Sep 25, 2024  
2013-2014 General Catalog 
2013-2014 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Search

The following is a listing of all courses of instruction offered by departments at LSU. This listing was up-to-date and as correct as possible at the time of publication of this catalog.

Since this catalog was prepared well in advance of its effective date, some courses may have been added, others may have been dropped, and/or changes in content may have been made.



  • ANTH 7766 Readings in the Caribbean and Louisiana (3)

    Seminar on the theoretical interpretation of Caribbean and Louisiana cultures.
  • ANTH 7901 Introduction to Graduate Study (1)

    Same as GEOG 7901 . Techniques and methods of the profession for incoming graduate students.
  • ANTH 7906 Nature of Culture (3)

  • ANTH 7909 Selected Topics in Anthropology (3)

    Also offered as LING 7909 . Prereq.: permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary.
  • ANTH 7936 Advanced Qualitative Research in Geography and Anthropology (3)

    Also offered as GEOG 7936 .
  • ANTH 7954 Anthropology of Complex Societies (3)

    Anthropological assumptions of theory and technique; problems generated by applying these assumptions to contemporary Africa, India, Latin America and Anglo-America.
  • ANTH 7962 Field Methods in Linguistics (3)

    Also offered as LING 7962 . Prereq.: at least one upper-division or graduate linguistics course. 2 hrs. lecture; 1 hr. individual consultation. Recording and analyzing a living non-European language and using a native-speaking informant.
  • ANTH 7999 Research in Anthropology (1-6)

    Also offered as LING 7999 . Prereq.: written consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Total credit earned in ANTH 4998  and ANTH 7999 cannot exceed 9 sem. hrs. Individual supervision of advanced research and field work in anthropology.
  • ANTH 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

    “S”/”U”grading. Permission of instructor.


  • ARAB 1101 Beginning Arabic (4)

    [LCCN: CARB 1014, Elementary Arabic I] This is a General Education course. Native speakers of Arabic will not receive credit for this course. Supplementary work in language laboratory. Introduction to alphabet, vocabulary and grammar; elementary language study with oral, written and reading practice.
  • ARAB 1102 Beginning Arabic (4)

    [LCCN: CARB 1024, Elementary Arabic II] This is a General Education course. Prereq.: ARAB 1101  or equivalent. Native speakers of Arabic will not receive credit for this course. Supplementary work in language laboratory. Continuation of ARAB 1101 . Elementary language study with oral, written and reading practice.
  • ARAB 2001 Arabic Culture (3)

    Taught in English; knowledge of Arabic not required. Introduction to Arabic history and the varieties in Arabic Culture.
  • ARAB 2080 Arabic Conversation (3)

    Prereq.: ARAB 1102 . Intensive oral drills, supplemented with exercises in grammar and vocabulary.
  • ARAB 2101 Intermediate Arabic (4)

    This is a General Education course. Prereq.: ARAB 1102 . Native speakers of Arabic will not receive credit for this course. Continuation of the study of Arabic. Supplementary work in language laboratory. Development of writing, reading, and speaking skills.
  • ARAB 2102 Intermediate Arabic (4)

    This is a General Education course. Prereq.: ARAB 2101 . Native speakers of Arabic will not receive credit for this course. Continuation of the study of Arabic. Supplementary work in language laboratory. Development of writing, reading and speaking skills.
  • ARAB 3101 Advanced Arabic I (3)

    Prereq.: ARAB 2102  or equivalent. Introduces authentic classical and modern Arabic texts; continuing development of reading, writing, speaking and listening.
  • ARAB 3102 Advanced Arabic II (3)

    Prereq.: ARAB 3101  or equivalent. Introduces authentic classical and modern Arabic texts, especially poetry; continuing development of reading, writing, speaking and listening.


  • ARCH 1001 Architectural Design I (6)

    Prereq.: permission of department. 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on two-dimensional representation of three-dimensional forms; development of basic skills in architectural design drawing and modeling.
  • ARCH 1002 Architectural Design II (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 1102  is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 1001 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 1102 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the organization of spaces, form and process, and development of skills in architectural design drawing and modeling.
  • ARCH 1102 Honors: Architectural Design II (6)

    Same as ARCH 1002 , with special emphasis for qualified Honor students. Prereq.: ARCH 1001 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 1002 . 12 hrs. studio.
  • ARCH 2001 Architectural Design III (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 2101  is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 1002  or ARCH 1102 ; Coreq.: ARCH 2003 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 2101 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on abstract and theoretical organizational concepts; space, form, function and resolution of materials and structural systems.
  • ARCH 2002 Architectural Design IV (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 2102  is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 2001  or ARCH 2101 ; Coreq.: ARCH 2006 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 2102 . Required field trip. Students are responsible for paying travel expenses associated with the course. 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on process, materials theory, site inventory and analysis and impact of regionalism.
  • ARCH 2003 Architectural Techniques (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 1002 ; Coreq.: ARCH 2001 . Exploration of drawing, modeling and digital applications to the design process; specific techniques will vary based on projects assigned in ARCH 2001 .
  • ARCH 2006 Architectural Topics (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 2003 ; Coreq.: ARCH 2002 . Use of case studies to contrast the meanings of buildings designed in urban or rural environments.
  • ARCH 2101 Honors: Architectural Design III (6)

    Same as ARCH 2001 , with special emphasis for qualified Honor students. Prereq.: ARCH 1002  or ARCH 1102 ; Coreq.: ARCH 2003 ; Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 2001 . 12 hrs. studio.
  • ARCH 2102 Honors: Architectural Design IV (6)

    Same as ARCH 2002 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ARCH 2001  or ARCH 2101 ; Coreq.: ARCH 2006 . Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2002. 12 hrs. studio.
  • ARCH 2401 Appreciation of Architecture (3)

    This is a General Education course. Architectural concepts and principles; architectural vocabulary, style, symbolic form characteristics, spatial character and refinements.
  • ARCH 3000 Supervised Independent Study and Research (1-3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit with consent of school director. Investigation of areas of interest not covered in other departmental courses.
  • ARCH 3001 Architectural Design V (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 3101 , is also available. Prereq.: approval for advancement to upper division in architecture. Required field trip. Students are responsible for paying travel expenses associated with the course. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 3101 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on programming, site analysis and planning, functional planning and resolution of structural and architectural systems.
  • ARCH 3002 Architectural Design VI (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 3102  is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 3001  or ARCH 3101 , ARCH 3007 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 3102 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on planning buildings while incorporating studies in the technologies of materials, structure, environmental controls, lighting and acoustics.
  • ARCH 3003 Architectural Structures I (3)

    Prereq.: approval for advancement to upper division in architecture. Building structural mechanics, statics, strength of materials and theories of structures.
  • ARCH 3004 Architectural Structures II (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3003 . Design and application of timber and steel structures in architecture.
  • ARCH 3005 History of Architecture I (3)

    The development of architectural and spatial forms as they relate to changing perceptions of self, society and the natural world. From prehistory to the 13th century.
  • ARCH 3006 History of Architecture II (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3005 . The development of architectural and spatial forms as they relate to changing perceptions of self, society and the natural world from the Italian Renaissance through modern times.
  • ARCH 3007 Architectural Systems (3)

    Prereq.: approval for advancement to upper division in architecture. Detailed treatment of construction materials and systems, with emphasis on large scale application of enclosure systems and steel and concrete structures.
  • ARCH 3008 Environmental Control Systems (3)

    Prereq.: approval for advancement to upper division in architecture. Principles and practices of selection and design of mechanical systems, including lighting, electrical distributions, acoustics, plumbing, vertical transportation and fire suppression.
  • ARCH 3101 Honors: Architectural Design V (6)

    Same as ARCH 3001 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: approval for advancement to upper division in architecture. Required field trip. Students are responsible for paying travel expenses associated with the course. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 3001 . 12 hrs. studio.
  • ARCH 3102 Honors: Architectural Design VI (6)

    Same as ARCH 3002 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ARCH 3001  or ARCH 3101 , ARCH 3007 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 3002 . 12 hrs. studio.
  • ARCH 4001 Architectural Design VII (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 4101  is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 3002  or ARCH 3102 . Service-learning course. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 4101 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the advancement of sustainable communities through analysis, building design and the study of socially responsible approaches to development and building practice.
  • ARCH 4002 Architectural Design VIII (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 4102 , is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 4001  or ARCH 4101  or permission of department. Required field trip. Students are responsible for paying travel expenses associated with the course. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 4102  or ARCH 4202 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the design of single or multiple buildings in urban environments.
  • ARCH 4007 History of Architecture III (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3006 . Majors only or by permission of department. Development of architectural and spatial forms as they relate to changing perceptions of self, society and the natural world in the 20th century.
  • ARCH 4031 Architectural Structures III (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3003 . Design and application of concrete structures in architecture.
  • ARCH 4032 Advanced Architectural Technology (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3008 . Seminar relating to topics of architectural technologies including, but not limited to building structures, environmental concerns, electronic transfer of information.
  • ARCH 4041 Issues in Sustainability (3)

    Examination of issues in sustainability as they relate to the practice of architecture.
  • ARCH 4051 Advanced 20th Century Architectural History (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3005 , ARCH 3006 . Topics in 20th century architectural history and theory; writing component.
  • ARCH 4052 Advanced Architectural History (3)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3005 , ARCH 3006 . Topics on architectural history and theory.
  • ARCH 4062 Urban Design and Planning (3)

    Fundamentals of urban morphology in relation to historical, social, political and economic systems.
  • ARCH 4072 Community Design Studies (3)

    Study of community design and community-based practice with emphasis on contemporary participatory action research and techniques.
  • ARCH 4090 Restoration Studies (3)

    Theory and methodology of architectural restoration; tools and techniques of restoration.
  • ARCH 4101 Honors: Architectural Design VII (6)

    Same as ARCH 4001 , with special emphasis for qualified Honor students. Prereq.: ARCH 3002  or ARCH 3102 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 4001 . 12 hrs. studio. Theory and methodology of architectural restoration; tools and techniques of restoration.
  • ARCH 4102 Honors: Architectural Design VIII (6)

    Same as ARCH 4002 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ARCH 4001  or ARCH 4101  or permission of department. Required field trip. Students are responsible for paying travel expenses associated with the course. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 4002  or ARCH 4202 . 12 hrs. studio.
  • ARCH 4155 Recording Historic Structures (3)

    Prereq.: permission of department. 1 hr. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Hands-on field and laboratory experience in current methods of documenting historic buildings, including hand methods, photography and photogrammetry.
  • ARCH 4202 Architectural Design VIII Off-Campus (6)

    For off-campus study only. Permission of department required. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 4002  or ARCH 4102 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the design of single or multiple buildings in an urban setting.
  • ARCH 4221 Selected Topics in Architecture (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 12 hrs. of credit with school approval. Studies in various subjects related to architecture.
  • ARCH 4353 Principles and Practices of Land Development (3)

    Environmental, physical and financial aspects of land development.
  • ARCH 4440 Vernacular Architecture and Material Culture (3)

    See ANTH 4440 .
  • ARCH 4441 Aesthetics of Architecture (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. Development of aesthetic theory through architectural literature.
  • ARCH 4700 Research Methods (3)

    Major research methods in architecture; hypothesis formulation and testing, data gathering and analysis.
  • ARCH 4993 Advanced Computer Aided Architectural Graphics (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor. The development and application of advanced computer-based architectural design and communication skills.
  • ARCH 5001 Comprehensive Architectural Design (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 5101 , is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 4002  or ARCH 4102  or ARCH 4202 ; Coreq.: ARCH 5005 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 5101 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the comprehensive design of a single building integrating material selection, mechanical, acoustical, structural, lighting and two- and three-dimensional studies.
  • ARCH 5002 Architectural Design Concentration (6)

    An honors course, ARCH 5102 , is also available. Prereq.: ARCH 4002  or ARCH 4102  or ARCH 4202 . Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 5102  or ARCH 5202 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on architectural problems developed around faculty expertise and emerging opportunities in the profession.
  • ARCH 5003 Advanced Architectural Topics (3)

    Seminar relating to various topics in architecture; writing component.
  • ARCH 5004 Concentration Seminar (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Various topics relating to architectural issues.
  • ARCH 5006 Professional Practice (3)

    Exploration and analysis of project acquisition, contract negotiations, governmental regulations, personnel, office management and the architect’s societal role.
  • ARCH 5008 Community Design Practicum (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 3002  or ARCH 3102 , LA 3002  or permission of department. Minimum 280 hours of supervised experience. Supervised learning experience in the Office of Community Design and Development or approved off-campus site with emphasis on pre-professional services for community-based projects.
  • ARCH 5101 Honors: Comprehensive Architectural Design (6)

    Same as ARCH 5001 , with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ARCH 4002  or ARCH 4102  or ARCH 4202 ; Coreq.: ARCH 5005 . 12 hrs. studio. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 5001  .
  • ARCH 5202 Architectural Design Concentration Off-Campus (6)

    May be taken for a max. of 12 sem. hrs. of credit when topics vary. For off-campus study only. Credit will not be given for this course and ARCH 5002  or ARCH 5102 . Permission of department required. 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on architectural problems developed around faculty expertise and emerging opportunities in the profession.
  • ARCH 7001 Graduate Design Studio I (6)

    12 hrs. studio. The use of space and form in relation to concept in the exploration of basic architectural elements.
  • ARCH 7002 Graduate Design Studio II (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7001 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the design of buildings in a variety of physical settings.
  • ARCH 7003 Graduate Design Studio III (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7002 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on architectural programming and the design of buildings incorporating technologies of materials and various architectural systems.
  • ARCH 7004 Graduate Design Studio IV (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7003 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the design of buildings incorporating technologies of environmental systems.
  • ARCH 7005 Graduate Design Studio V (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7004 . 12 hrs. studio. Introduction to contextual building design in an urban setting with emphasis on site and context analysis and community planning in a collaborative working environment.
  • ARCH 7006 Graduate Design Studio VI (6)

    Prereq.: ARCH 7005 . Coreq.: ARCH 5005 . Credit will not be given for both this course and ARCH 8000 . 12 hrs. studio. Emphasis on the synthesis of all issues addressed in previous studios in the comprehensive design of buildings.
  • ARCH 7600 Seminar in Architecture (3)

    May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit when topics vary. Selected topics in architecture.
  • ARCH 7900 Architectural Studies/Research (3)

    Prereq.: written consent of School of Architecture Graduate Committee. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Selected readings and/or research under the supervision of graduate faculty.
  • ARCH 8000 Thesis Research (1-12 per sem.)

    ”S”/”U”grading. Credit will not be given for both this course and ARCH 7006 .

Art: Ceramics

  • ART 1661 Introduction to Ceramics: Handbuilding (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1009  or ART 1012  or consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Exploration of hand-building techniques, surface applications and kiln firing.
  • ART 1662 Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel Throwing (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1009  or ART 1012  or consent of instructor. 6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Problems in ceramic forming techniques, mixing of clays and glazes and kiln firing.
  • ART 2655 Basic Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3)

    6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Piercing, construction, cold connection, soldering, forming, and stone setting; studio problems in bronze, copper, and sterling silver.
  • ART 2656 Intermediate Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3,6)

    Prereq.: ART 2655  or consent of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6, 12 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Intermediate studio work in jewelry/metalsmithing involving model making and the casting processes.
  • ART 2661 Intermediate Ceramics (3)

    An honors course, ART 2662  is also available. Prereq.: ART 1661  or ART 1662  and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2662 . 6 hrs. studio. Studio techniques and issues in ceramics; continued investigation of hand-building and wheel-throwing.
  • ART 2662 Honors: Intermediate Ceramics (3)

    Same as ART 2661  with special emphasis for qualified Honors students. Prereq.: ART 1661  or ART 1662  and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Credit will not be given for this course and ART 2661. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio.
  • ART 4641 Special Studies in Ceramics (3)

    Prereq.: ART 1661  or ART 1662  or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. of studio. Advanced studio work in predetermined area of specialization with emphasis on formulation of clay bodies, glazes and practice of kiln operation, building and maintenance.
  • ART 4651 Special Studies in Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3,6)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 15 hrs. of credit.
    Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6, 12 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Studio work in predetermined area of specialization with emphasis on a single technique, material or aesthetic research in art jewelry and metalsmithing.
  • ART 4655 Advanced Jewelry/Metalsmithing (3,6)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor based on review of student’s portfolio. May be taken for a max. of 15 hrs. of credit. Registration for all multiple-credit courses taken for over three credits in a given semester will require the prior permission of the instructor. 6, 12 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Advanced studio work in one specific process such as: forging, forming, reproduction processes, advanced construction techniques, CAD/CAM, mechanisms, clasps, chain construction. Emphasis on historical and contemporary aesthetic in art jewelry and metalsmithing.
  • ART 4661 Advanced Ceramics (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2661  or permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 9 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Studio problems in ceramics.
  • ART 4691 Senior Project (3)

    Prereq.: 12 sem. hrs. of credit in ART 4641  or ART 4651  or ART 4661  or ART 4761 . This course is not offered during the summer term. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Proposal and execution of a ceramics project under the direction of a major professor during the final semester of the senior year.
  • ART 7600 Graduate Ceramics (3,6)

    May be taken for a max. of 36 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 or 12 hrs. studio each.

Art: Digital Art

  • ART 2050 Digital Art I (3)

    Prereq.: majors/minors only, ART 1008  or ART 1011 . 2 hrs. lecture/2 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Introduction to digital applications in art.
  • ART 2055 Digital Art II (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  or permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Introductory work in digital animation and multimedia applications.
  • ART 2210 Creative Coding (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. An introduction to computer programming for creative applications focusing on languages useful for web development.
  • ART 2220 Moving Image (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to digital video production and editing systems; concepts will include basic compositing and motion graphics.
  • ART 2230 Virtual Space (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2050  and permission of instructor. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Introduction to modeling and animation using three-dimensional objects and spaces in a virtual environment.
  • ART 2551 Typography for Visual Communications (3)

    Prereq.: consent of instructor and ART 1011 . Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 2 hrs. lecture; 2 hrs. lab. Historical overview of type and letter forms; introduction to professional typography in print and digital environments; primary focus will be applications to contemporary communications.
  • ART 4050 Digital Art III (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2055  or equivalent. Primarily for students majoring in art. 6 hrs. studio. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. Intermediate work in digital animation.
  • ART 4055 Digital Art IV (3)

    Prereq.: ART 4050  or equivalent. Primarily for students majoring in art. 6 hrs. studio. Advanced work in digital imaging, video and animation.
  • ART 4059 Digital Media Capstone (3)

    Prereq.: at least 15 hours credit towards the Digital Media-Arts minor. Credit will not be given for both EE 4859  and ART 4059. 2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. lab. Culminating capstone project experience requiring interdisciplinary teams to prototype a digital media work or application.
  • ART 4220 Advanced Moving Image (3)

    Prereq.: ART 2220 , ART 2230  and permission of instructor. May be taken for a max. of 6 sem. hrs. of credit. Students are responsible for studio fee associated with course. 6 hrs. studio. Exploration of advanced topics in video through workshops, screenings, and selected readings on time based media; topics will also include intermediate compositing and motion graphics.

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