Sep 26, 2024  
2016-2017 General Catalog 
2016-2017 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.


Music: General Courses

  • MUS 4242 Acting for Opera (1-2)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit. Techniques of acting for opera; training in audition skills, stage movement, state makeup and vocal and dramatic techniques for operatic roles.
  • MUS 4351 Song Literature I (2)

    The art song repertoire from the classical songs of Haydn and Mozart to the Romantic period.
  • MUS 4352 Song Literature II (2)

    The art song repertoire from the French máelodie to contemporary English and American song.
  • MUS 4400 Orchestral Repertoire for Instrumentalists (1)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. of credit. Standard orchestral excerpt repertoire for instrumentalists, including: preparation; score study and analysis; specialized practice techniques; and audition strategies. Emphasis on the performance of orchestral excerpts.
  • MUS 4701 Organ Practicum (2)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor.
    Techniques of service playing; techniques and materials of organ pedagogy.
  • MUS 4702 Organ Practicum (2)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. MUS 4701  is prerequisite for 4702. Techniques of service playing; techniques and materials of organ pedagogy.
  • MUS 4710 Advanced Aural Skills (3)

    Prereq.: a grade of “C”or better in MUS 3731 . Concentrated work in sight singing with a special emphasis upon skills needed for professional activity in performance, conducting and composition.
  • MUS 4712 Advanced Form and Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: a grade of “C”or better in MUS 3732 . Complex forms and harmonic techniques of the 19th century to the present.
  • MUS 4718 Styles and Practices of Beethoven and the Romantics (3)

    Prereq.: a grade of “C”or better in MUS 3732 . Tonality, harmony and form in music of the Romantic period; analysis of selected literature and creative writing in the Romantic style.
  • MUS 4720 Post-Tonal Styles and Practices (3)

    Prereq.: a grade of “C”or better in MUS 3732 . Study of principal currents of musical composition in the modern era; analysis of selected works and creative application of techniques, procedures and formal schemes studied.
  • MUS 4721 Modal Counterpoint (3)

    Prereq.: grade of “C”or better in MUS 2732  or equivalent. Writing and analysis of contrapuntal music with modal bases.
  • MUS 4723 Tonal Counterpoint (3)

    Prereq.: grade of “C”or better in MUS 2732  or equivalent. Writing of counterpoint in two and three parts to a given cantus firmus; imitative contrapuntal forms such as the invention and the fugue.
  • MUS 4730 Elementary Orchestration (2)

    Prereq.: grade of “C”or better in MUS 2732 . Traditional scoring practices.
  • MUS 4735 Jazz Arranging (2)

    Prereq.: MUS 3732  or consent of instructor. Jazz arranging styles and techniques, from Dixieland to modern jazz.
  • MUS 4744 Mobile Music (3)

    Creating music applications for mobile platforms, mobile application instrument design, mobile interaction design, experimental music composition and performance.
  • MUS 4745 Computer Music (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Digital sound design, sound synthesis and signal processing; electroacoustic music composition using computers and computer music techniques.
  • MUS 4746 Seminar in Computer Music and Digital Media (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 4745  or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Focused study of various topics in computer music and digital media such as computer music programming, sound diffusion techniques, interactive computer music and digital media systems, intermedia applications, analysis of computer music.
  • MUS 4748 Digital Musical Instruments (3)

    Digital musical instruments, physical modeling, sound design, acoustics, haptic interaction design, 21st century lutherie, and computer music composition.
  • MUS 4749 Seminar in Music History (3)

    Prereq.: grade of “C”or better in MUS 2054  or equivalent or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary.
  • MUS 4757 Piano Literature I (3)

    A survey of the keyboard repertoire from the late renaissance through Haydn and Mozart.
  • MUS 4758 Piano Literature II (3)

    A survey of piano literature from Beethoven to the present.
  • MUS 4759 History of Jazz Styles (3)

    Survey and analysis of the American Jazz idiom from the perspective of historical jazz periods and specific artists.
  • MUS 4761 The Care and Repair of Band and Orchestral Instruments (1)

    Prereq.: MUS 2300  or equivalent. For students with experience in instrumental music and a practical knowledge of the problems in instrumental upkeep. 2 hrs. lab.
  • MUS 4763 Piano Methods and Materials (3)

    Materials and techniques for the piano teacher.
  • MUS 4764 Piano Methods and Materials (3)

    Materials and techniques for the piano teacher.
  • MUS 4766 Marching Band Techniques (3)

    Charting techniques for marching band; emphasis on contemporary drill design, practical projects in charting drill.
  • MUS 4769 Supervised Studio Instruction (2)

    Program tailored to needs of each student by the major applied teacher who supervised the student’s studio teaching program.
  • MUS 4770 Supervised Studio Instruction (2)

    Program tailored to needs of each student by the major applied teacher who supervised the student’s studio teaching program.
  • MUS 4772 Harp Technology and Maintenance (2)

    Required of all harp majors. Individual projects and study of harp history and development, design and regulation.
  • MUS 4773 Orchestral Repertoire for Harp (1)

    May be taken for a max. of 8 hrs. of credit. Required of all harp majors. Independent study of major orchestral excerpts; includes audition preparation.
  • MUS 4774 Harp Pedagogy (2)

    Required of all harp majors. Independent studies in materials and methods for the harp teacher.
  • MUS 4797 Senior Recital (1)

  • MUS 4798 Senior Composition Recital (1)

    Pass-fail grading. Concert of solo and chamber works.
  • MUS 4799 Coaching in Applied Music (2)

    May be repeated for credit. Open to music students with the recommendation of the appropriate applied music faculty. Max. amount of credit applicable toward a degree is 6 sem. hrs.
  • MUS 4901 Basic Techniques of Audio Recording (3)

    Basic properties of audio and various forms of sound energy; analysis of complete audio systems for recording and sound reinforcement and individual system components; aspects of stereo concert recording; emphasis on microphone placement techniques; professional music production techniques, including editing and tape duplication.
  • MUS 7011 Keyboard Skills for Pianists (1)

    Techniques of accompanying, including sight-reading, score reading, transposition and harmonization.
  • MUS 7018 Advanced German Diction for Singers (1)

    1 hr. lecture; 1 hr. lab. The rules of pronunciation utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet; coaching in the Lied and operatic literature including spoken dialogue.
  • MUS 7019 Advanced French Diction for Singers (1)

    1 hr. lecture; 1 hr. lab. The rules of pronunciation utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet; coaching in the French art song and operatic literature.
  • MUS 7020 Advanced Italian Diction for Singers (1)

    1 hr. lecture; 1 hr. lab. The rules of pronunciation utilizing the International Phonetic Alphabet; coaching in operatic and song literature; some outside research expected.
  • MUS 7124 Seminar in String Literature (2)

    Methods, solos and chamber music for strings.
  • MUS 7126 Seminar in Woodwind Literature I (2)

    Methods, solos and ensemble literature for woodwinds.
  • MUS 7127 Seminar in Woodwind Literature II (2)

    Methods, solos and ensemble literature for woodwinds.
  • MUS 7128 Seminar in Brass Literature (3)

    Methods, solos and ensemble literature for brass instruments.
  • MUS 7130 Seminar in Percussion Literature (2)

    Methods, solos, and ensemble literature for percussion intstruments.
  • MUS 7160 Survey of Jazz Styles (3)

    In-depth investigation of the American Jazz idiom from the perspective of historical jazz periods and specific artists.
  • MUS 7170 Advanced Vocal Pedagogy (2)

    Fundamentals of anatomy, physiology and acoustics of voice production; emphasis on vocal registers, breath management and articulation; pedagogical philosophies used to train the classical singing voice in the Western tradition of art song and opera.
  • MUS 7172 Stringed Instrument Pedagogy (2)

    Methods and materials for instruction in string instruments.
  • MUS 7173 Woodwind Instrument Pedagogy (2)

    May be taken for a max. of 2 hrs. of credit for the MM and 2 hrs. of credit for the DMA or PhD. Independent studies in the methods and materials for instruction in woodwind instruments.
  • MUS 7174 Brass Instrument Pedagogy (2)

    Methods and materials for instruction in brass instruments.
  • MUS 7175 Percussion Instrument Pedagogy (2)

    Methods and materials for instruction in percussion instruments.
  • MUS 7176 Jazz Pedagogy (3)

    Pedagogical issues in jazz idiom including effective jazz ensemble directing, selection of appropriate repertoire, improvisational performance practices, effective jazz practice habits and concepts designed to foster creativity.
  • MUS 7221 Solo Literature for the Voice (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 4351  and MUS 4352  or equivalent. Solo vocal literature in German and French; emphasis on styles of performance.
  • MUS 7222 Solo Literature for the Voice (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 4351  and MUS 4352  or equivalent. Solo vocal literature by English, American, Italian, Scandinavian, Eastern European, Russian, Spanish and Latin American composers; emphasis on styles of performance.
  • MUS 7270 Historical Perspectives of Voice (3)

    Development of vocal technique and pedagogical thought from the late 17th century to the present; definition of the bel canto style; historical schools of vocal training; examination of historical writings by Tosi, Mancini, Garcia, Marchesi, Vennard and other individuals of primary historical eminence.
  • MUS 7271 Principles of Voice Production (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4250  and COMD 4153 . Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory, phonatory and articulatory systems used in the production of the human voice; theories of phonation; acoustics of the vocal tract; laryngeal biomechanics; control of fundamental frequency and loudness; study of life-span changes of the voice and care of the human voice.
  • MUS 7272 Comparative Vocal Pedagogy (2)

    Prereq.: MUS 7170  or equivalent. Techniques for teaching collegiate level applied voice; studio structure and management.
  • MUS 7500 Advanced Teaching Practicum (1-2)

    Prereq.: MUS 4769  and MUS 4770  or equivalent. May be repeated for credit. A total of 3 sem. hrs. is applicable to the MM degree. Supervised teaching internship of instrumental and/or vocal instruction in private and/or group settings.
  • MUS 7501 Piano Pedagogy and Literature I (2)

    Prereq.: MUS 4763  and MUS 4764  or equivalent. Piano methods and literature at the elementary and intermediate levels.
  • MUS 7502 Piano Pedagogy and Literature II (2)

    Prereq.: MUS 4763  and MUS 4764 ; or equivalent. Piano methods and literature at the intermediate and advanced levels.
  • MUS 7521 Instrumental Accompanying (2)

    May be repeated for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit. Repertoire and techniques of accompanying for instrumental genres.
  • MUS 7522 Vocal Accompanying (2)

    May be repeated for a max. of 4 sem. hrs. of credit. Repertoire and techniques of accompanying for vocal genres.
  • MUS 7570 College Teaching in Music (3)

    History of music in higher education; current issues, problems and techniques of college teaching in music; development of effective college-level teaching skills.
  • MUS 7600 Sources of Music Study & Research (3)

    Also offered as LIS 7810 . Focuses on finding, evaluating, using and citing materials in print, online and recorded sources for music research.
  • MUS 7700 Survey of Analytical Techniques (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  or passing of the Music Theory Diagnostic Examination. Survey of analytical tools and concepts for common practice and post-tonal practice.
  • MUS 7701 Pedagogy of Music Theory (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  or successful passing of the Music Theory Diagnostic Examination. Techniques for teaching undergraduate music theory and aural skills courses; comparisons of principal philosophies and textbooks.
  • MUS 7703 Contemporary Musical Practices (3)

    6 sem. hrs. applicable to the MM degree when topics vary; 6 additional sem. hrs. applicable to the DMA degree when topics vary. Compositional trends in contemporary music; discussion of books on composition; analysis of major compositions.
  • MUS 7704 Studies in Schenkerian Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  or successful passing of the Music Theory Diagnostic Examination. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit: 3 sem. hrs. applicable to MM degree; 3 additional hrs. applicable to PhD or DMA degrees. Ideas and practices of tonal theorist Heinrich Schenker; their effect on musical thought and performance in this century.
  • MUS 7710 Theory and Analysis of Tonal Music (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  or successful passing of the Music Theory Diagnostic Examination. Readings and practice in various approaches to the analysis of music of the tonal era (ca. 1600-1900).
  • MUS 7711 Seminar in Post-Tonal Musical Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  or successful passing of the Music Theory Diagnostic Examination. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Analytical study of specific composers, works or styles.
  • MUS 7721 Survey of Choral Literature I (3)

    A survey of choral literature beginning with Gregorian Chant and ending with the Baroque period of music, with emphasis on preparation for performance.
  • MUS 7722 Survey of Choral Literature II (3)

    A survey of choral literature beginning with the Classical period and ending with contemporary music for chorus, with emphasis on preparation for performance.
  • MUS 7723 Survey of Wind Literature I (2)

    A survey of chamber wind literature (6 to 20 performers) from the late Renaissance to the present.
  • MUS 7724 Survey of Wind Literature II (2)

    A survey of orchestra, large wind ensemble and large wind band literature (more than 20 performers) from the French Revolution to the present.
  • MUS 7725 Survey of Symphonic Literature I (2)

    A survey of orchestral works beginning with the Baroque period of music and ending with the early Romantic; emphasis on preparation for performance.
  • MUS 7726 Survey of Symphonic Literature II (2)

    A survey of orchestral works beginning with the Romantic period and ending with 20th century music for orchestra, with emphasis on preparation for performance.
  • MUS 7741 History of Music Theory I (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  and MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music Theory and Music History Diagnostic Examinations. History of technical writings on music, ca. 500-1600; acoustics, notes and scales, intervals, tuning systems, modes, counterpoint, mensuration, musical poetics, speculative theory.
  • MUS 7742 History of Music Theory II (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3703  and MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music Theory and Music History Diagnostic Examinations. Music theory from ca. 1600 to 1900; development of species counter-point and figured bass theory; the rise of harmonic theory and rhythmic/phrase analysis; 19th-century expansions of harmonic theory and formal analysis.
  • MUS 7745 Advanced Computer Music (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 4745  or consent of instructor. Advanced techniques in digital sound synthesis and composition; analysis/resynthesis techniques, granular synthesis, physical modeling, interactive computer music performance and algorithmic composition using computers; survey of representative music from the genre.
  • MUS 7746 Graduate Seminar in Experimental Music and Digital Media (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 7745  or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Focused study of various topics in experimental music and digital media such as development of new computer music systems, interactive computer music, multimedia composition, alternative human-computer interfaces for music, experimental music performance, sound installations and advanced analysis of computer music.
  • MUS 7747 History of Electroacoustic Music (3)

    The history of electroacoustic music; developments in technology, aesthetics and style since ca. 1900 to present; survey and analysis of representative music from the genre.
  • MUS 7749 Special Studies in Piano Literature (3)

    Each course may be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Total amount of credit applicable to MM degree limited by student’s advisory committee. Works of certain composers for the keyboard, such as selected concertos.
  • MUS 7750 Special Studies in Piano Literature (3)

    Each course may be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Total amount of credit applicable to MM degree limited by student’s advisory committee. Works of certain composers for the keyboard, such as selected concertos.
  • MUS 7751 Ancient and Medieval Music (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination. History of music from ancient Greeks and Hebrews through the 14th century.
  • MUS 7752 Music of the Renaissance (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination. Music of the 15th and 16th centuries.
  • MUS 7753 Music in the Baroque Era (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination.
  • MUS 7754 Music in the Classical Era (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination.
  • MUS 7755 Music in the Romantic Era (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination.
  • MUS 7756 Music in the Modern Era (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination.
  • MUS 7757 American Music (3)

    Prereq.: MUS 3710  or successful passing of the Music History Diagnostic Examination. The most important phases in development of music in the U.S.
  • MUS 7762 Measurement and Evaluation in Music (3)

    Teacher-designed and standardized tests in music; learning theories.
  • MUS 7764 Comparative Methods in Music Education (3)

    Techniques in teaching music; functional projects; approaches and texts evaluated with emphasis on curriculum construction.
  • MUS 7765 Philosophical Bases for Music Education (3)

    Various philosophical bases for music education including their origin, function, development and implementation.
  • MUS 7766 Current Issues in Music Education (3)

    Develop broad perspectives from a multi-faceted review of issues affecting music education practice. Examine important contexts from which effective teachers make informed decisions.
  • MUS 7767 Experimental Research in Music (3)

    Prereq.: ELRC 4006  and MUS 7905 . Primarily for doctoral students in music. Systematic investigation of musical behavior and music learning; collection, quantification and treatment of data; current research.
  • MUS 7771 Advanced Choral Conducting (3)

    Prereq.: previous study of conducting. Each course may be taken once for the MM and once for the DMA or PhD. Independent study of the techniques required to conduct all styles of choral music with emphasis on score analysis and performance practices.
  • MUS 7772 Advanced Choral Conducting (3)

    Prereq.: previous study of conducting. Each course may be taken once for the MM and once for the DMA or PhD. Independent study of the techniques required to conduct all styles of choral music with emphasis on score analysis and performance practices.
  • MUS 7773 Advanced Band Conducting (3)

    Prereq.: previous study of conducting. Each course may be taken once for the MM and once for the DMA or PhD. Independent study of the techniques required to conduct all styles of wind music with emphasis on score analysis and performance function.
  • MUS 7774 Advanced Band Conducting (3)

    Prereq.: previous study of conducting. Each course may be taken once for the MM and once for the DMA or PhD. Independent study of the techniques required to conduct all styles of wind music with emphasis on score analysis and performance function.
  • MUS 7775 Advanced Orchestral Conducting (3)

    Prereq.: previous study of conducting. Each course may be taken once for the MM and once for the DMA or PhD. Independent study of the techniques required to conduct all styles of symphonic music, with emphasis on score analysis and performance practices.
  • MUS 7776 Advanced Orchestral Conducting (3)

    Prereq.: previous study of conducting. Each course may be taken once for the MM and once for the DMA or PhD. Independent study of the techniques required to conduct all styles of symphonic music, with emphasis on score analysis and performance practices.

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