curricula of the college. The extent to which credit earned in other colleges and universities is accepted toward fulfilling degree requirements is determined by the dean’s office.

Transfer credit in which grades of “F” or “U” have been earned is not accepted toward fulfilling the degree requirements. For business courses, only transfer credit of a “C” or higher may be applied towards the degree. Students enrolled in this college who wish to obtain credits from other colleges or universities (including other campuses of LSU) and who plan to use such credits toward degree requirements should obtain prior approval in writing on a course-specific basis from the Office of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Services.

The E. J. Ourso College of Business has 2+2 agreements with Baton Rouge Community College and with LSU Eunice.  Students can send inquiries to advisor@lsu.edu.

Distance Learning Programs Credit

Students must have the permission of Undergraduate Programs & Academic Services prior to scheduling Distance Learning Programs (DLP) coursework.

Students who are taking classroom courses at the university may not take DLP courses. Students not enrolled in classroom courses during a given semester may be approved for DLP courses through the Office of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Services (Business Education Complex, Room 1053) and may enroll at the Distance Learning Programs Office (1225 Pleasant Hall; 578-3171). Enrollment in DLP courses must be completed by the final date for adding courses for any semester, including summer term.

Students taking IDL courses must complete 50 percent of their business courses through the regular LSU course offerings, no more than 12 semester hours of IDL credit may be applied toward the degree requirements of the college, and the IDL courses will not count toward college residency.  General Education courses taken via IDL are limited to 6 hours.

The deadline for completion of all DLP coursework is the last day of final examinations for the semester during which the student is enrolled. A student must complete all DLP coursework before registering to receive a degree and no degree may be awarded during a semester in which a student is enrolled in a DLP course.

Graduation Requirements

Each student must see an academic counselor for a final degree checkout when there are approximately 30 hours remaining to complete the degree requirements. Students who complete degree requirements during spring intersession should plan to graduate in August and must inform the Office of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Servicesof this intention. Such students should see a counselor and register in the summer for “degree only.” Students who complete degree requirements during winter intersession should plan to graduate in May and must inform the dean’s office of this intention. Such students should see a counselor and register in the spring semester for “degree only.” Students who complete degree requirements during summer intersession should plan to graduate in December and must inform the Office of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Services of this intention. Such students should see a counselor and register in the fall semester for “degree only.”

Students who have completed courses at another college or university must have an official transcript covering this work on file in the Office of the University Registrar before registering for the degree.

Requirements for a Second Bachelor’s Degree

Business students may earn a second degree within the Ourso College provided the following conditions are met:

Business courses numbered 3000 level and above may only be applied to one business major; this restriction excludes business core courses: BLAW 3201, FIN 3716, ISDS 3115, MGT 3200, MGT 3830, and MKT 3401. 

Students must earn 30 hours beyond what is required for the first degree, thus a total of 150 hours must be earned to receive a second business degree.

  Students must meet all requirements for both degree programs.

Minor Field Requirements

General Business majors are required to complete an official university minor. Students majoring in other business areas have the option to pursue a minor. Minors may be selected from any of the minors approved by the Faculty Senate Courses and Curricula Committee and the Office of Academic Affairs with the exception of the business administration minor. Students in the E. J. Ourso College of Business must obtain permission from the Office of Undergraduate Programs and Academic Services to pursue a minor.

Minor in Business Administration

The E. J. Ourso College of Business also offers a minor in business administration. To graduate with a minor in business administration, students must complete 18 hours consisting of the following courses: ACCT 2000  or ACCT 2001 ; ECON 2030 ; FIN 3715 ; ISDS 1100 ; MGT 3200 ; MKT 3401 . Students must have a 2.0 GPA in the courses used to satisfy the minor. At least nine semester hours must be taken on this campus and, of the nine hours, three must be at the 3000- or 4000-level. This minor is NOT available to students in the E. J. Ourso College of Business.

Minor in Energy

To graduate with a minor in energy, students must complete 15 hours consisting of the following courses: GEOL 1001 ; GEOL 1003  or GEOL 2020 ; FIN 3351 ; and six hours chosen from: ACCT 4501 , ECON 4320 , ECON 4325 , ENVS 4261 , FIN 3718 , GBUS 4040 , ISDS 4160 , or a faculty advisor approved energy elective. 

Students must have a 2.0 GPA in the courses used to satisfy the minor. At least nine semester hours must be taken on this campus. 

Minor in Internal Audit

To graduate with a minor in internal auditing, students must complete 15 hours consisting of the following courses: ACCT 3233, ACCT 4233, ACCT 4234; and six hours chosen from: ACCT 3122, ACCT 3222, ACCT 4235, ACCT 4237, ACCT 4244, ACCT 4333, ISDS 3100, ISDS 3110, ISDS 4113, ISDS 4141,  ISDS 4244 or a faculty advisor approved elective. Students must have a 2.0 GPA in the courses used to satisfy the minor. At least nine semester hours must be taken on this campus.

Students must have a 2.0 GPA in the courses used to satisfy the minor. At least nine semester hours must be taken on this campus.

Other minors offered by the college include Entrepreneurship (Stephenson Department of Entrepreneurship and Information Systems), Information Technology Management (Stephenson Department of Entrepreneurship and Information Systems), and Personal Investing (Department of Finance).  Information for these minors may be found under the department’s section of the catalog.

Professional Development

The LSU Olinde Career Center, located in the LSU Student Union, has a team of professionals trained to assist students and alumni in choosing careers, obtaining career-related work experiences while in school, developing job search skills, and securing employment or admission to graduate or professional school.  Business students also have the opportunity to meet with a career coach on site in the Business Education Complex.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is one of the highest forms of recognition at the national level that a student can receive in an undergraduate or master’s program in business or management. To be eligible for membership, a student must rank in the upper 10% of the junior class (second semester), upper 10% of the senior class, upper 20% of the graduating master’s class, or must have completed all requirements to receive a doctorate. Transfer students must complete one full year as a full-time student at LSU to qualify for membership. Members are elected to membership and publicly recognized during the Spring Awards Ceremony.

Beta Gamma Sigma has three purposes: to encourage and reward scholarship, to promote advancement of education in business, and to foster integrity in the conduct of business operations.

Undergraduate Career Plan

Students are encouraged to enrich their studies and prepare for their careers by using the Four-Year Career Plan in addition to their academic course of study.



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