It is possible to complete the MLIS degree by taking traditional face-to-face classes on the LSU campus, or by taking online courses, or by taking some courses in each format. All courses and degree requirements are the same regardless of the delivery format. Students do not have to specify that they will be online students when they apply.
There are three specializations available in the MLIS program: Archives Specialization, Libraries Specialization, and Information Management Specialization. Regardless of the specialization completed, all students will receive the MLIS degree. The total number of credit hours (40) and total number of required course credits (22) remain the same for all specializations. There is a common core of 13 required course credits for all specializations: LIS 7004 Principles of Management for Librarians and Information Specialists (3) ; LIS 7008 Information Technologies (3) ; LIS 7011 Information Needs Analysis (3) ; LIS 7013 Evaluation of Information Systems (3) ; and LIS 7901 Issues in Library and Information Science (1) . Elective courses support individual student plans for careers in Archivist, Cataloger, Corporate Information Specialist, Digital Curator, Government Librarian, Health Sciences Librarian, Information Literacy Librarian, Information Manager/Consultant, Information Systems Analyst, Knowledge Manager/Strategist, Library Administrator, Manuscripts Curator, Preservation Specialist, Reference Librarian, School Library Media Specialist, Special Collections Librarian, Website Designer/Manager and Youth Services Librarian.
The MLIS is a non-thesis degree requiring a written comprehensive examination. Although not required, a thesis may be submitted in partial fulfillment of requirements for the MLIS. Maximum credit allowed for the thesis is nine credit hours.
The departmental-level academic course plan for each student will be developed in consultation with and approved by the student’s graduate advisory committee. The committee will include the student’s major advisor and two additional members of the graduate faculty such that the LSU Graduate School’s requirements for graduate committees are satisfied.