Sep 26, 2024  
2016-2017 General Catalog 
2016-2017 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.


Music: Secondary Applied Music Courses

Admission to applied music courses is by audition only. These courses are offered for 2 or 3 credits. Students who elect 2 credits will receive 30 minutes of individual instruction per week; students who elect 3 credits will receive 60 minutes of individual instruction per week.

These courses are designed for students who are not qualified to either major or minor in the specific instrument designated by the course number.

  • MUS 2147 Secondary Trombone (2-3)

  • MUS 2148 Secondary Tuba (2-3)

  • MUS 2149 Secondary Percussion (2-3)

  • MUS 2151 Secondary Composition (2-3)

  • MUS 2152 Secondary Guitar (2-3)

  • MUS 2154 Secondary Jazz Study (2-3)

Music Education

  • MUED 1000 Foundations of Music Education (3)

    Credit will not be given for both this course and EDCI 1000 . Course is for music majors only. 2 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. lab. Field observations in music at the elementary and secondary levels; historical and philosophical foundations, introduction to instructional strategies, professional organizations, legal aspects and national standards of music education.
  • MUED 1700 Orientation to Music Education (1)

    Course may be repeated for a max. of 2 sem. hrs. of credit. An overview of the music education profession; orientation to collegiate music study; and initial field experiences in the schools.
  • MUED 2045 Teaching Music in Diverse Settings (3)

    Prereq.: MUED 1000 . Credit will not be given for both this course and EDCI 2045 . Site-based teaching practica. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hr. teaching practicum each week. Managerial aspects of instruction; application of research in music teaching and learning principles to the classroom and rehearsal setting.
  • MUED 3170 Principles of Teaching Elementary School Music (3)

    Prereq.: MUED 1000  and MUED 2045 . Materials, methods and current trends in music teaching at the elementary level; curriculum development.
  • MUED 3171 Principles of Teaching Secondary School Music (3)

    Prereq.: MUED 1000  and MUED 2045 . Materials, methods and current trends in music teaching at the secondary level; rehearsal techniques.

Nuclear Science

  • NS 4352 Environmental Radiological Evaluation and Remediation (3)

    Prereq.: MEDP 2051 . Natural radiation environment with respect to primordial radionuclides; cosmic radiation and cosmogenic radionuclides; body burdens and radiation doses from the natural environment; man-made environmental radioactivity and radiation; environmental concerns in radioactive waste management; environmental contamination from radiation incidents.
  • NS 4411 Fundamentals of Nuclear Radiation Science (3)

    Prereq.: MATH 2065  or MATH 2090 ; PHYS 1202  or both PHYS 2112  and PHYS 2113 .
    Concepts of atomic and nuclear structure, transmutations and decay. Interactions of charged particles, neutral particles and photons with matter; radiation attenuation and energy deposition. Introduction to nuclear fission and fusion; application to nuclear power. Biological effects of radiation.
  • NS 4570 Nuclear Facility Safety (3)

    Prereq.: PHYS 1202  or both PHYS 2112  and PHYS 2113 . Safety analysis of facilities that utilize radiation sources including hospitals and industrial sites; accident sequences; dispersal of radionuclides; estimation of dose and dose commitments; and engineered safeguards.

Oceanography & Coastal Sciences

  • OCS 1005 Introduction to Oceanography (3)

    This is a General Education course. An honors course, OCS 1006 , is also available. Credit will not be given for this course and OCS 1006 . The world’s oceans, their origin and evolution; interactions between physical, geological, chemical and biological processes in the marine environment; use and abuse of oceans.
  • OCS 1006 HONORS: Introduction to Oceanography (3)

    This is a General Education course. Similar to OCS 1005  with special honors emphasis for qualified students. Credit will not be given for this course and OCS 1005 . Interaction of physical, geological, chemical and biological processes of the ocean; effect of human activities.
  • OCS 1010 Introduction to Coastal Environmental Science (1)

    Also offered as ENVS 1010 . Global views of coastal issues with a focus on the Gulf of Mexico and deltaic areas around the world.
  • OCS 2007 Introduction to Marine Sciences: Geological and Physical (4)

    Lab fee and fieldtrip required. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Geological and physical processes in marine and aquatic environments; including their influence on coastal Louisiana.
  • OCS 2008 Introduction to Marine Sciences: Life Processes (4)

    Also offered as BIOL 208 at Southern University in Baton Rouge. Laboratory and fieldtrip fees and two fieldtrips are required for this course. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Ecological processes in marine and aquatic settings; their influence on coastal Louisiana.
  • OCS 2011 Introduction to MATLAB for Coastal Sciences (3)

    Prereq.: OCS 2007  and OCS 2008 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1240  or CSC 2533 . Introduction to MATLAB with emphasis on coastal and oceanographic data visualization and manipulation. Importing large datasets into MATLAB, 2D and 3D plotting, mapping and overlaying quantitative data on maps, manipulating color bars, animating data and exporting images for presentations and publications.
  • OCS 2050 Coastal Systems Ecology and Ecosystem Design (3)

    This is a General Education course. Fundamental principles of systems ecology to instruct “systems thinking” to link natural and built infrastructure, processes, and ecosystem dynamics with focus on deltaic coasts; creating innovative methods to frame the complexity of designing more resilient coastal ecosystems (ecosystem design).
  • OCS 3103 Global Environmental Cycles (3)

    Prereq.: CHEM 1201  and MATH 1550 ; credit or registration in BIOL 1201 .
    Major hydrologic and elemental cycles on the planet, global change and processes, energy balance, including problems associated with climate, pollution, population and resources.
  • OCS 3200 Hurricanes and Typhoons (3)

    Comprehensive introduction to hurricanes as a multi-faceted phenomenon; hurricane meteorology and climate variability, oceanographic response and coastal impacts, storm deposition, ecological effects, geological and historical records and societal impacts and response.
  • OCS 3999 Undergraduate Research in Coastal Sciences (1-6)

    Prereq.: permission of Department. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Individual research problems in the oceanographic and coastal sciences.
  • OCS 4001 Special Topics in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences (1-6)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • OCS 4006 Wetland Field Experience - Florida Everglades, Mangroves, and Seagrasses (3)

    Students will be partially responsible for travel costs associated with this course.  A 13 day field trip through the Everglades, mangroves, and seagrass beds of south Florida focusing on plant ecology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, and wetland management; field trips may include identification of plant and animal species, kayaking through the sawgrass marshes and mangroves, and participation in wetland research and restoration activities.
  • OCS 4012 Biology of Marine Vertebrates (3)

    Prereq.: 8 sem. hrs. of introductory zoology or biology with laboratory. Evolution, life history, ecology and management of marine fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals.
  • OCS 4015 Oceans to Estuaries I: Geology and Physics (5)

    Prereq.: Two semester introductory courses in physics and geology, MATH 1550  and MATH 1552 . Major geological and physical processes and products within the world’s oceans, including the open ocean, continental margins, estuaries and intertidal areas.
  • OCS 4016 Oceans to Estuaries II: Chemistry and Biology (5)

    Prereq.: CHEM 1201  and CHEM 1202 , BIOL 1201  and BIOL 1202 , MATH 1550  and MATH 1552 . Major chemical and biological processes within the world’s oceans, including the open ocean, continental margins, estuaries and intertidal marshes.
  • OCS 4021 Weather Analysis and Satellite Meteorology (3)

    Diagnostic studies of surface and upper-air observational data using isoplething charts and satellite images to represent the state of the atmosphere over both land and sea; the use of satellite technology in weather forecasting including cloud identification, wind direction, storm development and air quality.
  • OCS 4024 Coastal Morphodynamics (3)

    Also offered as GEOG 4024 . Prereq.: MATH 1021 MATH 1022  or MATH 1023 . Basic morphodynamic processes operative along coasts; emphasis on modern coastal process response systems.
  • OCS 4030 Techniques of Research Presentation (1)

    Pass-fail grading. May be taken for a max. of 2 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Guidelines for effective scientific seminar presentations.
  • OCS 4038 Scientific Writing and Collaboration (2)

    Credit will not be given for this course and ENGL 4002 . Provide experience in writing for scientific publications; practical advice on ethical behavior and working collaboratively with others; topics include grammar, organization of manuscripts, preparation of figures and tables, organization of journals, submission process, reviewing other’s manuscripts, formal and informal models of group dynamics, personality types, practical tips for working with others and time management.
  • OCS 4060 Introductory Estuarine Dynamics (3)

    Prereq.: MATH 1552  or consent of instructor. Classification of estuaries, description of coastal and estuary flow regimes, tides, hydrodynamic measurements, mixing, stratification, dispersion, river discharge and weather influence and dynamical processes in Louisiana estuaries and bays.
  • OCS 4061 Introductory Oceanographic Data Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: MATH 1550  and EXST 2201 . 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Targeting time series and space series from the ocean and coastal waters using techniques of data analysis such as digital sampling, filtering and spectrum analysis. These techniques are applicable to different types of data, including wind, water level, currents, DO, nutrients, optical parameters, etc. from moorings or moving platforms.
  • OCS 4090 Marine and Environmental Microbiology (3)

    Also offered as BIOL 4090 . Prereq.: BIOL 2051  or equivalent. Characterization and ecology of estuarine, open-ocean and terrestrial microorganisms and the role these microbes play in cycling organic and inorganic compounds; microbial activity in biogeochemical cycles extreme environments and organic pollutants; indicator species; pathogenic bacteria and their transmission in the environment and seafood-related contamination.
  • OCS 4126 Chemical Oceanography (3)

    See GEOL 4081 .
  • OCS 4128 Wetland Hydrology and Hydrodynamics (3)

    Prereq.: MATH 1550 , MATH 1552 , GEOL 1001  or equivalent. Basic surface water and ground water hydrology in wetland environments with an emphasis on hydrologic principles, application of hydrologic techniques to wetlands and understanding of hydrodynamics in these ecosystems.
  • OCS 4165 Environmental Chemistry of Wetlands (3)

    Prereq.: CHEM 2060  or equivalent. Transformations of pollutants and toxic substances that affect the solubility, bioavailability, fixation and degradation of organic and inorganic substances in wetlands; emphasis on biological and physiochemical properties of wetlands that enhance this degradation and fixation.
  • OCS 4170 Physical Oceanography (3)

    Prereq.: two semester course in Physics and MATH 1552  or MATH 1554 ; or consent of instructor. Physics of the ocean; with emphasis on dynamical problems; general circulation of the ocean; physical properties of sea water; flow dynamics in the earth’s rotating coordinate system, estuarine and coastal ocean dynamics.
  • OCS 4210 Geological Oceanography (3)

    Prereq.: two-semester introductory course in geology. Principles of marine geology; sediments and sedimentation in the marine environment from the near shore zone to the abyssal plain; geological effects of bottom currents; sea-level history; geophysical techniques; continental drift and sea-floor spreading; tectonic history of the oceanic crust.
  • OCS 4242 Wetlands and Water Quality (3)

    An integrative view of wetland ecosystems with an emphasis on eutrophication and water quality.
  • OCS 4268 Environmental and Natural Resources Policy (3)

    See ENVS 4268  .
  • OCS 4308 Plants in Coastal Environments (3)

    Also offered as BIOL 4308 . Prereq.: one-semester course in biology or ecology or consent of instructor. Weekend field trips as needed. Ecology of Louisiana’s major coastal plant communities; emphasis on influence of environmental factors controlling plant distribution and productivity; physiological, morphological and anatomical mechanisms aiding plant survival; man’s impact on Louisiana’s coastal plant communities.
  • OCS 4372 Estuarine Ecology (4)

    Prereq.: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Preparation of field trips; synthesis and presentation of data collected on field trips to coastal areas. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Ecological processes in estuaries, shallow coastal waters and associated coastal environments; training and field use of equipment required for estuarine research.
  • OCS 4410 Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: MATH 1552  and consent of instructor. Mathematical description and analysis of ecological systems; emphasis on systems approach using matter and energy flow models for quantifying and analyzing interdependence and dynamics in ecosystems; linear flow models, dynamic nonlinear models, optimization models, stochastic models and computer techniques for modeling, validation, sensitivity analysis and parameter optimization.
  • OCS 4465 Coastal Zone Management (3)

    Non-law students encouraged to participate. Written and oral presentation required; special projects relating to the primary field of interest permitted. Resources allocation and environmental quality issues in coastal and estuarine zones of the U.S.; evaluating alternative solutions to topical coastal zone issues; preparing legal devices for meeting the issues, such as legislation, regulations, contract provisions and deed restrictions; traditional law courses in water law, environ-mental law, natural-resources law and land-use planning.
  • OCS 4550 Biological Oceanography (3)

    Prereq.: two-course undergraduate science sequence above 2000 level or graduate student status in science department. Participation in oceanographic cruise is generally required. Biology of open oceans, continental shelves and large river deltas.
  • OCS 4560 Wetland Loss, Restoration and Management (3)

    Prereq.: two-course sequence in science above the 2000 level. Participation in field trips to local wetlands and management agencies is required. Coastal wetland loss, restoration and management; wetland values, use and potential management issues.
  • OCS 4565 Restoration Ecology/Ecological Restoration (3)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. Field trips. Students are responsible for paying some expenses for field work. 2 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. lab. The science of restoration ecology and the practice of ecological restoration.
  • OCS 4600 Global Environmental Change: Past, Present and Future (3)

    Also offered as ENVS 4600 . Patterns and processes of global climate changes during the Quaternary and their links to the biosphere, cryosphere and ocean; proxies and archives; climate forcing and biotic responses; current warming and future impacts; human ecology of climate change; energy supply and human health; sustainability and policy.
  • OCS 4999 Capstone in Coastal Environmental Science (1)

    See ENVS 4999 .
  • OCS 7001 Advanced Topics in Marine Sciences (1-6)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. when topics vary.
  • OCS 7028 Numerical Modeling of Ocean Circulation (3)

    Fundamental concepts in computational fluid dynamics; finite difference and finite volume numerical methods; review of state-of-the-art ocean models and their applications to coastal oceans, estuaries, and marine environment.
  • OCS 7029 Case Studies in Coastal Ecosystem Modeling (3)

    Coastal ecosystem modeling in the northern Gulf of Mexico region. Modeling theory; case studies; overview of existing ecosystem models.
  • OCS 7110 Toxicology of Aquatic Environments (3)

    See ENVS 7110 .
  • OCS 7120 Dynamical Oceanography (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Dynamics of rotating, stratified, incompressible fluids with particular application to the oceans; conservations equations and boundary conditions, surface and internal gravity waves, vorticity, geostrophic adjustment, coastal trapped waves, Rossby waves, wind-driven ocean circulation.
  • OCS 7121 Ecology and Management of Tropical Estuaries (3)

    Su Prereq.: 6 hrs. in marine ecology and consent of instructor. Two-week field trip/lecture at the Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avancados in Merida, Mexico. 20 hrs. per week. Intensive field course concerning aspects of ecology and management of tropical estuaries; plankton systems, sea grasses, mangroves, benthos, nekton and macroalgae; emphasis on human impact and management, global change issues and use of modeling.
  • OCS 7123 Oceanographic Data Analysis (3,3)

    Prereq.: MATH 1550  or equivalent. Statistical techniques for analysis of oceanographic time and space series data; spectrum analysis; objective analysis; empirical orthogonal functions and Kalman filters.
  • OCS 7124 Applied Coastal Plant Ecology (3)

    Prereq.: 6 sem. hrs. in biology or environmental science. Field trips included. Students are responsible for paying for travel expenses associated with the course. Concepts of applied coastal plant ecology; field experiences in coastal habitat restoration and management; applied wetlands’ functions, wetland classification, evaluation and delineation, and environmental assessment monitoring.
  • OCS 7129 Global Climate Change and Wetlands (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Impact of projected global climate change on stability and functioning of coastal and interior wetland ecosystems; feedback of biogeochemical changes in wetlands caused by climate change.
  • OCS 7130 Marine Isotope Biogeochemistry (3)

    Prereq.: graduate standing or consent of instructor. Concepts and laboratory principles for stable and radioactive isotopes, first-hand experience interpreting isotopic data, modern applications in oceanography and biogeochemistry.
  • OCS 7131 Marine Geochemistry (3)

    Geochemical processes in the marine environment, including water column geochemistry, pore water processes and interactions across the sediment-water interface and early diagenesis; emphasis uranium-thorium decay series radionuclide applications in marine geochemistry.
  • OCS 7132 Coastal Physical/Chemical Systems: Analytical Methods (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Sampling techniques; proper handling and preservation of samples; sample processing for analysis; application of spectroscopy and chromatography analytical instrumentation for the determination on nutrients, trace and toxic metals, synthetic organics (pesticides and industrial organics), and petroleum hydrocarbons in water, soil and sediment samples; techniques presented in terms of application of analytical chemistry to environmental and natural systems.
  • OCS 7165 Biogeochemistry of Wetland Soils and Sediments (3)

    Same as AGRO 7165 . Microbial and redox chemistry processes in fresh water, brackish water and estuarine-flooded soils and sediments affecting the trans-formations of nutrients and toxic materials.
  • OCS 7170 Satellite Oceanography (3)

    Prereq.: OCS 4170  or equivalent. Oceanographic measurements and observations using satellite-borne sensor systems; radiation-ocean-atmosphere interactions, satellite systems, sensor design and data types; analysis of infrared, visible and microwave data for deep ocean, coastal and estuarine phenomena.
  • OCS 7175 Environmental Optics (3)

    Nature of light, solar radiation and its transmission through the atmosphere and the aquatic medium and interactions in the medium; optical instrumentation and applications.
  • OCS 7310 Harmful Algal Blooms (3)

    Harmful algal species and associated syndromes; ecophysiological processes for bloom initiation and development; eutrophication; grazing impact; impacts on marine life and human health; identification, enumeration of algae and toxin detection techniques; HAB management.
  • OCS 7330 Preparing for Studies of Fish and Other Aquatic Resources (3)

    A detailed, semi-quantitative introduction to current biological and technological methodologies for studying fishes and aquatic habitats, with emphasis on reducing bias introduced by study design and choice of sampling gears.
  • OCS 7335 Marine Fisheries Recruitment (3)

    Examining the relationship between fish life history, recruitment dynamics and harvest potential, and local-, meso-, and global-scale oceanographic processes.
  • OCS 7340 Population Dynamics Modeling (3)

    Broad survey of the quantitative modeling methods used for simulating animal and plant population dynamics; use of these models in both theoretical analyses and management decision-making.
  • OCS 7431 Stock Assessment Analysis of Marine Fish Populations (3)

    Prereq.: OCS 7340 . Quantitative methods used in management of fish populations through analytical approaches used to model populations and statistically estimate the status of the resources used in management decision-making.
  • OCS 7432 Marine Fisheries Policy and Management (3)

    Policies used in managing marine fisheries in the U.S. and internationally with emphasis on scientific role. Survey and analysis of domestic and international legislation and treaties.
  • OCS 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • OCS 8900 Advanced Reading and Literature Research (1-6)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit.
  • OCS 8901 Advanced Field Research (1-6)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit.
  • OCS 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


Public Administration

  • PADM 5009 Research Methods for Public Administration (3)

    Introduces students to the development of a research question and the procedures of using empirical observations and data, describing the practical and technical issues of sampling, surveying, measurement, research design, analysis, and preparation of research reports.
  • PADM 5010 Statistical Methods for Public Administration (3)

    Prereq.: PADM 5009 . Open only to students in the MPA program. Descriptive measures for populations and samples; basic probability theory; distributions of discrete and continuous random variables; hypothesis testing and estimation for means, variances, and proportions; measures of association; regression analysis; index numbers; applications in public administration.
  • PADM 5600 Microeconomic Theory for Policy Analysis (3)

    Also offered as ECON 5600 . Open only to students in the MPA program or by consent of instructor. Concepts and analytical tools of microeconomics; their relevance for decision and policy making in public and nonprofit sectors; theories of demand, production, cost, market structures and distribution; analysis of economic problems and policies, efficiency criteria, social impacts and limitations of the market system.
  • PADM 7610 Healthcare Organization and Finance (3)

    Overview of effective management of healthcare organizations, including understanding of their historical development and future opportunities; current issues relating to financing, regulation, reimbursement, managed care systems and system integration.
  • PADM 7620 Strategic Management of Healthcare Organizations (3)

    Prereq.: Cross-listed with MGT 7620 . Strategic planning and development of healthcare organizations focusing on long-term viability; integration of financial decisions with organizational goals and consumer health.
  • PADM 7640 Legal and Ethical Issues in Health Care Management (3)

    Legal and ethical issues in the delivery of health care including patients’ rights, organizational responsibilities, malpractice issues, relationships among patient, providers and insurers, governmental influence in health care management, patient-provider relationships, advancing technology and medical alternatives, working with limited resources and organizational efforts to deal with ethical issues.
  • PADM 7800 Independent Study in Public Administration (3)

    Prereq.: at least 15 credit hours of graduate work; prior written approval of faculty supervising work. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit. Independent study by MPA student.
  • PADM 7850 Public Administration Internship (3)

    Prereq.: at least 15 credit hours of graduate work completed and approval of the Director of the MPA program. Required of all pre-service MPA students. Work within a federal, state or local govern-ment unit, nonprofit or private concern interfacing with the public sector; regular meetings with faculty; submission of a research report to the faculty member; internship is designed to connect academic and professional training to actual work experience.
  • PADM 7851 Public Administration Practicum (3)

    Prereq.: at least 15 sem. hrs. of graduate course work completed and approval of the Director of the MPA Program. Required of all MPA students. In-service students will be determined by the MPA Director. Related academic and professional training to work experience associated with the student’s present employment; regular meetings with faculty and preparation of research paper indicating relationship between principles of public management and work activities.
  • PADM 7900 Public Administration Colloquium (3)

    Required of all MPA students in final semester of program; research project required. Legal, ethical, economic, political and management principles used in assessing public administration topics; policy and administration issues.
  • PADM 7902 Seminar in Public Policy (3)

    Also offered as POLI 7902 .
  • PADM 7904 Seminar in Policy Dilemmas and Decisions (3)

    Exploring the difficulties of collective decision-making and the instruments and processes involved in reaching consensus; areas of focus include the structure of strong arguments, models and rationality, participation, and probabilistic reasoning using contemporaneous and historical case studies.
  • PADM 7910 Public Administration Theory and Practice (3)

    Contents and boundaries of public administration as discipline; topics include historical development of public administration as a field of study; organizational theory; professional ethics; policy development; management techniques to enhance productivity and performance; leadership; diversity; and other relevant issues for public managers; case studies used intensively.
  • PADM 7911 Organizational Analysis for Public and Nonprofit Organizations (3)

    Analyzing elements of effective organizational functioning in the public and nonprofit sectors, and the development of diagnostic skills to improve performance; incorporates organizational behavior and theory in the study of achieving effectiveness, efficiency and growth.
  • PADM 7912 Public Human Resource Management (3)

    Explores human resource policy, including procedures and principles of personnel administration; traditional aspects of personnel administration including recruiting, job classification, evaluation, and compensation and dynamic topics include workforce diversity, drug abuse, whistle blowing, sexual discrimination, labor relations and other relevant issues.
  • PADM 7913 Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management in the Public and Non-Profit Sector (3)

    Prereq.: PADM 7912  or permission of instructor. Advanced topics in human resource management including human resource management and organizational structure, workforce diversity, technology, legal and ethical issues, public policy issues, improving productivity and other special topics of interest. Topics will vary from semester to semester.
  • PADM 7914 Public Budgeting (3)

    Introduction to public budgeting; study of budget techniques; importance of budgeting in policymaking; and understanding the budget process.
  • PADM 7916 State and Local Government Administration (3)

    Examination and analysis of how state and local governments are structured and how they are managed; case studies will be used to illustrate state and local administration; current issues relating to financing, regulation, zoning, delivery systems of local.
  • PADM 7917 Program Evaluation (3)

    Also offered as POLI 7917 . Prereq.: PADM 5010  or equivalent course in statistics. Assessing whether programs designed to advance the public good are reaching their goals; examining program objectives, social context in which program operates, developing research designs to assess particular programs; use of statistical analysis in measuring program elements; and developing indicators to monitor public program.
  • PADM 7920 Ethics in the Public Service (3)

    Examination and analysis of role that ethical behavior and moral reasoning play in the practice of public administration; overview of dominant schools of classical ethical thought, including works of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Rawls and Bentham, and leading ethical theories such as consequentialism, deontology, virtue ethics and ethical relativism; readings, case studies, and experiential exercises will be used to explore the role of ethics in public service.

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