Feb 16, 2025
2014-2015 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Natural Resource Ecology & Management, B.S.
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Conservation Biology
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1022 /MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS *Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. *Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. *Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one more elective in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 7
- Area of Concentration Courses (11-12)3
- Free Electives (5-4)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may elect to take CHEM 1212 in place of BIOL 1208 and BIOL 1209 . 2 - Students may elect to take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 3 - Conservation Biology area of concentration courses: REQUIRED: CHEM 2060 /CHEM 2261 /PHYS 2001 , BIOL 4015 /ENTM 4015 , RNR 2031 , RNR 3018 , RNR 4011 , RNR 4103 , RNR 4107 . Select two courses from the following: BIOL 4141 , BIOL 4142 , BIOL 4146 , RNR 4037 , RNR 4145 . Select one course from the following: RNR 4020 or BIOL 4041 . Select one course from the following: RNR 4023 or RNR 4040 . Ecological Restoration
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1022 /MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS *Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. *Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. *Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one more elective in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 6
- Area of concentration courses (4)3
- Free Electives (12)
Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (15)3
- Free Electives (2)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may elect to take CHEM 1212 in place of BIOL 1208 and BIOL 1209 . 2 - Students interested in advanced graduate or professional degrees are advised to take MATH 1431 . Students may take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 3 - Ecological Restoration area of concentration courses: REQUIRED: CHEM 2060 /CHEM 2261 /PHYS 2001 , BIOL 4015 /ENTM 4015 , BIOL 4017 , EMS 4010 /ENVS 4010 , OCS 4565 , RNR 4038 , RNR 4103 , RNR 4107 . Select one course from: RNR 4023 or RNR 4040 . Select 16 hours from: AGRO 3040 , BIOL 4041 , BIOL 4055 , BIOL 4141 , BIOL 4142 , BIOL 4146 , GEOG 2050 , GEOL 1001 , ENVS 4477 , OCS 4165 , OCS 4560 , RNR 2003 , RNR 2031 , RNR 3005 , RNR 3018 , RNR 3106 , RNR 3108 , RNR 4001 , RNR 4011 , RNR 4013 , RNR 4032 , RNR 4033 , RNR 4150 , or RNR 4900 . Fisheries and Aquaculture
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1022 /MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS * Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. * Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. * Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in the major field. * Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one additional hour of general electives in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (16)3
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may elect to take CHEM 1212 in place of BIOL 1208 and BIOL 1209 . 2 - Students may elect to take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 3 - Fisheries and Aquaculture area of concentration courses: REQUIRED: CHEM 2060 /CHEM 2261 /PHYS 2001 , BIOL 2051 , RNR 2002 , RNR 4022 , RNR 4023 , RNR 4037 , RNR 4040 , RNR 4061 *, RNR 4103 , RNR 4106 , RNR 4107 , RNR 4145 . *Students take 1 hour of RNR 4061 . Forest Enterprise
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS *Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. *Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. *Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one more elective in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 6
- Area of concentration courses (13)2,4
- Free Electives (3)
Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (9)2
- Free Electives (7)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 2 - Forest Enterprise area of concentration courses: ACCT 2001 , BLAW 3201 , CHEM 1212 , MGT 3200 , RNR 2003 , RNR 2043 , RNR 3002 , RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 *, RNR 3105 , RNR 4001 , RNR 4036 , RNR 4038 . *Must take three different sections of RNR 3041 (one credit hour each) or a combination of RNR 3038 , RNR 3039 , or RNR 3041 for a total of three credit hours. RNR 3002 and RNR 4001 must be completed in the fall before spring courses RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 and RNR 3105 . Select 12 hours from: AGEC 3003 , AGEC 3413 , AGEC 4403 , AGEC 4443 **, FIN 3352 , FIN 3353 , FIN 3440 , or RNR 4107 . ** A minimum of 9 hours of AGEC may be selected. 3 – Students interested in professional certification in forestry, participation in required forestry camp courses, or graduate or professional school are advised to take PHIL 2020 as one general education humanities course. 4 – The 6th semester is intended to include the 8 week field camp experience (RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 ) preceded by 8 week on-campus courses (RNR 3103 , RNR 3105 ). Students shall only enroll in 8 week area of concentration and 8 week elective courses during this semester and shall expect to be off campus extended period of time, including overnight trips, during the second 8 weeks. Forest Resources Management
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS *Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. *Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. *Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one more elective in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 6
- Area of concentration courses (11)2,3
- Free Electives (5)
Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (11)2
- Free Electives (4)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 – Students interested in professional certification in forestry, participation in required forestry camp courses, or graduate and professional school are advised to take MATH 1431 . 2 – Forest Resources Management area of concentration courses: AGRO 2051 , CHEM 1212 , ENTM 4018 , PHIL 2020 , RNR 2003 , RNR 2043 , RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 *, RNR 3103 , RNR 3105 , RNR 4001 . *Must take three different sections of RNR 3041 (1 credit hour each) for a total of three credit hours. Students must complete fall courses RNR 3002 and RNR 4001 before 8-week spring courses RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 , RNR 3103 , and RNR 3105 . Select 11 hours from: GEOG 4044 , GEOG 4070 , MGT 3200 , MGT 3320 , MGT 4113 , MKT 3401 , RNR 2031 , RNR 3018 , RNR 3106 , RNR 3107 , RNR 4032 , RNR 4033 , RNR 4107 , or RNR 4150 . 3 – The 6th semester is intended to include the 8 week field camp experience (RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 ) preceded by 8 week on-campus courses (RNR 3103 , RNR 3105 ). Students shall only enroll in 8 week area of concentration and 8 week elective courses during this semester and shall expect to be off campus extended period of time, including overnight trips, during the second 8 weeks. Wetland Science
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1022 /MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS *Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. *Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. *Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one more elective in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (14-15)3
- Free Electives (4-3)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may elect to take CHEM 1212 in place of BIOL 1208 and BIOL 1209 . 2 - Students may elect to take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 3 - Wetland Science area of concentration courses: REQUIRED: CHEM 2060 /CHEM 2261 /PHYS 2001 , OCS 4165 , RNR 3108 , RNR 4013 , RNR 4020 , RNR 4103 , RNR 4107 . Select one course from the following: RNR 4023 or RNR 4040 . Select one course from OCS 4308 , OCS 4465 , or OCS 4560 ; and select one pair of courses from RNR 2031 and RNR 4011 , or RNR 2002 and RNR 4023 , or RNR 2002 and RNR 4040 . Wildlife Habitat Conservation & Management
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1022 /MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS * Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. * Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. * Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one additional hour of general electives in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 6
- Area of concentration courses (16)3,4
Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (13)3
- Free Electives (2)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may elect to take CHEM 1212 in place of BIOL 1208 and BIOL 1209 . 2 - Students interested in professional certification in forestry, participation in required forestry camp courses, or graduate or professional school are advised to take MATH 1431 . Students may elect to take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 3 - Wildlife Habitat Conservation & Management area of concentration courses: REQUIRED: CHEM 2060 /CHEM 2261 /PHYS 2001 , RNR 2001 , RNR 2043 , RNR 3002 , RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 *, RNR 3103 , RNR 3105 , RNR 3018 , RNR 4001 , RNR 4033 , RNR 4103 , RNR 4107 . *Must take three different sections of RNR 3041 (1 credit hour each) for a total of three credit hours. Select one course from: RNR 3108 or AGRO 3040 . Select one course from the following: RNR 4023 or RNR 4040 . Select one course or course pair from RNR 4032 or RNR 3106 and RNR 3107 ; and select one pair from RNR 4036 and RNR 4038 or EMS 1011 and EMS 3040 . 4 – The 6th semester is intended to include the 8 week field camp experience (RNR 3034 , RNR 3036 , RNR 3037 , RNR 3040 , RNR 3041 ) preceded by 8 week on-campus courses (RNR 3103 , RNR 3105 ). Students shall only enroll in 8 week area of concentration and 8 week elective courses during this semester and shall expect to be off campus extended period of time, including overnight trips, during the second 8 weeks. Wildlife Ecology
CRITICAL REQUIREMENTS SEMESTER 1: MATH 1021 . SEMESTER 2: MATH 1022 /MATH 1431 . SEMESTER 3: CHEM 1201 . SEMESTER 4: RNR 1001 /RNR 1070 ; BIOL 1201 . SEMESTER 5: RNR 2101 /RNR 2001 . BASIC SCHOLASTIC EXPECTATIONS * Complete ENGL 1001 and one General Education Analytical Reasoning course within the first 30 hours of study. * Maintain a cumulative and LSU GPA of 2.0. * Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one additional hour of general electives in place of AGRI 1001 . Semester 7
- Area of concentration courses (11)3
- Free Electives (5)
128 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Students may elect to take CHEM 1212 in place of BIOL 1208 and BIOL 1209 . 2 - Students may elect to take MATH 1550 /MATH 1551 in place of MATH 1431 . 3 - Wildlife Ecology area of concentration courses: REQUIRED: CHEM 2060 /CHEM 2261 /PHYS 2001 , RNR 2031 , RNR 3005 , RNR 4011 , RNR 4103 , RNR 4107 , ENGL 3002 , BIOL 4015 /ENTM 4015 . Select one course from: RNR 4023 or RNR 4040 . Select two courses from:BIOL 4141 , BIOL 4142 , BIOL 4146 , RNR 3018 , RNR 4145 . Total Semester Hours: 16-18
Total Semester Hours: 14-13
140 Total Sem. Hrs.
1 - Calculus is required by many graduate schools. *Students entering the program with 30 or more semester hours will take one additional hour of approved electives in place of AGRI 1001 . |
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