Sep 25, 2024  
2013-2014 General Catalog 
2013-2014 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search

The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.


Communication Studies

  • CMST 7923 Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods in Communication Studies (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Theoretical and practical considerations of current methods of qualitative research in the discipline.
  • CMST 7940 Performance Theories and Methods (3)

    Survey of theories and methods of twentieth and twenty-first century performance practices in western cultures.
  • CMST 7941 Seminar: Studies in the History of Performance (3)

    Historical development of select Western performance practices outside the institution of theatre; methods of historical research in performance studies.
  • CMST 7943 Seminar: Performance and Culture (3)

    Theories and research exploring the relations between performance and culture central to the field of Performance Studies. Emphasis on two main trajectories: performance as a subject of cultural inquiry and performance as a method of cultural invention.
  • CMST 7944 Performance and Media (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Critical, historical and/or creative research in topics related to media in performance in contexts such as media theatre, film, video, television, Internet and virtual reality.
  • CMST 7945 Seminar: Contemporary Theories and Research in Performance Studies (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 12 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Topics related to solo and group performance of literature; performance theory and criticism; interrelationships of performance and culture; experimental performance forms; qualitative research methods.
  • CMST 7946 Theory and Performance of Narrative Discourse (3)

    Prereq.: CMST 4141 , CMST 4142  or equivalent. Narrative theory in literature and performance; rhetoric of narrative discourse.
  • CMST 7961 Seminar: Evolution of Rhetorical Theory, Classical Period (3)

  • CMST 7962 Seminar: Rhetorical Criticism (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Types of speech criticism, criteria and measures of effectiveness of public address.
  • CMST 7966 Problems in Rhetorical Theory, Criticism and History (3)

    Prereq.: at least 12 hrs. (four courses) in public address. May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit when content varies. Selected problem that goes beyond present advanced course offerings in public address; topic to be announced.
  • CMST 7967 Development of Contemporary Rhetorical Theory (3)

    Pivotal questions in contemporary theory from I. A. Richards through postmodernism; future of rhetorical theory and its relationship to the humanities.
  • CMST 7968 Rhetoric and Public Culture (3)

    Scope and function of rhetoric in formation and dissolution of publics and public opinion; the reciprocal influence of rhetoric and culture.
  • CMST 7969 Visual Culture (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when content varies. Intellectual genealogies, theories of the visual and problems in a visual culture.
  • CMST 7976 Rhetoric and Aesthetics (3)

    The relationship between form and function in rhetorical discourse; the constitutive nature of aesthetics in language and the arts.
  • CMST 7999 Independent Research in Communication Studies (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor and approval of department chair. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit. For advanced graduate students to pursue research on special topics.
  • CMST 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • CMST 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


Communication Disorders

  • COMD 2050 Introduction to Language (3)

    This is a General Education course. Also offered as LING 2050 . Linguistic study of the principal interrelated levels of language structure: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics; related topics such as writing systems and dialects.
  • COMD 2051 Introduction to Manual Communication (4)

    3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Basic linguistic structure, educational and cultural aspects and reading and transmitting messages in manual communication systems; American Sign Language as well as English-based systems.
  • COMD 2081 Introduction to Communication Disorders (3)

    Required initial course for undergraduates concentrating in speech pathology and audiology. Observations in Speech and Hearing Clinic required. Processes involved in speech production; definition, description and incidence of speech and hearing disorders; overview of the profession, including agencies, related professionals, job opportunities, publications, professional associations and certification.
  • COMD 3057 Research Methods for COMD (3)

    Introduction to scientific literature and research methods employed in studies of human communication development and disorders across the lifespan.
  • COMD 4150 Phonetics (3)

    Also offered as LING 4150 . Prereq.: COMD 2050 . 3 hrs. lecture. Principles of phonemics; articulatory phonetics; description and classification of sounds; transcription at different levels of detail; production and perception.
  • COMD 4153 Acoustics of Speech and Hearing (4)

    Also offered as LING 4153 . Prereq.: COMD 2050  or equivalent. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Production, transmission and perception of speech acoustics in communication; acoustic phonetics and psycho-acoustics.
  • COMD 4190 Introduction to Audiology (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 2081 , COMD 4153 . Interaction of hearing and speech, effects of hearing loss on speech and language development, types of hearing loss and evaluation processes.
  • COMD 4250 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 2050 . Functional anatomy of structures associated with speech production and reception.
  • COMD 4380 Speech and Language Development (4)

    Also offered as LING 4380 . 3 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. lab. Language acquisition and behavior, language and cognitive development, verbal learning and structural properties of speech; theories of language development in the normal child.
  • COMD 4381 Basic Articulation Disorders (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 2081 , COMD 4150 . Introduction to articulatory physiology, development, etiology, evaluation and treatment of disorders.
  • COMD 4382 Basic Language Disorders of Children (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4380  or equivalent and consent of instructor. Differential diagnosis and remediation of major language disorders of children.
  • COMD 4383 Basic Fluency Disorders (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4381  or equivalent. For clinical practicum take COMD 4683 , COMD 4684  or COMD 4685 . Stuttering and allied disorders; emphasis on symptomatology, testing, rehabilitation and prevention.
  • COMD 4490 Audiologic Assessment (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4250 , COMD 4190 . Practice and application in pure-tone and speech audiometry; middle-ear measurements, differential diagnosis; physiological tests including auditory evoked potentials.
  • COMD 4590 Auditory Rehabilitation in Children (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4153 , COMD 4190 . Methods of management including modes of communication, auditory and speech-reading training, amplification issues, early identification and intervention and educational placement.
  • COMD 4681 Clinical Preparation and Observation Laboratory (1)

    For majors in communication sciences and disorders. 2 hrs. lab. Study of clinic rules and procedures, codes of ethics; observation of various types of therapy and evaluation.
  • COMD 4683 Clinical Practice: Therapeutic Techniques (1-6 each)

    Prereq.: credit in course work related to practicum-specific speech, language or hearing disorder. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit each. On- and off-campus practica in speech, language and hearing disorders.
  • COMD 4684 Clinical Practice: Therapeutic Techniques (1-6 each)

    Prereq.: credit in course work related to practicum-specific speech, language or hearing disorder. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit each. On- and off-campus practica in speech, language and hearing disorders.
  • COMD 4685 Clinical Practice: Therapeutic Techniques (1-6 each)

    Prereq.: credit in course work related to practicum-specific speech, language or hearing disorder. May be taken for a max. of 8 sem. hrs. of credit each. On- and off-campus practica in speech, language and hearing disorders.
  • COMD 4750 Independent Research in Speech Science or Linguistics (1-3)

    Also offered as LING 4750 . May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. of credit. Readings in speech science or linguistics directed by a senior faculty member.
  • COMD 4751 Special Topics in Communication Disorders (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. undergraduate or graduate credit when topics vary.
  • COMD 4752 Survey of Adult Neurogenic Communication Disorders (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 2050 . Biopsychosocial model of health provides structure for study of basic neuroanatomy, assessment, treatment and social consequences of adult neurogenic communication disorders.
  • COMD 4753 Undergraduate Seminar in Speech Perception (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4190 . Not for graduate credit. Introduction to problems in speech perception across the human lifespan, in both typical and atypical listeners.
  • COMD 7153 Research Design in Communication Science and Disorders (3)

    Empirical research design problems in speech and hearing; emphasis on measurement validity and reliability.
  • COMD 7191 Hearing Science (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4250 . Auditory transmission and processing from the outer ear to the cortical area; psychophysical phenomena germane to human audition.
  • COMD 7280 Neuroanatomical Bases of Speech and Hearing (3)

    Prereq.: BIOL 2160  and COMD 4250  or equivalent. Study of neuroanatomy and physiology of the central nervous system as it relates to sensory/motor and cognitive processes underlying speech and hearing.
  • COMD 7381 Language and Learning Disorders (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4382 . Language disorders and the communicative aspect of language; current research and treatment models for language intervention; relationship between language and learning; emphasis on school-aged child.
  • COMD 7382 Voice Disorders (3)

    Incidence, etiology, concomitant problems; assessment and management of vocal dysphonias, aphonias and laryngectomees.
  • COMD 7383 Cleft Palate/Orofacial Disorders (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4250 , COMD 4380 . Orofacial anatomy, physiology and embryology; etiology and classification of orofacial cleft; surgical, dental, speech, hearing and psychosocial concomitants and their management.
  • COMD 7384 Early Communicative Intervention (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4382  or equivalent. For clinical practicum, take COMD 7684  or COMD 7685 . Cognitive, social, and environmental conditions associated with “high risk” for communicative disorders; intervention approaches (prevention, evaluation, direct stimulation of child-caregiver interactions) and service delivery models (home-based, center-based).
  • COMD 7385 Neuropathologies of Speech (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4250 , COMD 4381  and COMD 7280  or equivalent. Physiological and anatomical bases of dysarthria, apraxia and related speech disorders due to neuropathology in the adult population; emphasis on diagnosis, description and clinical management.
  • COMD 7387 Aphasia in Adults (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 7280  or equivalent and consent of instructor. Neurological bases of aphasia and related disorders; appropriate therapeutic methodologies.
  • COMD 7390 Industrial Audiology and Hearing Conservation (3)

    Audiological practices in industry and hearing conservation programs; professional, technical, business and legal issues.
  • COMD 7480 Measurement and Diagnosis of Communication Disorders (3)

    Psychological and behavioral measurement of communicative functioning and treatment planning for common speech/language disorders.
  • COMD 7683 Graduate Clinical Practicum (1-6 each)

    Prereq.: credit or enrollment in the course dealing with the specific disorder in which practicum is to be taken. May be repeated for credit in order to obtain the clock hours necessary for certification by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Only 6 sem. hrs. of academic credit may be counted toward the degree, although all practicum hours count for professional certification. 2-8 hrs. clinic. On- and off-campus graduate practicum in specific areas (articulation, language, fluency, voice, aural rehabilitation, early intervention, diagnostic audiology, oral-facial anomalies, neurological disorders).
  • COMD 7684 Graduate Clinical Practicum (1-6 each)

    Prereq.: credit or enrollment in the course dealing with the specific disorder in which practicum is to be taken. May be repeated for credit in order to obtain the clock hours necessary for certification by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Only 6 sem. hrs. of academic credit may be counted toward the degree, although all practicum hours count for professional certification. 2-8 hrs. clinic. On- and off-campus graduate practicum in specific areas (articulation, language, fluency, voice, aural rehabilitation, early intervention, diagnostic audiology, oral-facial anomalies, neurological disorders).
  • COMD 7685 Graduate Clinical Practicum (1-6 each)

    Prereq.: credit or enrollment in the course dealing with the specific disorder in which practicum is to be taken. May be repeated for credit in order to obtain the clock hours necessary for certification by the American Speech, Language, Hearing Association. Only 6 sem. hrs. of academic credit may be counted toward the degree, although all practicum hours count for professional certification. 2-8 hrs. clinic. On- and off-campus graduate practicum in specific areas (articulation, language, fluency, voice, aural rehabilitation, early intervention, diagnostic audiology, oral-facial anomalies, neurological disorders).
  • COMD 7750 Special Topics in Linguistics (3)

    Also offered as LING 7750 . May be taken two times for credit for the master’s degree and four times for the doctorate when topics vary. Topics to be announced.
  • COMD 7752 Seminar in Linguistics (3)

    Also offered as LING 7752 . May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. for the master’s degree and 12 hrs. for the doctoral degree when topics vary. Problems in analysis of language; emphasis on phonology and semantics.
  • COMD 7754 Psycholinguistics: Linguistic Perspectives (3)

    Also offered as PSYC 7754  and LING 7754 . Theories of constituent structure and their application; discourse/semantic principles and their application; speech errors and language universals.
  • COMD 7756 Independent Research: Phonetics and Linguistics (1-3)

    Also offered as LING 7756 . Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation.
  • COMD 7780 Seminar in Communication Disorders (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be repeated for max of 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Selected topics in communicative disorders.
  • COMD 7781 Independent Research: Speech Science (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation.
  • COMD 7782 Individual Research in Communication Disorders (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. For advanced graduate students who wish to pursue research on special problems exclusive of thesis or dissertation.
  • COMD 7783 Dysphagia (3)

    Prereq.: COMD 4250 , COMD 7280 . Characteristics, assessment and management of swallowing disorders in children and adults occurring secondary to neurological or structural deficits.
  • COMD 7880 Advanced Seminar in Language Disorders (3)

    May be taken for max 6 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Theory, contemporary issues and research related to language disorders as a method of inquiry and intervention; evaluation of research methodology.
  • COMD 7882 Advanced Individual Research in Communication Science and Disorders (1-6)

    Prereq.: admission to PhD program and consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit. Research topics ancillary or extraneous to dissertation research.
  • COMD 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • COMD 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


Comparative Literature

  • CPLT 2201 Introduction to World Literary Traditions (3)

    This is a General Education course. Also offered as ENGL 2201 . Study of the world’s most influential literary classics in Western and non-Western traditions from beginnings to 1650; emphasis on reading and writing about literature.
  • CPLT 2202 Introduction to Modern World Literature (3)

    This is a General Education course. Also offered as ENGL 2202 . Overview of the literature of the world from 1650 to the present day; introduction of the concept and theory of world literature.
  • CPLT 7010 Research Methods and Bibliography (3)

    Instruction in methods of research; specific projects in bibliography geared toward scholarship in comparative literature.
  • CPLT 7020 History and Theory of Criticism (3)

    Historical survey of major works in literary theory from the classical through the modern period designed to ground subsequent work in criticism.
  • CPLT 7120 Topics in Theory of Criticism (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Study of a particular school of critical thought as it applies to specifically comparative literary scholarship.
  • CPLT 7130 Topics in Comparative Literature (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Basic techniques of studying a literary topic through the comparative method; examples taken from different national literary traditions.
  • CPLT 7140 Topics in the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Relationship between literature and other domains, such as art, religion and film.
  • CPLT 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • CPLT 8900 Independent Study (1-3)

    May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. in the master’s program and 9 hrs. in the doctoral program.
  • CPLT 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


Computer Science

  • CSC 1100 Computers in Society (3)

    Prereq.: credit in MATH 1021  or registration in MATH 1023 . Credit will not be given for this course and ISDS 1100  or ISDS 1101  or ISDS 1102  or LIS 2001  or EXST 2000 . 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Introduction to computers, their applications and impact on people and social institutions; the Internet, e-mail, news groups, ftp, telnet, World Wide Web, multimedia, word processing, spreadsheets, databases.
  • CSC 1200 Ethics in Computing (1)

    Prereq.: credit or registration in CSC 1253  or CSC 1350 ; credit or registration in ENGL 1001 , ENGL 1005  or HNRS 2000 . For majors only. Introduction to ethics theory, ethical decision-making as it relates to the computing professional, licensing, intellectual property, conflicts of interest, freedom of information and privacy, security.
  • CSC 1240 Statistics and Graphics with MATLAB (3)

    This is a General Education course. Prereq.: MATH 1021  or placement in MATH 1022 , MATH 1023 , MATH 1431 , MATH 1550  or MATH 1551 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1248  or CSC 2262  or CSC 2533  or OCS 2011 . Not for degree credit for computer science majors. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Introduction to MATLAB programming with applications in statistics and graphics.
  • CSC 1253 Computer Science I with C++ (3)

    Prereq.: credit or registration in MATH 1550  or credit in MATH 1431 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1248  or CSC 1250  or CSC 1350  or ISDS 3107 . Fundamentals of algorithm development, program design and structured programming using an object-oriented language.
  • CSC 1254 Computer Science II with C++ (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 1253 ; credit or registration in MATH 1550 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1351 . Develops solutions to problems using an object-oriented approach and emphasizes the concepts of recursion; dynamic memory; data structures (lists, stacks, queues, trees); exception handling.
  • CSC 1350 Computer Science I for Majors (4)

    Prereq.: credit or registration in MATH 1550 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1240  or CSC 1250  or CSC 1253  or ISDS 3107 . 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Fundamentals of algorithm development, program design and structured programming using an object-oriented language.
  • CSC 1351 Computer Science II for Majors (4)

    Prereq.: CSC 1350 ; credit or registration in MATH 1550 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1254 . 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Develops solutions to problems using an object-oriented approach and emphasizes the concepts of recursion; dynamic memory; data structures (lists, stacks, queues, trees); exception handling.
  • CSC 2259 Discrete Structures (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 1254  or CSC 1351 ; credit or registration in MATH 1552 . Set algebra including mappings and relations; algebraic structures including semigroups and groups; elements of the theory of directed and undirected graphs; Boolean algebra and propositional logic; these structures applied to various areas of computer science.
  • CSC 2262 Numerical Methods (3)

    Prereq.: MATH 1552  and CSC 1254  or CSC 1351 . Credit will be given for only one of the following: CSC 1240 , 2262, CSC 2533  or IE 2060 . Computer- oriented methods for solving numerical problems in science and engineering; numerical solutions to systems of simultaneous linear equations, nonlinear algebraic equations (root solving), differentiation and integration, ordinary differential equations, interpolation and curve fitting.
  • CSC 2533 Introduction to Engineering Computation (3)

    Also offered as ME 2533 . Prereq.: MATH 1550 . Credit will not be given for both this course and CSC 1240  or CSC 2262  or OCS 2011 . 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Problem solving techniques and structured programming tools for engineering synthesis and analysis; application of symbolic solvers and technical computing toolkits.
  • CSC 2700 Special Topics in Computer Science (1-3)

    Prereq.: CSC 1254  or CSC 1351  or permission of department. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Total credit earned in CSC 2700 and CSC 4700  should not exceed 9 hrs. Specialized areas of current interest in computer science.
  • CSC 3102 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 1254  or CSC 1351  and credit or concurrent enrollment in CSC 2259  or EE 2740 . Description and utilization of formal ADT representations, especially those on lists, sets and graphs; time and space analysis of recursive and nonrecursive algorithms, including graph and sorting algorithms; algorithm design techniques.
  • CSC 3380 Object Oriented Design (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 1254  or CSC 1351 . Advanced object oriented software development; emphasis on the use of the unified modeling language as a design tool.
  • CSC 3501 Computer Organization and Design (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 2259 . Credit will not be given for both this course and EE 3752  or EE 3755 . Computer arithmetic, design of high-speed adders and multipliers, CPU concepts, instruction fetching and decoding, hardwired control, microprogramming control, main memory, I/O organization, assembly language programming techniques, CPU instruction sets and addressing modes.
  • CSC 3991 HONORS: Undergraduate Research in Computer Science (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 3102 ; consent of department; admittance to Upper Division Honors Program. Individual research on problems in computer science.
  • CSC 3992 HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 3991 ; consent of department; admittance to Upper Division Honors Program. Writing and formal defense of a research thesis in computer science. Defense committee of three faculty members must be approved by department.
  • CSC 3999 Independent Undergraduate Research (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of department chair. May be taken for a max. of 4 hrs. of credit. Individual readings, conferences and program development in computer science.
  • CSC 4101 Programming Languages (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 3102 . Principles of programming language design; specification of syntax and semantics; underlying implementation of block structured languages; dynamic memory allocation for strings, lists and arrays; imperative versus applicative programming; logic programming; modern programming languages.
  • CSC 4103 Operating Systems (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 3102 . Design techniques, process management, processor scheduling; deadlocks, memory management, secondary memory management, file management; I/O systems, Unix systems.
  • CSC 4243 Interface Design and Technology (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 1253  or CSC 1350  or equivalent programming background. Human-computer interaction provides the bridges across which humans engage with computation. An overview and experience with the design of such interfaces. Programming and design projects employing both traditional graphical interfaces; handheld graphical interfaces; and tangible and embedded interfaces. All programming in Java languages.
  • CSC 4263 Video Game Design (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  or CSC 3102  or MUS 2732  or permission of instructor. The essentials of video game design and implementation, including planning, graphics, sound, programming and testing. Focus is on a semester-long, small-team, interdisciplinary project to develop and present a complete full-featured game.
  • CSC 4304 Systems Programming (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 4103 . Batch process systems programs, their components, operating characteristics, user services and limitations; implementation techniques for parallel processing of input-output and interrupt handling; overall structure of multiprogramming systems on multiprocessor hardware configurations; addressing techniques, core management, file system design and management, system accounting and other user-related services; traffic control, interprocess communication, design of system modules and interfaces; system updating, documentation and operation.
  • CSC 4330 Software Systems Development (3)

    Prereq.: CSC 3102 , CSC 3380 . Software requirements analysis; design representation, programming methodologies; verification, validation, maintenance and software planning.

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