SEMESTER 1: “C” or better in ENGL 1001; MATH 1029/MATH 1021; 2.0 Cumulative and LSU GPA. SEMESTER 2: “C” or better in MATH 1021/MATH 1029; 2.0 Cumulative and LSU GPA. SEMESTER 3: “C” or better in MATH 1201; EDCI 2081; 2.3 Cumulative and LSU GPA. SEMESTER 4: “C” or better in ENGL 2000 and MATH 1202; 2.5 Cumulative and LSU GPA; Admission to the College. SEMESTER 5: “C” or better in ELRC 2507; 2.5 Cumulative and LSU GPA. SEMESTER 6: “C” or better in EDCI 3057 and EDCI 3058.
STUDENT TEACHING. Application for student teaching must be made to the Office of Student Services no later than three weeks following the first day of school in the semester prior to student teaching. Late applicants cannot be guaranteed consideration. Students are expected to take the PRAXIS II assessments during the last semester prior to student teaching.
1 - General Education Humanities: ENGL Literature course.
3 - 2.5 LSU/Cumulative GPA and passing scores on Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (PRAXIS CORE) or an official ACT/SAT composite of 22/1030 are required for enrollment in 3000+ level EDCI courses.