Jan 18, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computer Science & Engineering (Graduate Program)


For information regarding the UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM, click here.   

Program Overview

The Division of Computer Science and Engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science offers the research-oriented Master of Science in Computer Science and the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science. It provides training to prepare talented students for research careers in universities or industrial laboratories, as well as work as computing practitioners in industry. There is a strong and continuing demand for computer scientists to work at the frontiers of knowledge in both theoretical and applied specialties. The curriculum provides for graduate study in several areas of computer science, including algorithms and theory, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, software engineering, knowledge discovery and data mining, database management, big data, operating systems, networks, cybersecurity, high performance computing, cloud and distributed computing, scientific computation and visualization, computer graphics and vision, programming languages and compilers, and robotics.


Bijaya B Karki, Chair  
Gerald Baumgartner, Graduate Advisor  
TELEPHONE 225-578-1252
FAX 225-578-1465
WEBSITE https://www.lsu.edu/eng/cse


Applications and supporting materials for all graduate study must be submitted through the online application site for the LSU Graduate School. Official transcripts, official test scores, and other materials that come from third-party sources must be mailed to: LSU Office of Graduate Admissions, 114 West David Boyd Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. These paper documents are stored electronically and departments have access to all materials submitted by and/or on behalf of a student applying to graduate study.

Applications for admission are received and evaluated by the division. Applicants must adhere to the application deadlines established by the Graduate School. Note that the Computer Science and Engineering Division’s priority deadlines are earlier: for fall admission, the application deadline is January 15, and for spring admission, the application deadline is October 1.

Students seeking admission must submit satisfactory credentials from previous study, acceptable GRE scores, two letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose. International students whose native language is not English must also submit an acceptable TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE score.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available to some students. Support may be available through the student’s home department or other units in the form of research or teaching or graduate assistantships. To ensure consideration for financial aid, all application materials should be submitted in accordance with deadlines established by the LSU Graduate School. Students who have been admitted to the Computer Science and Engineering Division will automatically be considered for financial assistance by the division. No additional application form is required for consideration for financial aid. The division’s financial aid application deadlines are thus the same as the admission deadlines.

Graduate Faculty

(check current faculty listings by department here)

Gerald Baumgartner (M) • Programming languages, compiler optimization, software engineering tools, embedded systems
Steven Brandt (3F)[3F]  • High performance computing, scientific computing, multicore system
Doris L. Carver (M) • Software engineering, requirements engineering and traceability, software reusability, load testing
Feng Chen (M) Operating systems, storage systems, data management in cloud and large-scale distributed storage systems
Jianhua Chen (M) • Artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, knowledge representation
Hartmut Kaiser (3F) • High performance computing, parallel-X execution model, programming methods
Bijaya B. Karki (M) • Scientific computing, visualization, materials simulations
Sukhamay Kundu (M) • Software design and modeling, algorithms, graph theory
Kisung Lee (M) • Big data management and analytics, distributed computing systems, smart cities, bioinformatics
Anas Mahmoud (M) • Software engineering, requirement engineering, code analysis, mobile apps
Supratik Mukhopadhyay (M) • Logic and automated reasoning, video analytics, computer vision and image processing, artificial intelligence
Seung-Jong Park (M) • Computer networks, high speed networks, cyberinfrastructure, computational biology, big data
Golden Richard III (M) • Reverse engineering, malware analysis, cybersecurity, information assurance, digital forensics
Rahul Shah (M) • Algorithms, data structures, data science
Mingxuan Sun (M) • Machine learning, data analytics, informational retrieval, applications
Evangelos Triantaphyllou (M) • Data mining and knowledge discovery, multicriteria decision making, discrete optimization, operational research
Chen Wang (6A) • Cyber security and privacy, mobile sensing and computing, smart health care, Internet of Things, machine learning, wireless communications
Hao Wang (6A) • Large-scale data analytics, machine learning systems, distributed computing, cloud computing, datacenter networking
Qingyang Wang (M) • Distributed systems and cloud computing, large-scale web applications
Andrew Webb (6A) • Human-computer interaction, creativity, interactive media, and information visualization
Jinwei Ye (6A) • Computer vision, computational photography, computer graphics
Jian Zhang (M) • Machine learning, deep learning, applications


    Graduate CertificateMaster of ScienceDoctor of Philosophy