To graduate with a minor in personal investing, students must complete 15 hours consisting of the following courses: FIN 1060; FIN 2060; FIN 3715 or FIN 3716; three hours chosen from: FIN 3351, FIN 3352, FIN 3353 or a departmentally approved real estate elective; three hours chosen from FIN 3440, FIN 3441, FIN 3442, FIN 3460 or a departmentally approved insurance elective; three hours chosen from FIN 3632, FIN 3636, FIN 3718 or a departmentally approved institutions elective; and FIN 4060 (1 hr. capstone). All courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. At least nine semester hours must be taken on this campus. This minor is not available to finance majors.