Sep 25, 2024  
2013-2014 General Catalog 
2013-2014 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search

The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.


Agricultural Economics

  • AGEC 4443 Farm and Rural Land Appraisal (3)

    Prereq.: AGEC 2003  or equivalent. Not for graduate AGEC degree credit. Theory, methods and procedures of real estate appraisal applied to rural property; trends in rural real estate values; factors influencing rural real estate values; approaches used in rural real estate valuation.
  • AGEC 4603 Agricultural Policy (3)

    Prereq.: grade of “C” or above in AGEC 2003  and ECON 2030 , or ECON 2000  and ECON 2010  or equivalent. Role of agriculture in the national economy; how agricultural policy decisions affect the general public; emphasis on economic impacts of policies on producers and consumers of agricultural products; effects of other nations’ policies on American agriculture.
  • AGEC 4613 Agricultural Trade (3)

    Prereq.: AGEC 3003  or equivalent. Structure, trade and practices in exporting and importing regions and nations; policies of major agricultural trading nations and institutions; aid, development relationships and current development trade policy.
  • AGEC 4623 Rural Resource and Community Development (3)

    Prereq.: AGEC 3003  or permission of instructor. Characteristics of developed and undeveloped rural areas; analysis of economic and related problems and potential for development; public policy issues concerning rural development.
  • AGEC 4700 Problems in Agricultural Economics (1-3)

    Prereq.: approval of department head. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Independent study under the direction of a faculty member or faculty committee.
  • AGEC 7103 Advanced Statistical Methods in Agriculture (3)

    Prereq.: AGEC 7803  or concurrent registration. Application of advanced statistical tools to problems in agricultural economics; emphasis on the general linear model, including diagnostics, applications and interpretation.
  • AGEC 7113 Agribusiness Research Applications (3)

    Introduction to and overview of agribusiness research strategies; design of agribusiness research projects; preparation for data collection; collection of evidence; analysis of evidence; composition of research reports; applications to agribusiness market analysis, agribusiness planning and management, and agribusiness forecasting.
  • AGEC 7123 Operations Research Methods in Agricultural Economics (3)

    Application of operations research methods to economic problems in agricultural production, marketing, and resource use; linear and nonlinear programming; integer programming; network analysis; dynamic programming; queuing; simulation.
  • AGEC 7203 Advanced Agricultural Marketing Theory (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7700  or concurrent enrollment. Basic and applied analytical procedures in marketing research emphasizing quantitative methods; firm theory applied to marketing.
  • AGEC 7303 Agricultural Production Economics (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7700  or concurrent enrollment. Production principles applied to use of agricultural resources; analysis and interpretation of research data; theory of the farm firm, including costs, uncertainty and expectations.
  • AGEC 7313 Agricultural Production and Labor Supply (3)

    Labor supply decisions and empirical analysis for agricultural operators and other self-employed and wage-earning households; multiple job holding; resource allocation in productive farm households; human capital formation by households and firms. Implications for household income and welfare; applications to problems in rural areas of developing and developed countries.
  • AGEC 7503 Natural Resource Economics (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7700  or concurrent enrollment. Economic concepts and institutional factors relating to utilization of natural resources; emphasis on conservation, property rights, resource policy, resource valuations.
  • AGEC 7513 Dynamics in Natural Resource Economics (3)

    Dynamic economic concepts in evaluating natural resource problems; economically optimal usage of renewable and non-renewable natural resources.
  • AGEC 7603 Advanced Agricultural Policy (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7700  or concurrent enrollment. Development of agricultural policy; emphasis on objectives, procedures, accomplishments and consequences of policy on agriculture and rural areas.
  • AGEC 7613 International Agricultural Trade (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7700  or concurrent enrollment. International economic trade theory; special reference to trade in agricultural products.
  • AGEC 7623 Rural Development Economics (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7610 . Theoretical concepts in international and domestic rural development; empirical methods used in analysis of economic structure and growth; modeling public policy issues concerning international and domestic rural development.
  • AGEC 7700 Internship in Agribusiness Administration (3)

    Prereq.: prior approval of student’s graduate committee. Pass/fail grading based on a written evaluation by the professional supervisor, a written report by the student and the faculty member’s evaluation. May be taken for a max. of 3 hrs. credit. Open only to agricultural economics master’s students. 300 hrs. of learning experience. General supervision by a faculty member; direct supervision by an agribusiness professional.
  • AGEC 7703 Independent Study (1-3)

    Prereq.: graduate committee approval prior to enrollment. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. when topics vary. Independent study of relevant subject matter areas in agricultural economics.
  • AGEC 7710 Advanced Topics in Agricultural Economics (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit when topics vary. New and specialized topics in agricultural economics.
  • AGEC 7803 Agricultural Economic Applications (3)

    Prereq.: ECON 7700 . Applications of economic theory to issues in agricultural production, consumption of agricultural goods and natural resource management.
  • AGEC 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • AGEC 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


Agricultural, Extension and Adult Education

  • AEA 2001 Foundations of Human Resource Education (3)

    2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Foundation of the economic, sociological and political influences on the historical development of workforce education; organization and delivery of workforce education programs and practices at the secondary and post-secondary levels.
  • AEA 3010 Internship in Cooperative Extension Service (6)

    Su Permission of instructor. Open to selected students completing their junior year who are considering a career with the cooperative extension service. Seven-week period of study, observation and practicum in a parish Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service office plus a 2-week period of classes in extension education.
  • AEA 3101 Instructional/Curriculum Design for Human Resource Education (3)

    Curriculum, course unit and lesson plan development in human resource; selection and evaluation of course materials.
  • AEA 3201 Presentation Methods in Human Resource Education (3)

    Recognized methods of group presentation and individual training.
  • AEA 3603 Classroom Management in Human Resource Education (1)

    Prereq.: concurrent enrollment in AEA 3604  and AEA 3605 . Managing the human resource education classroom; emphasis on student behavior; techniques for preventing, diagnosing and handling student discipline problems.
  • AEA 3604 Human Diversity in Learning in Human Resource Education (1)

    Prereq.: concurrent registration in or credit for AEA 3603  and AEA 3605 . This course strives to better prepare today’s teachers/trainers to achieve their goals of delivering an effective education to diverse students who are living in a complex, interdependent world. Each of the various diversities addressed in this course mediate one another and do not act in isolation, which further complicates an educator’s task, but is nonetheless critical to an understanding of classroom interaction.
  • AEA 3605 Field Experiences in Human Resource Classroom Management (1)

    Prereq.: concurrent registration in or credit for AEA 3603  and AEA 3604 . The purpose of this field experience is to provide direct experiences to increase understanding of learning process and apply skills for facilitating the process. The course provides detailed guides for observing the dynamics of the classroom and community, participating with the classroom teacher and then reflecting on the experience. Motivation, classroom management, and teaching strategies are the focus areas of the experience.
  • AEA 4010 Cooperative Extension Work (3)

    History, objectives, organization, relationships, and teaching processes in cooperative extension.
  • AEA 4011 Communications in Extension Education (3)

    Synthesis and application of concepts and principles of communication in the extension educational program.
  • AEA 4026 Informal Education Programs for Youth (3)

    Organization, leadership and evaluation of informal youth education programs.
  • AEA 4039 Topics in International Development (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. credit when topics vary. Issues related to international development; emphasis on extension and nonformal education programs in third world countries.
  • AEA 4200 Teaching in Human Resource Education Content Areas (3)

    Prereq.: AEA 2001 AEA 3101  and AEA 3201 . Teaching human resource education in the formal classroom; emphasis on content area, selection of materials and planning instruction.
  • AEA 4201 Management of Human Resource Education Laboratory Experiences (3)

    Prereq.: AEA 2001 AEA 3101  and AEA 3201 . Preparation, organization and evaluation of human resource education laboratory experiences.
  • AEA 4504 Youth Leadership Development (3)

    Principles and practices in planning, organizing and conducting youth organization activities.
  • AEA 4601 Workforce Education Learner Assessment (3)

    Assessment of progress of workforce education students in psychomotor, cognitive and affective skills.
  • AEA 4806 Student Teaching in Human Resource Education (9)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. Not for graduate credit. Professional responsibilities including developing instructional plans and materials; delivering instruction in classroom, laboratory, and field environments; organizing and operating instructional laboratories; participating in professional associations; planning and conducting teacher/parent/student organization activities; conducting school observational visits; completing teacher certification requirements.
  • AEA 4807 Teaching Internship in Human Resource Education (6)

    Prereq.: permission of instructor. Professional responsibilities including developing instructional plans and materials; delivering instruction in classroom, laboratory and field environments; organizing and operating instructional laboratories; participating in professional associations; planning and conducting teacher/parent/student organization activities; conducting school observational visits; completing teacher certification requirements.
  • AEA 4819 Special Topics in Agricultural Education (1-3)

    May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. Individual and group study of selected topics under the direction of a faculty member.


  • AGRI 1001 Introduction to Agriculture (1)

    Enrollment in this course is limited to freshmen in the College of Agriculture or by permission of department. Opportunities and educational requirements in all fields of agriculture and careers in agriculture.
  • AGRI 1005 Science and Society (3)

    This is a General Education course. Principles of biology applied in a sociological context; relationships among scientific inquiry, ethics, social values and public policies for the beginning science and nonscience student.
  • AGRI 2001 Special Topics in Agriculture (1-3)

    Prereq.: permission of department. May be repeated for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. credit. Faculty directed agriculture seminar designed to aid students in becoming aware of the issues facing them as they pursue leadership roles in agriculture fields.
  • AGRI 2900 Directed Studies in Agricultural Leadership Development (1-3)

    Prereq.: AGRI 1001  and permission of department. May be repeated for a max. of 3 sem. hrs. credit when topics vary. Faculty directed leadership development practicum in an agricultural-related activity or program intended to integrate academic learning with practice.


  • AGRO 1001 Plants and People (3)

    This is a General Education course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Survey of plant kingdom; anatomy, growth and development of plants; ecosystem structure, sustainable agriculture and animal/plant systems; plant nutrition, food additives, and food safety; plant breeding for improved food and fiber; biotechnology and its role in modern agriculture.
  • AGRO 2011 Analysis of Environmental Issues (3)

    See EMS 2011 .
  • AGRO 2051 Soil Science (4)

    Also offered as EMS 2051 . Prereq.: CHEM 1002  or CHEM 1212  or equivalent. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Principles of soil science; properties of soils related to plant growth and the environment.
  • AGRO 2086 Introduction to Turfgrass Management (3)

    See HORT 2086 .
  • AGRO 3010 Research Problems (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Independent research under a faculty member, culminating in an oral and written report.
  • AGRO 3040 Soil Conservation (2)

    Also offered as EMS 3045 . Prereq.: AGRO 2051 . Causes and effects of soil erosion and sedimentation; their effects on the quality of the environment; methods of reducing erosion and soil environmental pollution.
  • AGRO 3090 Agronomic Internship (3)

    Prereq.: overall GPA of 2.50 and written consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Work experience in crop, soil or environmental quality related areas culminating in acceptable written reports and a seminar presentation.
  • AGRO 4005 Forage Ecology and Management (3)

    Forage crop physiology, adaptation, production, utilization and management; impact on people, animals, and the environment.
  • AGRO 4052 Soil Fertility and Soil Management (4)

    Prereq.: AGRO 2051 . 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Factors affecting plant growth and utilization of essential elements; mechanisms of nutrient uptake; diagnosis of deficiencies; use of lime and fertilizers; potential nutrient losses.
  • AGRO 4055 Chemical Properties of Soil (4)

    Also offered as EMS 4055 . Prereq.: AGRO 2051 . 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Chemical and mineral properties of soil constituents; their effects on major chemical processes in soils involving nutrients cycling and fate of hazardous chemicals within soil environment systems.
  • AGRO 4056 Microbial Ecology and Nutrient Cycling in Soils (4)

    Also offered as BIOL 4256  and EMS 4056 . Prereq.: AGRO 2051  and BIOL 2051 . 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Microorganisms in terrestrial environments and biogenic processes influencing C, N, S and P cycling; role of microorganisms in biological nitrogen fixation, plant nutrient availability, formation of soil humus and decomposition of organic and inorganic materials; impact of microbial processes on environmental quality.
  • AGRO 4058 Soil Morphology and Classification (4)

    2 hrs. lecture; 4 hrs. lab (field and mapping). Genesis, profile morphology, processes related to classification and soil taxonomy; relationships of soil process and classification to environmental quality.
  • AGRO 4064 Principles of Plant Breeding (4)

    Also offered as HORT 4064 . Prereq.: ANSC 2072  or equivalent. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Methods of plant genetic improvement: hybridization, genetic manipulation and variety development; selection for insect, disease and environmental stress resistance; genetic engineering and biotechnology.
  • AGRO 4070 Weed Science and the Environment (3)

    Prereq.: BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1002 , CHEM 1001 , CHEM 1002  or equivalent. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Weed biology and economic importance of weeds in the diverse agriculture of Louisiana; weed management programs, characteristics of important herbicides, mechanisms of herbicidal action, fate of herbicides in the environment and pesticide application, labeling and safety.
  • AGRO 4071 Weed Biology and Ecology (3)

    Prereq.: BIOL 1001 , BIOL 1002 , or equivalent. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Study of general plant ecological principles, reproduction, dormancy, interference, allelopathy, competition, herbicide resistance and the impact of weed control mechanisms on weed and crop communities.
  • AGRO 4077 Environmental Soil Physics (3)

    Also offered as EMS 4077 . Prereq.: AGRO 2051 . The physical soil system; the soil components and their physical interactions; processes involving water flow in saturated and unsaturated soils, air and heat; fate and transport of applied chemicals in the soil profile and processes governing the mobility of contaminants.
  • AGRO 4078 Land Use Planning and Land Management (3)

    Prereq.: AGRO 2051  or consent of instructor. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Land use planning and management based on chemical, mineralogical and physical properties of soils; includes applications of soils, plants, hydrology and remote sensing datasets for advanced GIS analysis. Land use management foci include crops, pasture, urban, disturbed and wetlands.
  • AGRO 4091 Special Topics in Crop Science (1-3)

    Prereq.: written consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit; a total of 6 sem. hrs. may be earned in AGRO 4091 and AGRO 4092  combined.
  • AGRO 4092 Special Topics in Soil Science (1-3)

    Prereq.: written consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. A total of 6 sem. hrs. may be earned in AGRO 4091  and AGRO 4092 combined.
  • AGRO 6011 Topics in Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences for Teachers (3)

    See EMS 6011 .
  • AGRO 7001 Seminar (1)

    May be repeated for credit. Topics of current interest in agronomy, horticulture, soils and the environment.
  • AGRO 7040 Research Methods in Plant Science (3)

    Prereq.: EXST 7005  or equivalent; field research experience. Research activities and methodology used to conduct field research in plant science and pest management disciplines from initial planning through publication of results; areas of emphasis include: research proposal preparation and protocol development; selection of experimental design and implementation of research; data analysis, interpretation and presentation; and manuscript preparation.
  • AGRO 7041 Plant-Herbicide Physiology (3)

    Prereq.: AGRO 4070  or equivalent. 2 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab. Lab project includes several techniques used in plant-herbicide physiology research. Physiological and physical interactions of herbicides with plants; emphasis on the specific mode of action, entry, movement, metabolism and selectivity mechanisms of each chemical family of herbicides.
  • AGRO 7051 Advanced Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition (4)

    Prereq.: AGRO 4052  and BIOL 3060  or equivalent. 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Principles of bioavailability and acquisition of mineral nutrients by crop plants; interactions of plant roots with the soil environment; fertilizer use efficiency.
  • AGRO 7055 Advanced Soil Chemistry (3)

    Prereq.: AGRO 4055 , MATH 1552  and one semester of physical chemistry. Theory of physio-chemical properties of soils; emphasis on soil solution chemistry and soil environmental properties.
  • AGRO 7057 Advanced Soil Physics (4)

    Also offered as EMS 7057 . 3 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Physical properties of the soil matrix, soil-water retention and processes governing water, gas, solute and heat fluxes in the soil profile.
  • AGRO 7058 Advanced Pedology (3)

    Theory and current literature on pedogenic processes responsible for the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties found in soil environments.
  • AGRO 7067 Crop Breeding Practicum (2)

    Prereq.: AGRO 4064  or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 4 hrs. of credit when topics vary; consent of instructor. Application of plant breeding techniques for agronomic and horticultural crops, emphasis on visits to practicing public and commercial programs.
  • AGRO 7071 Advanced Plant Genetics (3)

    See HORT 7071 .
  • AGRO 7073 Current Topics in Plant Breeding and Genetics (1)

    Prereq.: AGRO 4064  or equivalent. May be taken for a max. of 2 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Current discussion on plant breeding topics such as plant breeding theory, applied plant breeding, association mapping for crop improvement, and application of genome sequencing in crop improvement.
  • AGRO 7074 Quantitative Genetics in Plant Improvement (3)

    Also offered as HORT 7074 . Genotypic and environmental values, their effects and interactions, homeostasis, stability; variances, covariances, combining ability, genetic advance, selection indices, molecular markers for quantitative trait loci.
  • AGRO 7080 Applied Plant Genomics (3)

    Prereq.: AGRO 4064  or equivalent. Advances in plant genomics, structure and function of plant genome, genomics tools and their practical application for plant improvement, future prospect of plant genomics.
  • AGRO 7165 Biogeochemistry of Wetland Soils and Sediments (3)

    Same as OCS 7165 .
  • AGRO 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

  • AGRO 8901 Research in Crop Science (3-6)

    Prereq.: consent of department.
  • AGRO 8902 Research in Soil Science (3-6)

    Prereq.: consent of department.
  • AGRO 9000 Dissertation Research (1-12 per sem.)


Animal Science

  • ANSC 1011 Introduction to Animal Science (3)

    Science and production of beef cattle, sheep, swine and horses; their role in American agriculture.
  • ANSC 1048 Introduction to Dairy Science (3)

    Introduction to dairy production and dairy foods technology.
  • ANSC 1049 Introduction to Poultry Science (3)

    Principles and practices of commercial poultry production.
  • ANSC 2001 Animal Unit Internship (1)

    Prereq.: ANSC 1011  and consent of school. 3 hrs. work experience. Pass-fail grading. May be taken for a max. of 5 sem. hrs. of credit, with no more than two credits each in beef, dairy, dairy foods, equine, poultry, sheep, swine and meat areas. Supervised work experience with animal behavior and care and/or animal foods processing.
  • ANSC 2030 Basic Horsemanship (3)

    Prereq.: ANSC 1011  and permission of school; 2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. lab. Laboratory fee. Designed for beginning horsemen who desire training in horsemanship skills and horse care. Students are introduced to proper horse handling and safety, saddling and basic riding skills.
  • ANSC 2040 Techniques of Judging and Evaluating Dairy Cattle (2)

    Development of live animal evaluation techniques in a clinical setting; emphasis on visual evaluation, decision making, oral communication.
  • ANSC 2042 Techniques of Judging and Evaluating Poultry and Poultry Products (2)

    May be taken for a max. of 4 hrs. of credit when topics vary. 4 hrs. lab. Principles and techniques in evaluation of poultry and poultry products.
  • ANSC 2049 Dairy Cattle Production Practices (3)

    Prereq.: ANSC 1048  and permission of school. 2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. lab. Dairy cattle production practices; care, fitting, showing dairy cattle.
  • ANSC 2060 Companion Animal Management (3)

    Care, feeding, breeding, behavior and management of companion animals; emphasis on dogs and cats; opportunities in the pet-related fields and industries.
  • ANSC 2072 Introductory Agricultural Genetics (3)

    Prereq.: BIOL 1002  or equivalent. Introduction to classical and modern genetic methodology used in agriculture including Mendelian principles, successful breeding techniques, assisted reproductive technology, genetic engineering and other biotechnological methods.
  • ANSC 2075 Milk and Dairy Foods (3)

    Product processing techniques and related principles involved in market preparation of milk and dairy foods; emphasis on consumer and processor viewpoints relative to product composition, processing, marketing, sanitation and related environmental aspects.
  • ANSC 2085 Milk Quality Control Laboratory (2)

    Prereq.: permission of department. 4 hrs. lab. Public Health Service laboratory and inspection procedures for quality control on dairy farms and in milk plants.
  • ANSC 2093 Dairy Products Judging (2)

    Development of sensory evaluation techniques in a clinical setting; emphasis on sensory evaluation, decision-making, oral communication.
  • ANSC 2133 Growth and Development of Livestock (3)

    2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Cell, tissue and body growth, development and composition; patterns of tissue deposition in livestock; control and modification of normal and abnormal growth; evaluation and measurement of composition of beef, sheep, swine and horses.
  • ANSC 3010 Applied Animal Feed Formulation (3)

    Prereq.: ANSC 1011  or ANSC 1048  or ANSC 1049  and MATH 1021  or equivalent. Formulation of feed for agricultural animals, including feed laws, feed stuffs and requirements.
  • ANSC 3030 Advanced Horsemanship (3)

    Prereq.: ANSC 2030  and permission of school. Laboratory fee. 2hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Designed for students who desire to learn about equitation and training techniques for horses and riders and have completed ANSC 2030 . The course will focus on physiology of movement and locomotion patterns of the horse and how they affect various equitation disciplines.
  • ANSC 3033 Elements of Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation (3)

    1 hr. lecture; 4 hrs. lab. Basic principles and techniques involved in evaluation of meat animals and their carcasses.
  • ANSC 3034 Advanced Live Animal and Carcass Evaluation (3)

    Prereq.: ANSC 3033 . 1 hr. lecture; 4 hrs. lab.
  • ANSC 3050 Animal Science Internship (3)

    Prereq.: junior standing with an overall GPA of 2.20 and permission of school. May be taken for a max. of 6 hrs. of credit. 120 hours of supervised work experience in the animal industry per credit hour.

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